Overcome Career Burnout — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on how to overcome burnout at work or in your passion.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Mystic Mondays Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to heal from that career burnout.
Pile 1: Dolphin

The Origin of All
You want to charge bravely ahead due to The Chariot card, but something is holding you back. The terrain right now is a little barren, and the red sky is a warning, but you keep forging forward.
I don’t necessarily think this is a bad thing, but you aren’t addressing the sources of the stressors while you do it. So before you just keep pushing and hoping things will get better in time, you need to stop and consider your environment.
The Princess of Pentacles and Princess of Swords are both reversed. These cards represent the stressors that are causing your burnout. Some project you’re working on isn’t that promising and the actions you’re taking to try to make it work aren’t sufficient.
But you keep stubbornly approaching this project or aspect of your work the same way and that’s why you’re burned out.
Identifying the Project
The good news is that a princess card is a page card, and in a pick a card reading, I generally read pages as you. That means the origin of your burnout are things you’re doing and these are things entirely within your control.
That doesn’t mean other stressors don’t exist, but the most prominent one can be resolved if you change your approach to a particular project.
Okay. But how do you identify what this project is? Chances are, some in this pile have multiple projects or have temporarily set it down, but it’s still lingering in the background.
This project is something that’s been with you for some time or something you keep hanging onto, pecking away bit by bit. It could be a side project.
Take an inventory of all the things you’re doing right now and then rate them one to three, with one being it’s not manifesting like you want it to and three being it’s manifesting crazy abundance.
The project that scores one, that which provides the most frustrating tangible rewards, is your problem – even if you enjoy doing it in the moment.
Ask For Help
Now that you’ve identified the project, you need to consider whether it’s worth trying a different approach or abandoning it all together.
However, know that your perspective of this project is biased. You’re going to look at it with a lot of optimism. For that reason, you need to ask someone to give you an objective judgment. Perhaps that novel you’re working on is a bad idea or the coworker you’ve paired with is an absolute buffoon.
But don’t just ask for judgment, ask why they’ve made that decision. Perhaps your novel is a bad idea because it’s a side project and you’re too busy at work right now, but you could pick it up in a few months. Or your coworker is super nice, but they should work with someone else on a subject matter they know something about.
Only then should you decide whether to adjust your approach or abandon the project altogether.
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Pile 2: Cactus

Setting Yourself Up for Exhaustion
I see that the Ten of Pentacles is reversed in your spread, but that there’s an overall indication of a need for structure.
This tells me that the source of your burnout may be idealism or defeatism. You’re looking at the future with a perspective not based on reality. And specifically, you’re trying to create a forward-thinking plan that doesn’t reflect your needs. Not all plans are good if they don’t reflect what you need and like.
Think of the introvert who decides to be a comedian, but there’s no way they’ll ever like performing on stage. Even if they could be a skilled stand-up comedian, they wouldn’t like it. While often true, competency doesn’t always equal enjoyment. Instead, they should create skits for the internet.
Your long-term plans or perhaps even hope are causing you to act in a way in your daily life that is going to drive you to exhaustion in the end. So let’s turn that around.
Design Your Day
The Hierophant suggests a need for traditional order. Most research on productivity generally recommends timeblocking. Even if you don’t continue timeblocking forever, using it to reorient your life to be enjoyable is exactly what you need to do.
Break your day into a weekday and weekend model. Then, for both models, break it down into a morning, afternoon, and evening block. But to start with, don’t timeblock the morning or afternoon sessions – focus entirely on your evening block.
What is it you need to do to unwind? If you’re a night owl, you might want to flip this around and design a relaxing morning for yourself instead. You’re not trying to create an efficient day of maximum productivity: you’re focus is enjoying the day you design for yourself.
After a few days to a few weeks where you finetune this, move onto the morning or afternoon block and repeat until you have a day you actually like. Design your life – but only with the concern of how you feel in the moment. There’s a lot of busy work in your life right now that needs to be eliminated.
Get the things you need to get done finished, of course, but suspend serious long-term plans until you’ve designed a daily routine that will help inform you on what will actually work for your happiness. You can stop timeblocking when you enjoy your day.
Treat Yourself Often
With the Four of Pentacles card in your spread, a need to conserve your time, money, and energy is important. You have the tendency to push yourself too far and optimize everything – but this causes burnout.
Setting boundaries of when to stop is more important than finishing things that day. You need to design blackout blocks where you turn off work unless it’s a SEVERE emergency. If something can wait until the afternoon because it’s time for lunch – go to lunch!
In areas of money, you not only need to have a budget, but you need to have an allowance that you can do whatever you want with. Like collecting turtle figurines? Do it. Yeah, it has no other value but enjoyment, but do it.
You need the permission to spoil yourself without justifying your purchases. It’ll make you feel like what you earn from your work is worthwhile.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Snow

Look at Your Life
I see a lot of strong, negative energy in your spread, but that burnout is definitely going to be overcome. However, there’s some confusion. Some who picked this pile may even be burned out and not realize it!
The first card, Queen of Pentacles, Reversed suggests you’re struggling to manifest in your career. This is probably because you have an unhealthy work-life balance. Either you’re working too much – or not enough, and that’s hurting you.
You’ll need to put your life and your job into context. A teacher who works an additional twenty hours a week beyond their contract is working beyond what they’re being paid for. They should find assignments with less grading and prep needed.
But a lawyer who only works thirty hours a week is never going to make partner and may struggle to take on many cases at once. That’s okay if they want to work part-time and earn a lower income as a lawyer, but if not, they need to perhaps drop a few hobbies.
It’s also possible that your life or your particular job is uniquely stressful for you, but not others in your same position. If so, you may need support so you don’t go crazy.
You Need Assistance
I do think there’s something about your career that you really like. The Three of Swords, Reversed is about overcoming heartbreak. So this means you’re going to defeat your career burnout and find some reason to be really happy with your job.
That said, when this card is reversed, I also see it as clouded judgment. You’re not accurately looking at your life and your career and that’s causing you to be blind to the stressors you’re dealing with.
If you can afford it, you may find it helpful to speak to a career counselor or even a therapist. But if you don’t want to spend that money, talking with a mentor at work or a friend or family member can help you get to the bottom of things.
Perhaps even your child notices that you’re really stressed out having to drive them to sports practices every day and you need to leave work early to do it. Could you ask a family or another teammember’s parent to carpool?
You’d be surprised what the people in your life observe that you’re ignoring.
Fleeting Passion?
I do sense with the Ace of Wands, Reversed that passion is dying. But the rest of your spread also indicates that your career either is a match or it’s very close, suggesting a lateral move to another company or similar position is all that’s needed at the absolute most.
But the background burnout you’re dealing with is going to cause you to make a sudden decision you’ll regret. The good news is that you’re now aware of this tendency so you won’t actually make that mistake.
Instead, get to the bottom of the thing you’re missing about your life, get help, and then make a lateral move if necessary.
For example, someone who is really stressed out in the mornings before work could probably have their spouse or older child make lunch. Or if you’re working too many hours, going part-time or moving to a different company with more lax hours could improve your happiness.
You can and will cure the burnout in the background of your career. It just needs to be identified first so you know what to ask for help with.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.