Personal Growth Needs — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on lessons you need to grow as a person. All you must do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Soul’s Journey Lesson Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what lessons you need to transform into a more brilliant you.
Pile 1: Golden Chalice

There’s some part of you that believes you’re responsible for everything in your life. The first card in your spread, Loneliness, has the wisdom message of “I know that I am never alone.”
The reason you take on these responsibilities may come from past trauma or poor emotional attachment. You may even be single or without friends and family.
When somebody gets to this point, they project their physical loneliness onto all areas of their life. Perhaps out of necessity, but it can have grueling consequences where you shut out the attempted affections of others who would like to get close to you – including the spiritual world.
I’m not saying this tendency will change overnight, but one thing you can do with spirituality is seek out a relationship with divine consciousness or spirit guides so you always feel the comforting presence of someone who cares for you even when physically alone.
That will encourage you to be open to the invitations of others or to extend your own. You’ll also be more willing to ask for help when you need it.
You have intrinsic value you don’t have to earn or work for. But you also have unique talents and a life purpose that gives you a special identity in this world. You belong here and we need you. The world will be worse if you’re not around anymore.
The second card in your spread, Self-Esteem, has the wisdom message of “I possess gifts of the soul that benefit me and others.” This is what the universe recognizes in you and wants you to embrace in yourself.
Self-esteem can be hyped up artificially, but it also comes from competence and achievement. Make sure that you’re identifying and living out your interests and desires because you’ll become skilled at them.
Example: someone who loves animals and writing could express that love by writing articles to inform others how to properly care for a new kitten.
You can increase your self-esteem by identifying a small, challenging, but certainly achievable project with a moderate effort to pursue. When you do achieve it, your self-esteem will grow. Finish something, anything, and your life will open up for you.
The universe is confident that you will have some sort of achievement soon and that’s going to encourage you and provide proof of your personal growth. But the third card in your spread, Success, has the wisdom message of “I know that there is no greater goal than to love.”
Consider the fact you’re a human being. Humans evolved to sexually reproduce. But part of human evolution in mating was to create a higher version of that: the best human couples romantically love each other.
This card isn’t all about love, but to show you that success, just like human sexual fitness, is improved by making even “animal acts” or naked ambition more emotional and giving.
Even before the spiritual essence is added to love, having the goal to love improves human relationships. Make it your goal to love others, romantically and platonically, and you’ll change your baser desires into something more.
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Pile 2: Red Fairy

The universe thinks you dwell too much on negativity and let it consume you. The first card, Failure, has the wisdom message of “I understand that a mistake is only an opportunity to learn.”
Life is about chance, so you can’t plan everything in advance without possible points of failure. It would be better to not fail, but when that’s out of control and you find yourself facing disappointment, choose to grow from that point instead of drowning in it.
Someone who starts a business and fails in the first year might give up and think of themselves as worthless. Or they could take that lesson to try again or use what they learned and attempt a different project instead.
Whenever you spiral into madness over a mistake, stop and demand to find one thing you’ve learned about the situation that you can either avoid in the future or alter for future success. Be productive with your failures rather than imprisoned by them.
The more negative you are, the more negative energy you send out into the world. Rare is the person who can be fuming with fury and not act that out in real life against those who didn’t wrong them.
That’s why your next card, Peace, has the wisdom message of “I am a being of love, and I release all negative energy.” Yes, you should think positive thoughts, but what happens when your negative thoughts are powerful?
You need to find a way to vent your negative feelings or apply them appropriately. A middle school teacher can’t take revenge on her students no matter how much she may want to. Perhaps it would be better for her to talk with a mentor about what happened or use constructive discipline to teach students proper behavior.
I’m not saying you should ignore your feelings, but rather ask yourself what would be the best way to process them when you can’t just let them go. If you do that, you’ll return to a higher vibration and send that back out into the world.
In our modern society, we make the erroneous assumption that we’ll have everything forever. Yet we often don’t comprehend the potential finality of what we have due to our consumerist mindset. This naturally extends to non-material things too like relationships or lifestyles.
That’s why the last card in your spread, Grief, has the wisdom message of “I understand that losing something is an opportunity to appreciate it.” Humans and their hominid relatives have had funerals for at least a hundred thousand years.
It helps us to grieve what we lost. Some modern people have even altered the ceremony to be celebrations of life.
The next time you experience grief over something you lost, big or small, perform a small ritual or ceremony (even in private) to mourn and celebrate that thing. It will both teach you that life and what we enjoy within it is finite, but also that your appreciation of it can last your lifetime.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Scholar’s Desk

Emotional management is important for you. The first card, Courage, has the wisdom message of “I find the inner strength to face fear with confidence.”
It’s not always possible to let someone else step in for you. When I was in high school, I decided to take wood shop. I quickly learned I was terrified of the electric saws. At first, I asked the boys in my class to cut the wood for me. But sometimes they weren’t available and I couldn’t get my projects done on time.
I had to face the fear and cut the wood myself. And it helped me to feel confident to try other tools and other cuts. By the end of the year, I was more courageous in general and willing to take on things like public speaking which I had never done before without having a panic attack.
Understand courage is something that’s always within you and it can push you to do what you need and what you’ve always wanted to do. Start small if need be, but know it will grow as your confidence does.
There are many ways to determine if you’re in alignment with the universe. One of the most enjoyable is joy. Your first card, Happiness, has the wisdom message of “I am aware that being happy means that I am on the right path.”
But this is true for smaller things too. Perhaps there’s a person you talk to at school or work that always makes you unhappy to be around – that’s a sign this person is probably not meant for you to be friends with. Or you walk into your bathroom and feel uneasy – that’s a sign you should probably redecorate or remodel.
Obviously, happiness or lack of happiness can be a tool for bigger things like your job, romance, or life purpose. Always ask yourself if you feel happy in a situation. If not, is it something that can be fixed? And if that also sounds unattractive, even if you can fix it, maybe it’s a sign that you’re out of alignment and need to start looking elsewhere.
It’s impossible for you to know everything, whether it’s for big things like the universe or small things, like what is the perfect place to go out to eat. The third card in your spread, Doubt, has the wisdom message of “I release the need to know all the answers.”
When you’re waiting to know everything about something, you enter into a holding period. Two common recent examples of this are MBTI types and fashion personalities. People will obsess over their MBTI type is and be afraid to go out in the world for fear of acting against their personality type or picking the wrong career.
Fashion personalities, like kibbe or seasonal color analysis, might lead someone to be afraid to buy new clothes because they want to look perfect for their body.
Do you see how doubt can paralyze you to the point of inaction? At some point, you need to take a leap of faith. It might mean accepting you won’t know something like your MBTI type with 100% certainty… or trusting that the passion you’re pursuing is the one after all.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.