June 2023: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today we’re going to find out what June 2023 has in store for you from your animal spirit guides.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Everyday Witch Tarot and the Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to reveal your June 2023!
Pile 1: Bear

I sense quite a lot of movement in your spread this month. This movement may be physical, like travel, but it could also indicate intense energy that you’ll need to deal with because of a sequence of events.
The first animal spirit present in your spread is Turtle. This is a traveling card, but also one in which the animal carries its home on its back. Change is good for you as long as you bring comfort along the way.
The second animal spirit is Dragonfly. This is about clarity of mind and seeing the wisdom in the speed of your thoughts. Expect to feel a little overwhelmed this month mentally, but I think you can handle it. You’ll also think faster than normal.
As for the third animal, we have the Fish. This represents fast movement and in an exhausting way, though this card also indicates a need for lunar routines. Aligning yourself to the phases of the Moon may help you to feel in tune with your body and the universe.
Week 1: June 1st to June 4th
Your month begins with a very optimistic Page of Cups. This is a wonderful card of surprising possibilities. You may find a weird, but generally pleasant succession of events that you don’t know what to do with.
Try to look at life as a series of opportunities you can accept or reject at any time. Don’t just pursue something because it’s offered to you, but pursue that which seems to be in alignment with who you are at a core level.
Week 2: June 5th to June 11th
This is likely to be the most challenging week of the month. With the Wheel of Fortune, Reversed you may encounter some bad luck or at least the breaking of a cycle. This can be disorienting in the moment even if it turns out for good in the end.
That said, the majority of your spread is quite positive so I would not be alarmed even if something unpleasant happens this week. You will recover and proceed with a generally positive month.
Try observing the Last Quarter Moon in Pisces on the tenth. Use this day to release or let go of any frustrations you’ve experienced through journaling or meditating. A self-care indulgence routine may also be called for.
Week 3: June 12th to June 18th
Things will look up for you this week with the Knight of Swords. That doesn’t mean the week will be easy. Some of you may be taking charge of a difficult situation and turning it around through sheer force of will and intelligent decisions.
But others will realize an opportunity. With all the succession of events happening this month, you’re likely to be offered an “out” of some sort which will be a portal to a better life experience. Take it, but it may require some courage on your part.
So good week by the end? Yeah. Easy? Probably not.
Week 4: June 19th to June 25th
This week may be exhausting. Really, this month seems to be a lot, but just because you have many things happening to you doesn’t mean that it will be all bad. I sense a lot of fulfillment overall. Here we have the Two of Pentacles. You’re going to learn how to take on all these responsibilities effectively.
Expect to be amazed by your productivity this week and understand that it may be a temporary boost. That said, use this boost to your advantage so you can get the most done possible. Make things easier for your future self.
Week 5: June 26th to June 30th
Your month ends with the Eight of Cups. This is a card of departure. It could be a sign of you leaving to physically travel somewhere, but even if that does happen in your case, I also perceive a mental departure.
This was an active month and you may want to take a mental vacation. Allow yourself a fun week or at least a fun weekend to decompress. You’ve earned it and there’s probably quite a bit of tension built up. Just because you’re fulfilled doesn’t mean you don’t need a break too!
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Elephant

Parts of your month are going to be challenging, but you’re going to become a diamond in the rough because of it. Your animal spirits indicate that you’re up to the task too.
The first animal spirit is the Fox. This is a card of clever mystique, but also commitment. There’s a sense of mystery in your weekly spread, so I see this as you being able to eventually transcend that mystery and make your life advantageous even when shadows exist.
The second animal spirit is the Butterfly which is a card of transformation, especially of a spiritual sort. You may find that an intense spiritual awakening or leveling up occurs. You may also find it beneficial to plan such an activity if one doesn’t seem on its way.
As for the third animal spirit, we have the Black Egg which represents truth. This is important for this month because of the first two weeks. The truth may not be something you have complete access to early in the month, but persevere because even the mysterious will become clear to you.
Week 1: June 1st to June 4th
I see that your first card is The Moon. This is a card of secrets that exist within your daily routine that you’re not aware of. This week you’re going to realize that something is “off” and you’ll need to investigate.
It’s unlikely to be something like a cheating partner, but rather something going on in your personal life.
Knowing this truth is likely to change you because you’ll have a new perspective on life. Have patience if this truth is painful.
Week 2: June 5th to June 11th
Your next card is The Devil. You’re going to be tempted this week by the fallout of your discovery. This temptation may be you reacting in a way that could self-destruct your life or you may be offered something that looks better than it is in reality.
Remember that you have free will and the ability to reject something suspicious. If something is too good to be true and you’re getting bad vibes from it… look into if there’s something wrong or reject it outright.
Sometimes caution is warranted and that may be true this week.
Week 3: June 12th to June 18th
Now your month is going to look up. Here we have The Empress. Although the truth you learned earlier this month may be been painful, you’re going to go through a metamorphosis on a spiritual level. This is the week where you understand and comprehend how this truth will affect you.
This is going to create a positive change in your life even if you’re dealing with difficult circumstances. Know that you’re likely to create something amazing this week or start nurturing something that will benefit you later.
Consider doing something creative even if you’re not traditionally creative. Drawing a picture, doing a craft, et cetera. It’ll be more rewarding for you than normal.
Week 4: June 19th to June 25th
You’ll step into your power this week with the King of Wands. You may be more social or in some way better positioned in society to be a leader. If you’re an introverted person and wish to keep things private, use this energy to compel yourself to be someone worthy of respect.
Have a vision for this week and work to see it through. You’re going to surprise yourself with what you’re capable of.
In addition, this is likely to be an excellent week to explore something spiritually. If there’s something you always wanted to try, now’s the time.
Week 5: June 26th to June 30th
The month ends with the Four of Pentacles. This is a bit of a protective and greedy energy, but considering the start of this month, it’s not uncalled for to be a bit cautious.
You may enjoy more abundance and be afraid to lose it. This feeling likely comes from your earlier struggles in the month. For some of you, this is only psychological, while for others, the threat could still be present.
Either way, don’t feel bad for taking precautions with your money, health, or career. It’s okay to look out for yourself sometimes.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Cow

On the surface, you’re gentle and may seem meek. But underneath, you’re a force to be reckoned with and this month is going to prove it.
Your first animal spirit card is the Deer. This is a nurturing, gentle, and elegant energy. Know that you can do anything with a classic style that you put your mind to, but people may perceive you as vulnerable.
The second animal spirit card is Mouse. This is also a vulnerable animal, but mice are survivors and detail-oriented. They can fit anywhere and make use of whatever is around them to survive. So your vulnerability can also be your strength if you let it be.
The final animal spirit card is Tiger. This is a dark, feminine energy of a predator that hunts at night. Recently I heard that tigers are one of the few animals that are “shoot on sight” if they escape from zoos because of how dangerous they are. Understand that you’re more powerful than you think, but in ways that are often unseen to others.
Week 1: June 1st to June 4th
Think small this week. Your first card is Three of Wands, Reversed. Don’t be tempted to go big because you need to pay more attention to something at home. Review your life and revise the details. There may be something you’re missing and this attention can change things for you in a positive way.
While doing this review, consider how your weaknesses can be your strengths. I recently watched a Teal Swan video where she said you should either “double down” or change. I think there’s something in your life you should double down on even if it seems like a vulnerability to you.
Week 2: June 5th to June 11th
An opportunity awaits you with the Page of Pentacles card. I see this as you looking at that vulnerability you decided to double down on and exploring it.
Let’s use an example: someone who is shy can either change or double down on their alone time. That doesn’t mean completely isolating themselves, but instead of being a social animal, they choose to orient their life around quality alone time. This allows them to pursue personal projects that require a lot of solitary time to do well.
Use this week to explore and manifest that vulnerability into a strength.
Week 3: June 12th to June 18th
This week is likely to be the most challenging of the month for you. This card, Ten of Swords, indicates a struggle. Perhaps you’ll be backstabbed or encounter some sort of temporary ruin.
Don’t panic! You can and will overcome this, especially as your overall month isn’t a negative one.
But what I want you to understand is that avoidance isn’t the answer in every situation even when it previously caused you pain. You’re going to be tempted to avoid whatever causes you trouble this week in the future… but don’t.
This is like someone who was betrayed by a partner and then decides to write off love forever. That’s the kind of avoidance you want to reject in your life.
Week 4: June 19th to June 25th
The fourth week card is the Nine of Pentacles, Reversed. This is about coming out of your shell and understanding how being too focused on yourself can lead to problems.
Did you know it makes you unhappier to ruminate? Rumination isn’t just obsessing about negative things, but also mindless wandering that takes you out of the present moment to a harmful degree. Maladaptive daydreaming is a major problem for some people.
I think you use avoidance and fantasy thinking to make your life more pleasant instead of taking action in the present. Consider changing that approach this week to manifest a better life now instead of just one that’s in your mind.
Week 5: June 26th to June 30th
You’re going to need to make a sacrifice. The Hanged Man card is about sacrifice, but necessary ones which lead to enlightenment or improved life.
Many good things require a struggle to obtain them. Exercise is a common example, but things like college, entry-level jobs, and other not 100% positive experiences count too.
Life is a progression and expecting happiness 100% of the time will lead to greater unhappiness down the road because you’ll only take the easy and lazy path. This week is about choosing the path of effort so your life will bloom.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.