November 2022: Tarot Pick a Card
November has rolled around and I bet you’re wondering what’s coming your way this month. With this tarot pick a card, you can find out.
All you have to do is select one of the piles of cards above that sticks out to you the most. Which hedgehog inspires your intuition?
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Modern Witch Tarot and the Angels and Ancestors Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to peer into your future for November of 2022.
Pile 1: Pumpkin Hedgehog

This is going to be a challenging month for you, but primarily because you’re going to take a hard look at your life and make necessary changes for your happiness.
The first card is Autumn with the wisdom message of “Release the Old and Rest.” There’s something that you need to step away from or stop doing. This could be a person, a habit, or even a frame of mind. Once you do this, you’ll find that your life gets easier.
The second theme card is Knight with the wisdom message of “Be Brave and Honest.” The truth is that you’re not going to want to release whatever needs to go in your life. It either’s a coping mechanism or you’re afraid to confront it. But through something like shadow work, therapy, or meditation you’ll come to understand how it will be good for you to do so.
The last theme card is Shapeshifter with the wisdom message of “Transform and Unveil Your Gifts.” Right now, what you need to release is actually serving as an obstacle to some skill, natural talent, or spiritual gift. Although you may fear that a hole will be in your life by releasing the old, it will be filled by something better.
Week 1: November 1st to November 6th
Your month begins with The World, Reversed. Something unexpected and perhaps unsettling may occur. Now, this could be concerning an event in the world that somehow personally affects you or some sort of major life event. However, your theme cards primarily suggest a psychological journey.
So what I want you to be prepared for is an emotional realization that something in your life is harming you and it needs to go. This is also a good week to investigate bad habits or life changes you would like to make.
Week 2: November 7th to November 13th
Your next card is Ace of Wands, Reversed. Although you’re going to know that something in your life must change, it’s going to be difficult for you to be enthused about that change. Think of somebody who bites their nails. Yes, they should stop doing that, but just focusing on why that’s bad isn’t going to inspire them to change.
Instead, looking at pictures of healthy nails or manicures is likely to help them see the value of caring for their nails effectively. That’s something you need to adapt too: find out your inspirational why to empower good habits.
Week 3: November 14th to November 20th
At about the middle of the month, you’re going to feel a lot better. That’s because your card, The Lovers, indicates that you’re going to make a heartfelt commitment to change. This commitment will uplift your spirits and make you feel powerful. No doubt your skill, natural talent, or spiritual gift will manifest in some way.
Also, this is a great time to use that positivity to try new things or reach out to others. Use this period of bliss wisely.
Week 4: November 21st to November 30th
Your month ends with the King of Cups, Reversed. Understand that making changes in your life often takes time. You’re probably going to feel frustrated that you haven’t 100% resolved whatever problems existed with what you needed to release.
So take comfort in the progress you’ve made so far, no matter how modest, and try to explore that skill, natural talent, or spiritual gift you’re developing. It’ll be a good way to channel all that emotional energy into a more positive experience for yourself.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Apple Hedgehog

Things are going to be a lot slower for you this month. That’s because your spread indicates your focus will be on spiritual matters.
Your first theme card is Animal Guardian with the wisdom message of “Trust Your Instincts.” The universe believes you should seek spiritual growth right now because your spirit guides are trying to send an important message to you. Be on the lookout for any strange signs, especially from animals you don’t normally see in your life.
The next card is Star Ancestor with the wisdom message of “Follow the Voice of Your Soul.” Higher planes are trying to communicate with you because there’s something you need to know about your higher purpose. There’s something more that you’re meant to do and you need to go on a spiritual journey to uncover that.
Your last theme card is Peacekeeper with the wisdom message of “Let Go of the Need to Be Right.” You have beliefs and preconceptions about what your life should be. However, there’s some element of that personal view that isn’t accurate. There’s something more for you in this life, but you need to be willing to listen and be surprised by that revelation.
Week 1: November 1st to November 6th
The month begins with the Eight of Cups, Reversed. Whatever projects you’re working on may slow down or halt. That’s because the progress you must make should be internal.
You may find yourself particularly stoic and reflective during this week too. You’re trying to open your third eye to receive messages. This is a great week for channeling of any variety – especially around the first of the month when the veil is especially thin. Just be careful!
Week 2: November 7th to November 13th
Your second week card is The Hierophant. This is a card of order and spiritual concerns. Try not to control the message your spirit guides wish to send. That’s because their message may go against what you’ve previously known so you’re liable to reject any messages sent.
To avoid this, try communing with your spirit guides or channeling them in a new way. For example, most people haven’t tried automatic writing. But any channeling practice or divination you don’t normally pursue would qualify. Just make sure you do it the “proper way” and according to instructions. Even better if you have someone else channel for you!
Week 3: November 14th to November 20th
Your next card is the Knight of Pentacles. I think you’re going to face a wall in your physical and spiritual life this month. You’ll want to go around it or even break through it, but that’s not what’s called for here.
Sometimes, things slow down not to antagonize you, but so you spend the appropriate amount of time on it. Take everything slower this week and be very mindful and intentional in all that you do.
Week 4: November 21st to November 30th
Your month ends with the King of Pentacles, Reversed. I think you’re likely to receive your message this week or realize the gravity of the message you received. It’s going to really challenge how you manifest things in your life and you may feel a little bit powerless.
This is pretty normal when it comes to messages from spirit guides that are unexpected. Some revelations take time to accept and integrate into our lives. Be patient and compassionate with yourself in whatever you learn.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Tree Hedgehog

You have a greater purpose this month. Your overall spread suggests you need to pursue a personal dream or do something of value to the world. This is a heavy responsibility, but know that taking on such a role can be very empowering.
Your first card, Stargazer, has the wisdom message of “Set Your Sights Higher.” Have you been complacent or even fearful of aiming for more in life? Know that you can achieve more than you even realized. But it’s going to require a lot of work.
The second card, Lord, has the wisdom message of “Take Charge with Authority.” I know that it may be scary and intimidating to step into your power. Responsibility, even if it’s just responsibility for a personal dream like becoming an artist, means you have to take ownership of success and failure. Effort is required, and for you, effort is accepting an internal locus of control and the belief that you can manifest your desired future.
The last theme card is Oracle with the wisdom message of “Wait for Important Information.” Okay, so even though you’re going to be taking charge of your life, you won’t have all the information or skills to do so. But that’s okay. As soon as you start working towards something, even if you change that goal later, you can adjust. And the universe is telling you to be prepared to make changes.
Week 1: November 1st to November 6th
The month begins with the Seven of Swords card. You need to think strategically right now. Use this week as an opportunity to make a plan for the future. This can be a precise and lengthy plan, but it’s okay to brainstorm or be a bit loose and flexible.
The point isn’t to plan your future, but to plan the actions you’ll take to try and manifest that future. Have a goal, but be process-oriented. Make sure that the tasks you choose to take on are ones that you can do consistently.
Week 2: November 7th to November 13th
Your next week is the Temperance, Reversed card. I expect a few curveballs will be thrown your way this week. This may discourage you because you’ll think that your plan just isn’t going to work. Instead, see this as early feedback for how to adjust your plan going forward.
You may also be a bit extreme this week. Perhaps spending too much time working or not working. Have patience with yourself. This lack of temperance may be a sign that your plan doesn’t reflect your needs and personality. You’re unique: your plan should reflect that too.
Week 3: November 14th to November 20th
By the middle of the month, your card is Four of Swords, Reversed. This is an energetic week for you and you’ll probably get a lot done. Mental clarity is also likely to be high.
However, you may feel a bit anxious and that you’re going to fall on your sword. That’s because you’re putting yourself in a vulnerable position to manifest. For some who chose this pile, that may be worth it, but for others, it can have a bad result. Make sure you can weather whatever consequences come your way.
Week 4: November 21st to November 30th
Your final week card is the Queen of Cups, Reversed. For those who put themselves into a vulnerable position, you’re likely going to deal with the fallout of that choice. Pursue self-care and self-love to heal.
For others who chose this pile, you may have been too rational in your approach to planning and are finding out that part of the direction you’re going in will make you unhappy. Don’t fall for the sunk cost fallacy: if you put sincere effort into something and it no longer makes you happy, don’t just keep doing it because you feel you have to. It’s okay to walk away and pursue something else you’d prefer instead.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.