October 2024 — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on October 2024. This is the time of the year when the veil is lifted and spiritual energy is especially potent. This is a difficult month astrologically in some areas, so expect a bit of turbulence.
To see what is likely to happen to you this month so you can use it to your advantage, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle and the Santa Muerte Tarot decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to glimpse into the next month!
Pile 1: Urn

Oracle Cards
I see a lot of spiritual and intuitive energy in your spread this month. Either you’re psychic or you should expect a particularly potent experience of the veil lifting.
The first oracle card, Broom, has the wisdom message of “What dreams may come from what you seek; make room, make way! A clearing need be.” It seems like you need to either cleanse your space or your life from some negative force.
Could it be a spirit? Certainly, but it’s statistically more likely for the majority who chose this pile to be a negative habit or person that you should let go of. Try cleaning your space, a banishing or rope cutting ritual, or severing ties for whatever method seems most appropriate to your situation.
The second card is Transformation with the wisdom message of “Like a thousand storms held in hands soft against the wind, there is change arising from deep within.” Expect this month to be very transformative for you.
Don’t neglect the urge within you to change some or many aspects of your life. It’ll be for the best in the end.
Your third card, All Hallow’s Eve, has the wisdom message of “Call upon the voices that stir your senses through the night. Cast an unforgiven howl as you stomp your might through the ground.” If you can, stay up for at least part of the night during or around Halloween.
This is an excellent time to work with spirits or banish them from your space. You can get complex with this through intense rituals, but simply meditating and then ordering the spirits away from you is sufficient. If you want to commune with spirits, any divinatory method like tarot or even a pendulum or Ouija board is sufficient.
The Devil card may be a scary placement for you in the spiritual category. While I think a minority who chose this pile may be dealing with a negative spirit, I believe everyone is dealing with negative energy.
Take some time over the next few weeks to consider what’s challenging or obstructing you in life. Because this is a major arcana card, this is probably a long-term issue or a rather sudden, but prominent one.
This negativity is weighing you down mind, body, and spirit, so when you address it, you should have better energy (or spirits!) around you.
This is the bright spot of your month, and I think it explains why you’re so open to the veil. The King of Cups could represent a positive person in your life that protects you, perhaps a spirit guide, but I primarily see it as a strong heart chakra.
When your heart chakra is healthy, your empathy is strong. This helps you communicate both in the real world and with spirits.
But empathy or other highly sensitive persons such as lightworkers do tend to be at the mercy of spiritual forces. When untrained, it can make you a target. But if you recognize the power of your heart, you can start using it to protect you and even better interact with spirits. Not to mention real people!
Due to the heavy spirit energy in your spread, I see the Page of Wands as a spiritual card instead of just a passion one this month. You have untapped potential to manifest and act on divine revelation you receive from spirits.
Pay special attention to signs and synchronicities in your environment. But also, be willing to explore parts of your career, passion, or hobby you haven’t before. There’s a promising energy here and it may open a door that you didn’t consider previously.
Personal Development
The final card, The Sun, Reversed, reflects the possibility of feeling a bit morose this month. That’s not exactly a bad thing considering the time of the year and how many people enjoy scary things and the beautiful melancholy of the season.
If you’re in the southern hemisphere though, this probably indicates a much stronger emphasis on negativity that’s harder to deal with. While those in the northern hemisphere may use catharsis and enjoy the season’s darkness for what it is, southern hemisphere readers might want to tend to some self-care or surround themselves with a positive media and environment.
This somber energy, whether of catharsis or actual concern, is temporary though and will likely fade during the transformative phases of this month.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Portal

Oracle Cards
I see some frustration and confusion this month. Your first card, Divination, has the wisdom message of “Take a breath, take it twice, insightful reflections are guided by light.” I see this as the primary solution to your problems.
There’s apparently some heavy retrograde astrological energy this month and I think you’re going to feel that. But instead of using divination to see into the future, I think you should use it to reflect and analyze your current situation. It appears you don’t know what you need to know about your life to progress.
The second oracle card, The Veil, has the wisdom message of “It’s quite possible your eyes have become the fog in which you dwell. A half-swallowed glimpse of all you truly are or can be, that the tears you bleed are ready for the storms to turn the skies inward.” I see this as confirmation you’ll struggle doing divination yourself.
Instead, see divination as something you seek someone else to do for you or one that’s more objective. Astrology is very objective, and having your natal chart analyze with an online generator like Astro-Seek would be good. But many may find numerology the easiest to deal with and I especially like the calculators on Affinity Numerology.
Alternatively, you can use something like tarot yourself, just make sure you journal and sit on the answers for a few days. That’s contemplation and would be good for you.
The final oracle card, Frog, has the wisdom message of “May the lily beneath your breasts allow you to drink from its healing waters. Be still for there is serenity behind the drowning croaks.” I see this as you not being able to assert yourself and needing time to heal and process your emotions this month.
See this October not as a month of action, but one of reflection. Only do what is necessary and no more.
Your spirituality will be your anchor this month. The King of Wands can represent a divination expert or your own trust in the divination process. Make sure that you pick a method you believe in or at least be willing to suspend doubt to fully consider what is being said.
The card here looks very triumphant. While what you learn may not be immediately actionable, it will empower you to improve your life or put it into better alignment with your higher purpose when you are ready.
With the Two of Wands, Reversed you may find yourself bickering with a romantic partner or other people in your life. This is likely over a small issue, so don’t fret about it being the end. You may feel as if you’re not seen or understood.
Have patience. Astrologically, I think you’re just being hit harder this month and it’s affecting your relationships somehow. Don’t make hasty decisions or do something you’ll regret.
For those who are single, this may not be the best time to start a new relationship.
I think you’re going to be a bit unlucky at work, your passion, or hobby this month. Judgment, Reversed indicates something unfair or unexpected will happen and it’ll seem like a big deal to you at the time.
You may be able to prevent it entirely or react to it productively if you use divination. But if that opportunity doesn’t present itself to you in time, use divination to find a solution to the problem. For example, someone may discover they really hate dealing with coworkers. When they look up their numerology, they might learn they have a Life Path 1, meaning they should focus on either working by themselves or becoming a leader if they want to be happy at work.
Personal Development
Because of the last card, the King of Swords, Reversed could suggest a negative person in your career, passion, or hobby. This person may have authority or undue influence on you. Sometimes, you can use divination to understand them better or deal with them directly.
But one thing I want you to recognize is that when you’re not in alignment with something, which is I think the core problem for you this month, it’s a lot easier to attract negative energy and people. It’s not your fault, but if you make a change, things should be more positive for you than simply hoping it’ll go away.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Bottle

Oracle Cards
You’re a powerful manifester, but you may struggle to manifest what you want this month. That could be because you haven’t tuned your ability or it could just be the influence of darker seasonal energies.
Either way, the first card, Reflection, has the wisdom message of “Be wary of things you believe to see with eyes wide shut, for they are mirrors of the mad and truths only spoken with a bleeding tongue.” I’m reminded of a video I watched recently that infuriated me: the business professor told viewers to ruminate on all the worse things about your life and your fears… and then do nothing about it!
It’s always a good idea to reflect, but if you look within and try to wrestle with negative thoughts without trying to resolve them, you’ll go crazy. Dwelling in negativity only breeds depression. You have to be action-oriented, or if that’s not a possibility, use affirmations to keep your mood emotionally regulated.
The second card, Witch, has the wisdom message of “Grab hold! Allow the dwelling fire within belly awaken all that is. A mere glimpse, a delicate pull at the very roots living in the alchemy of the self.” This is your innate ability to manifest being strong within you this month.
To activate it, you must find the positive, and not negative, thoughts you want to focus on. And then use the Law of Attraction, prayer, or magick to summon good to you.
Your final oracle card, Pumpkin, has the wisdom message of “Uncaging the spirit within thou the fertile power you hold. To taste your buttery velvet upon tongue is a gift I shall cherish each day that comes.” In areas that celebrate Halloween, pumpkin carving is very popular. Many people choose to carve scary faces, but others happy or intricate designs.
If you can this month, carve a pumpkin or take on some sort of DIY or creative activity that you then put on display for at least a little while. Try to physically manifest through this way something positive or inspiring to you. It will be a good and fun ritual to lift your spirit.
The Knight of Wands is your spiritual power being released this month. Use it to manifest, certainly, but see if you can use this month to reflect on what it feels to be a powerful manifestor. There are natural ebbs and flows throughout the year that you could more easily identify once you know what to look for.
You may want to pursue some sort of spiritual activity that’s uplifting or inspiring. Something that has a lot of research behind it is to witness amazing natural environments. If you have that locally, go to it, and if not, consider atmospheric videos or walking tours that you can put on in the background or when you’re doing other spiritual activities.
I think someone in your life represents The Emperor, Reversed. They’ll act erratically or in a domineering way. This could cause you to doubt yourself or lead to an introspection that results in rumination.
Do your best to ignore unfair criticism this month, especially from people you care about. It’s the people we value or are connected to that make us feel the most intensely about ourselves.
If you think you might be this person, remember the adage to think before you speak – and if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. That’ll help you from regretting something and wishing you could turn back time.
A co-worker, customer, or something in your career, passion, or hobby network may drive you a bit crazy. Their words will be loose and hurtful and they may be a bit impulsive.
If you resonate with The Emperor energy, then the Knight of Swords, Reversed isn’t likely to be you. But if you don’t, you may actually be the Knight of Swords this month.
I don’t think the difference is especially refined, so my advice is the same: ignore what is being said about you that is unfair. Also, someone’s work is going to be sloppy. If you are the Knight of Swords, be mindful about the quality of what you do.
Personal Development
The final card is Five of Swords. This is a winner and losers card. Traditionally I read it upright as you being the victor, so despite all the troubles this month, I think you’re going to come out generally on top.
That’s because you have the ability to manifest and once you direct that ability to what you desire, things should start to unravel in your favor. It just won’t be automatic and perhaps require a bit of effort.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.