Message From Your Spirit Guides — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading with a message from your spirit guides. This is something they think would be helpful for you to know.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Angels and Ancestors Oracle and the Angel Wisdom Tarot decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what your spirit guides have to say.
Pile 1: Dog

Oracle Cards
I sense a singular or overwhelming energy from a single spirit guide. This is a Hermit, seen in the first card, with the wisdom message of “Retreat and Recharge.”
Your spirit guide here is not one that is with you all the time, but someone who appears when you seek them out or will intercede when necessary. It’s possible that this spirit guide may be a spirit guide of place and not solely your spirit guide, but one for a large group of people. Some may feel this energy as a pagan deity or a specific angel.
What this spirit guide is asking you to do is seen in the second oracle card, Spirit Fox, which has the wisdom message of “Trust Your Talents in Changing Times.” They serve more as a clever advisor rather than a direct intercessor. A spiritual mentor, if you will.
That means you’ll be inspired or reminded of existing skills you have that can address a problem from a holistic or spiritual angle.
Finally, the last oracle card, Lord, has the wisdom message of “Take Charge with Authority.” Your spirit guide will teach you how to be independent and come into your own authority. After all – their help is temporary. The point is to guide you on a quest to be your own hero.
The Magician
It seems like you already have everything you need to succeed according to The Magician card. It has the wisdom message of “Magic is alive in your life! What you need to be a success will manifest. If you believe it, you can do it.” What your spirit guide is hoping to achieve is to help you see you can already start working towards your goals. There isn’t a waiting period.
You may feel a lack of confidence, but that’s just because you haven’t had the opportunity to put all the pieces together yet. It may take some problem-solving, sort of like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, but you’ll succeed.
Trust yourself. Your spirit guide already believes in you. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have bothered coming down from their mountain to help a lost cause! And you are not a lost cause.
Two of Cups
The next tarot card is the Two of Cups with the wisdom message of “Falling in love or the resurgence of a romantic relationship. Forgiveness and the ending of challenges. Exchanging gifts. Don’t give up on people you love.” So really good things.
You need to learn to commit to your emotional needs, especially those connected to relationships. If you’re struggling with relationships, expect things to improve, and if your current concerns are on a different topic, be prepared for your emotional side to provide unexpected support.
I see that you’re definitely on a quest journey with this card, Strength, and its wisdom message of “Personal power and assertiveness portrayed with kindness. Compassion that brings about forgiveness. Realizing that you’re stronger than you knew.”
You might be tempted to assume the lion here is your spirit guide, but instead, notice how the angel is crowning the earthly beast: as you step into your competence, you will feel crowned in glory with what you achieve.
This is also a card of inner strength. All of this transformation isn’t about creating a new you, but revealing the wonderful true you to the world at large. You’ve already done a lot of work and now it’s time to let it shine.
The Chariot
The final card in your spread is The Chariot with the wisdom message of “Rewards that come from hard work. Successfully balancing many priorities at once. Determination and willpower. Public recognition.” You’re receiving a clear sign from your spirit guide to charge full steam ahead.
Although this spread addresses the need to make holistic, spiritually aligned improvements in your life, you’ll notice it’s been vague. That’s because your spirit guide believes you have the authority and permission to choose what problem or goal you’d like to work on – just do it with the framework of it serving your whole life, and not just part of it.
That’s because you can make some major changes and improvements by doing so. So even something small like nail biting can turn into a life change where you work on improving your habits and productivity. Let even your small goals change your whole life.
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Pile 2: Lizard

Oracle Cards
The spirit guide coming through appears to be a guardian angel or an angel that presides over health matters like Raphael. There could be a guardian angel and a shamanic or ancestor medical practitioner in addition, but this message is definitely overseen by an angel.
The first card, Medicine Guardian, has the wisdom message of “Be Open to Healing Information.” Your spirit guide isn’t a licensed doctor (in this life at this), but they do have a message for you about your health and well-being that you should listen to.
Check it against modern medical knowledge or your doctor, but know they have something to say and it will improve your life. Either by healing you of an affliction, helping with treatment, or improving your well-being in something like weight loss. You will feel intuition driving you to do things for your health.
The next oracle card, Sage, has the wisdom message of “Be Devoted and Committed.” You’re going to need to be consistent and focused on your health. This can mean ensuring you go to all your medical appointments, bringing up issues with your doctor that concern you, or sticking to healthy habits.
That’s not easy, but health isn’t something that just happens to you. It’s a series of choices to either ensure or guard what health you have.
But know that you aren’t spiritually isolated. The third oracle card, Guardian Angel, has the wisdom message of “You Are Not Alone.” Your spirit guide is with you for the long haul. They aren’t going to step away and will do whatever they can to provide a healing and compassionate present energy in your life. Sometimes that’s what makes the difference and causes miracles that defy science.
Five of Wands
I see some conflict here. The Five of Wands has the wisdom message of “Conflicts with others caused by opposing opinions. Walk away from drama unless the situation is really worth your time, then stand up for yourself. Very ambitious people.”
There are two possibilities here. The first is that you have people in your life who stress you out or cause your health to get worse through cruelty, negligence, or sabotage. The second possibility is that your doctor is ignoring or gaslighting you about your health.
You need to separate yourself from these people or confront them about what they’re doing.
I do think things will work out for the better in the end. The card Justice has the wisdom message of “Be impartial and objective. Stand up for what you believe. Try to see all sides of a situation. You will win if your position is one of integrity.”
In your spread, this indicates your health will get better if it’s a condition where that’s possible. If not, then it suggests you will find a way to make peace with your circumstances or enjoy the other areas of your life.
Either way, you’re doing what you need to do, morally, to be spiritually right with the world and your body. Some of you may need to be consistent with your medical care, but everything else you’re doing is fine. It’s really external factors that are causing problems and those will get resolved – probably with assistance from the universe and your guardian angel.
Knight of Cups
The next two cards are a shift in meaning, which is rare for how I pull cards, but significant. Your spirit guide wants your life to be about more than obsessing over your health. The Knight of Cups has the wisdom message of “Romantic, Flirtatious, Introspective, Fickle, Falling in Love. Being swept off your feet. A sudden love affair. A lack of balance in a relationship. Situations or topics that make your heart flutter. A love of art and poetry.”
The goal of your spirit guide is yes, to make sure your health is attended to, but to get you thinking of the finer, happier things in life too. It’s not enough to survive: your spirit guide wants you to thrive doing things and experiencing things that bring joy.
Ten of Cups
I do think you’re going to feel emotionally fulfilled in your life aside from your health. The Ten of Cups has the wisdom message of “A happy marriage. Happily ever after. Emotional contentment. A loving relationship with your children. Raising children wisely and successfully. People you can trust.” All amazing things.
You’re going to achieve a heart goal like this soon, or if it’s a concern about later in life, it will come true in one form or another. Perhaps your health will improve to make it happen or your health won’t get in the way.
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Pile 3: Penguin

Oracle Cards
This is unusual, but really cool. You don’t have a spirit guide coming in, but a whole planet: Earth or Gaia herself. The first card, Earth Mother, has the wisdom message of “Feel Loved and Comforted.”
The Earth has her reasons for helping you, and it may be slightly mysterious and even selfish on her part, but the effect is that you will feel her deep compassion and good intentions towards you. This is a very strong energy and is probably going to feel more impactful than an average spirit guide’s intervention.
The next card, Mountains, has the wisdom message of “Stand Your Ground.” She’s going to help you to defend or improve your life in a meaningful way. If you’re currently going through a hard time or about to, know that whoever is responsible will not be able to move the mountain that is you.
And since you have Gaia behind you? They don’t stand a chance. Because not only do you have her, you have all the spirits she also commands or influences like fairies or spirits of place.
Your final oracle card is Knight with the wisdom message of “Be Brave and Honest.” Yes, that is something you should be, but I primarily see this as an indication of a heroic figure coming in to help you. It could even be a knight in shining armor and a romantic figure.
But this could be any sort of hero determined to help you. This person may be very present and you’ll be aware of them, but you may not know they saved you until after the fact. Either way: you’re getting material support from someone who will see your struggle and seek to help you.
The assistance of Gaia will really change your life. The Transformation card has the wisdom message of “A significant life experience that requires changes to be made. Powerful and often unexpected revelations. Breaking free of procrastination. Releasing old belief systems.”
You’re going to have physical changes around you, but I think the evidence of these positive physical changes will break some negative loops in your mind that you don’t even realize exist. Psychologically, you’ll start feeling more secure.
The Empress
It’s funny that this card showed up as it’s one of three cards in the tarot deck that can symbolize the Earth with this one really symbolizing the goddess aspect of her. The Empress has the wisdom message of “Time to take action! Give birth to your dreams. Creative projects will be very successful. Abundance and prosperity.”
Now Gaia has limits on what she can change and it’s all in the physical world. But she believes improving your material circumstances will free you up emotionally. That will help you to be less distracted and afraid so you can focus on other things.
She’s taking care of worldly things so you can focus on higher things.
Nine of Swords
I won’t lie: it’s a bit strange that Gaia is helping you out. That’s unusual for her to pick someone out of the crowd to assist, but perhaps the reason is found in the Nine of Swords card. Its wisdom message is “Unfounded fear. Expecting the worst, thus creating self-fulfilling prophecies. Allowing worry to grow out of proportion to the situation. Sleepless nights. Refocus your thoughts!”
You have reasons for thinking the way you do, but it’s in excess of what’s helpful and that’s lowering your vibrations and affecting the environment. Gaia knows that if she reduces some of your anxiety, your vibrations will be raised and both your life and her world will be improved. It’s a win-win for both of you.
Seven of Cups
The final card is the Seven of Cups with the wisdom message of “Make a choice! Stop procrastinating or overanalyzing. Get clarity on what you desire and move forward. Too many options. Addictions.” You’re suffering from analysis paralysis.
Gaia doesn’t have the right answer for you, but she can make your life easier and send someone who can help save the day. But, eventually, you’re going to make a choice that will improve your life beyond what even Gaia or your hero can do for you. Prepare to transition to better times!
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I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
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