September 2022: Tarot Pick a Card
Are you ready for the month of September? I’m pretty excited since I turn thirty-two on the ninth. But whatever is coming your way this month, this psychic tarot pick a card will help you prepare for it!
All you have to do is select one of the piles of cards above that sticks out to you the most. Which Korean hanbok inspires your intuition?
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Cat Tarot and the Wisdom of the Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to peer into your future for September of 2022.
Pile 1: Purple Hanbok
![Cards from the Wisdom of the Oracle and Cat Tarot decks](
You have a really interesting and impactful month heading your way. The first card is Come to the Edge. At first glance, this card seems pretty negative, but the rose petals and romantic colors suggest that you’re going to come to a precipice… but this challenge will benefit you, not hurt you.
The next theme card is Thinker. The particular challenge you’ll be facing is either intellectual or you’ll use your mind to overcome it. Be aware that there’s a difference between spirituality and rationality. Here, you’re being called to rely on your wits instead of your intuition. Make sure there’s evidence to back up your ultimate decisions. Be objective.
That’s not to say spirituality can’t serve as a foundation or a support. Your last theme card, Regeneration, indicates that something old in your life is going to fade away and be rejuvenated. In that sense, I see this rational approach to your life serving as an initiation into a better, more holistic life experience – and that ultimately includes your spirituality too.
Week 1: September 1st to September 4th
Your month begins with the Five of Wands, Reversed card. This is a cessation of hostilities. But in this deck, I have an additional meaning here: see how the cats are focusing on so many different things at once? It can be overwhelming.
You’re going to use your head to clear out the mental clutter. You won’t be fighting against mounds of data and know exactly what you need to focus on most.
Week 2: September 5th to September 11th
The next week we have the Ace of Swords. This is when you start taking control of your life and your decisions. Be aware that the decisions you make will be rudimentary, so be prepared to make adjustments after a temporary setback.
That said, you’ll likely see some proof that what you’re doing is on the right path.
Week 3: September 12th to September 18th
Mid-month we have the Three of Wands. I see a lot of focus in your spread, so it’s not a surprise that you’re going to take this focus and start exploring all the ways your new decision can be applied to your life. Think about a model or framework that you start exploring in different ways.
This is likely to be an exciting week since you’ll be introducing some new things into your life as you become more comfortable with your decision-making. This is really when you’re going to start feeling the emotional effect of your life regeneration.
Week 4: September 19th to September 25th
Your next card is the Nine of Cups. This is a beautiful card to have in your spread because it’s a card of wish fulfillment. This is likely to be the point in your month where you get the strongest confirmation that you’re on the right track. Something that you’ve always wanted will either come true or will be on the way.
Week 5: September 26th to September 30th
All good things must come to an end. The last card is The Magician, Reversed. Your ability to manifest according to your decision-making will suffer a little bit here, but I think that’s because you’ve reached the current scope of your rejuvenation. Go back and keep working on what you succeeded at so you can perfect what you have before moving on.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Pink Hanbok
![Cards from the Wisdom of the Oracle and Cat Tarot decks](
I find your spread interesting because the week-by-week forecast is challenging, but your theme cards are quite positive. I take that to mean you’re able to see the whole picture of what’s happening to you.
Your first card is Never-Ending Story. Whatever is happening this month, the most important thing you need to be aware of is that it’s part of something bigger. You’re either in the midst of some personal project or something is unfolding in the background of your life. The effects of whatever this is won’t end this month but will continue – perhaps for the rest of your life.
Fortunately, this seems to be a positive narrative. Your next card, Yin, shows a lot of feminine and creative energy. I think you’re either in the midst of a creative project or lifestyle or you’re manifesting something important to you. For some, this may also be about your family or home.
The last theme card is Happy, Happy. This is a very blissful card and I think it’s an acknowledgment by the universe that whatever negative things you may experience this month, you’ll still be able to experience good times. Allow yourself to be childlike and free from responsibilities wherever you can fit that in.
Week 1: September 1st to September 4th
Your month begins with the Seven of Pentacles, Reversed card. I sense that either an investment of your time or money didn’t go well. Alternatively, this may be a sign that you should take a step back from focusing on your plans and choosing to live in the moment instead.
You may be going through something right now or are a little stressed. Choose to have some fun and relax. I think you need and deserve it.
Week 2: September 5th to September 11th
The second week is the Four of Swords. This card means rest and I see it as a continuation of the last week. You need time for self-care right now and you shouldn’t ignore it, especially because the third week is likely to be very challenging for you.
Week 3: September 12th to September 18th
The next week is the Five of Swords. While I hope this is an indication that you’re going to have a personal victory, I can’t help but feel like most of you will have a personal loss. Regardless, you’re going to need to prepare for some kind of battle.
After the battle, win or lose, you’re going to need some time to decompress. Otherwise, you may find yourself a bit bitter over having to fight in the first place. You need recovery time.
Week 4: September 19th to September 25th
Towards the end of the month, we have the Ten of Swords. This is a card of ruin and feeling like you’ve been stabbed in the back. I see the cat here feeling like a prisoner of circumstances. As you see from the last few cards, you’re likely in for some challenges.
But this card is also a sign that the only way to go is up. The cat in this card may be locked inside the home, but it’s likely a very pleasant place to be. See what you do have or can obtain despite your challenges. Happiness may be closer than you think.
Week 5: September 26th to September 30th
Your month ends with the Eight of Pentacles, Reversed. You need to not be so perfectionistic this week. Perhaps because of your challenges or it’s a reminder to let go and just enjoy life.
Sometimes, working too hard doesn’t get you anywhere you want to go. Remember your theme cards: life is a journey. This month isn’t the destination. Take a happy detour.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Green Hanbok
![Cards from the Wisdom of the Oracle and Cat Tarot decks](
I sense that this will be a period of transition for you this month. Your first card, Here and Now, suggests the importance of being present in the moment. The clouds in the background seem a little turbulent, so being mindful will help you pay attention to what matters most.
Your second card, Between Worlds, indicates you’re going to move from a challenging period to something more peaceful. The challenges you’re facing may be major or minor, but they’re certainly annoying and you’re ready for a change.
The third theme card, All That Glitters, serves as a reminder from the universe that you could be easily fooled this month. There’s going to be something coming your way that will seem too good to be true – and it is. Perhaps some aspect of it has a hidden shadow or it’s altogether a bad idea.
Either way, enjoy the happy change that comes to you, but be observant so you aren’t led astray.
Week 1: September 1st to September 4th
Your month starts with The Empress. I like seeing this card considering you’re going to have a difficult month. It means something positive is bound to happen right away.
That said, the crown the cat wears here suggests that the glittery stars may be more problematic than you realize. What seems like a good thing on the surface may give birth to something that could be a hindrance. Be watchful. It’s possible you could avoid the challenges of this month altogether if you’re lucky.
Week 2: September 5th to September 11th
Your next week is marked by the Nine of Wands, Reversed. This is a complex card because it can either indicate avoiding a major problem or losing allies. I can’t sense for certain which one it is, so it may be different for everyone who chooses this pile depending on how you respond in the first week. Either way, know that you’re about to transition into trying times over the next few weeks.
Have patience with yourself.
Week 3: September 12th to September 18th
The middle of the month is The Emperor, Reversed. Here is when I think you’ll lose some control of your life. This is likely when the glittery thing I mentioned before truly shows itself and it causes you frustration.
Do what you can to stay organized. Show kindness and love to yourself. It’ll make handling this situation a lot more bearable and less oppressive.
Week 4: September 19th to September 25th
Only in a cat tarot deck would The Devil card be a delightful golden retriever. I thought about the symbolism here a lot, so I’m interpreting the challenge and transition you’re facing as a necessary one. The challenges you face may help you to see how things really are.
A cat may find that a golden retriever is playful, but it’s still a dog. Make sure you keep your eyes open.
Week 5: September 26th to September 30th
Fortunately, your month ends on the King of Cups. That means you’re going to have emotional mastery or improved social relationships. Things are just going to feel a lot better and more secure.
This is a water card, which has a connection to clarity. The clear waters of the Between Worlds theme card are manifesting now. Appreciate the growth you experienced and any lessons you may have learned.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.