July 2023: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today we’re going to find out what July 2023 has in store for you. This is an introspective and challenging month because of the astrology, but it seems like the universe believes you’ll end it on a positive note because of the affirmation cards I was drawn to use.
This makes sense because of the latter half of the month’s astrology. But let’s get beyond the astrology of the month and focus on what you can control using your free will so you can make the best of the next few weeks.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which flower inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot and the Super Attractor Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to reveal your July 2023!
Pile 1: Yellow Flower

You have the real potential to change your life for the better this month, but it won’t be easy. That’s because you’re attracting something positive, but you won’t realize how good it is in the beginning.
Your first card has the affirmation My super attractor power comes from how I feel, my faith in love, and the joy I put out. This is your ability to attract what you want in life. You, more than most people, are heavily influenced by your emotions rather than your thoughts.
This means simply believing in something isn’t enough to attract a better life. You must feel as if it’s true, rationality be damned.
The second affirmation is I release time and let the universe show me what to do. Plans are good, and as a Virgo, I’m obligated to say that, but plans can trap you in an artificial emotional state. For you, it’ll help not to put a due date on important goals for now.
For those who like to plan, continue doing so, but let the universe decide when it’ll come your way on dates. Sometimes that’ll be later, but sometimes sooner. Trust that the universe has your back when it comes to you attracting things.
The final affirmation card is When I introduce joy to a situation, I change the vibrational frequency of what’s happening around me. Your cheat code this month is to use self-care, rather than goal accomplishment, to increase your happiness and empower your attractor ability.
Watch comedies, pursue a hobby you love, or just listen to great music. It’s okay to be happy because happiness helps you in life even when it’s not directly working towards a specific goal.
In fact, don’t forget the lesson of this month: happiness always matters. You have permission to desire happiness and seek it.
Week 1: July 1st to July 9th
Something disappointing has happened to you recently or will happen this week. It’s something you can recover from, but you won’t accept it at first because of the Five of Cups card. You just can’t recognize how much you have despite your losses.
This isn’t a moral statement against you. When someone is in pain, of course, they struggle at the time. It’s not easy to see past your pain when you’re in it.
Consider a journaling exercise this week where you list all the things you’re grateful for. It can be actual things, people, experiences, et cetera. Reread it often because you’ll see what advantages you do have in life that you’ll want to cherish.
Week 2: July 10th to July 16th
Your second week is marked by the Seven of Pentacles. This is your week – the one that’ll determine the mood for the rest of July and potentially shift the way you’re living in a positive way.
Plant seeds. Look over that gratitude exercise you made and pick one that you’re going to work on in increments. Perhaps you’re grateful for something as simple as having a cat, so start an intention to spend ten minutes playing with your cat every day.
A small change like that is going to alter your life in ways you can’t even comprehend right now. Don’t even try to predict the outcome reward yet. It’s so much better than you can imagine.
Week 3: July 17th to July 23rd
I see the possibility of your month turning sour with the Ten of Cups, Reversed card. This suggests some domestic disturbance or feeling emotionally uneasy.
It could be lingering disappointment from the first week especially if you didn’t do a gratitude journal and start investing your time and effort in the second week in one area.
Whether it’s something new or based on that previous disappointment, maintain your self-care time this week or even amplify it. If you let your emotional upset get too strong, you’ll spiral down for a while and you don’t have to let that happen.
Week 4: July 24th to July 31st
This is a better week, but with the Four of Cups card, I think whatever you’re going to be offered you won’t see it for the good it is.
Sometimes what we think we need isn’t what we actually need. And sometimes, a difficult situation can turn out for the better even if it continues to have difficulties going forward.
Know that whatever olive branch you’re being offered is far more optimistic than you can see right now. Take a leap of faith and accept it.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Pink Flower

This is an important month for you when it comes to your life purpose (or purposes). Let’s just get into the first card so you’ll see what I mean: The universe has big plans for me and it’s time to claim them.
Everyone has a destiny and while I think we have some wiggle room, living out our destiny is a generally enjoyable experience. However, you may think you don’t have the right to live out the plan the universe has for you. The universe’s plan is probably different from what society said you could have.
The second theme card is the affirmation I believe I’m worthy of feeling good. You have inherent worth and dignity that you don’t have to earn. That’s why you’re able to have a beautiful destiny and the right to reach for it.
Some people believe that you can’t work towards something unless you have permission. The universe has already given you permission to reach for your dreams and desires. That’s why you have a life purpose!
The final affirmation card is As soon as I choose to see the light in the dark corners, I redirect my power toward what I want. Free will means people can choose to do good or evil. Because of this, there’s sin in the world and you will encounter that.
But by choosing to do the good of your life purpose you will heal the world around you. Your wants, as long as they aren’t evil themselves, are going to reflect your life purpose in some way. Go towards them with all your might because you will change things for the better.
Week 1: July 1st to July 9th
The Hermit, asks you to introspect to seek enlightenment. If you can avoid too many social situations, do so. But, in general, setting aside time to think, journal, and meditate is what you need even if you have a full social calendar.
If you do this you’re going to be in an excellent position to receive intuitive downloads about what you need to do in life. I also got the intuitive sense right now that you should try automatic writing which is where you put your pen to paper and write whatever comes to mind without lifting the pen or stopping. Don’t judge it either. Just write. Some of you may also find yourself drawing.
There can be a bit of nonsense sometimes, but you’ll start to see a pattern and that’s a message the universe has sent you that you need to hear.
Week 2: July 10th to July 16th
This is where your month is going to get challenging. Here we have the Seven of Wands. I do see you in a good position, but you’re going to feel attacked by people or events around you.
Know that you can handle it, but be prepared for a little overwhelm. You may want to set aside time this week to decompress from anything stressful that comes your way. It’s okay not to start anything new this week and just focus on surviving. That’s an achievement itself when times are difficult.
Week 3: July 17th to July 23rd
Now you’re going to be taking on some responsibilities or even burdens with the Ten of Wands card. Make sure that what you’re taking on matters to you in some way. Don’t just say yes to a favor. I don’t want you to be collecting annoyances.
This is also why I didn’t want you to start anything new last week. Although I think you can handle what’s coming your way, you need to journal and ask yourself if how you’re living your life is directed by you or someone else. If so, start planning a change even if you can’t act on it right now.
Week 4: July 24th to July 31st
The final card is the King of Cups, Reversed. You’re going to have a lot of realizations this month and I think it’s going to make you a little sad. You’ll realize you’ve made decisions you aren’t happy with.
But just because things aren’t going 100% your way doesn’t mean you can’t change them. Recognize your worth and start planning a new approach to respect your value. It’s okay to want something and base it on your desires instead of unrealistic expectations.
That’s your lesson for this month: you’re going to learn why you should value and respect yourself.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Blue Flower

This is a month of faith for you. Things are happening in the background and it won’t all manifest this month. Because of that, you may feel discouraged and disillusioned. This could cause you to turn away from spiritual alignment and set you on a bad path.
Let’s not go on spiritual detours because there’s so much happiness available to you.
The first affirmation in your spread is I am patient, knowing that whatever is of the highest good is coming to me. Rejecting the good of the universe is what has led to the evil around us. You’re not an evil person, but if you reject instead of working with the universe things will fracture around you.
Trust that the universe has a plan for you and it’ll be one you enjoy. You may not know what this is right now, but you’ll get a revelation soon enough.
The second affirmation is When I live and act from a place of spiritual alignment, I can trust that everything is working out for me, even if I don’t know when or how it will happen. It’s not difficult to get out of spiritual alignment in the modern world.
Focus on a daily spiritual practice. It doesn’t have to be complicated – a few minutes of meditation, journaling, saying affirmations, prayer, et cetera. Whatever small thing you can do consistently will uplift your spirit.
This will have an incremental effect that’ll pay off later.
The final affirmation in your spread is I feel my way into faith one step at a time. I bet you’re thinking you have to shift your view on spirituality overnight. Instead, just focus on incremental change and allow gradual revelation to come upon you.
Yes, spiritual awakening stories that are sudden and amazing are interesting, but it seems like the next phase of your spiritual growth will be slower and steadier. But that wins the race in the end.
Week 1: July 1st to July 9th
Your first week is the Ten of Swords card. Nobody likes this card because it usually indicates a misfortunate event where it feels like you’ve hit rock bottom in some area of your life.
The good news is that it can’t get any worse. So whatever misfortune happens to you, take comfort in that you’ve seen the worst of it for a while. That means you only have to work on healing that pain.
Allow yourself time to rest this week. Whether your misfortunate event is something like missing a bill’s due date or something more serious like a breakup, you’ll need to let yourself have time to heal and recuperate.
Week 2: July 10th to July 16th
The last week you were beaten down, but this week, you’re going to stand tall. Here we have the Nine of Wands. See how the man is standing defiantly and courageously? That’ll be you.
Things are tough, but you can’t be defeated. You’re going to weather this storm and you’ll feel the hope that you can succeed this week. Even if that hope is just a hint, hold onto it. You’re stronger than you ever thought possible.
If you can handle these difficult things, imagine how far your ambition can carry you when you’re on an easier path without entanglements.
Week 3: July 17th to July 23rd
This should be an amazing week for you and give you a glimpse of how being spiritually in alignment will help you. I call this the mind-body-spirit card because of the three people working in harmony for a higher cause.
Look towards your habits. Hopefully, you’ve already been working on your small daily spiritual routine for a few weeks now. Great! Now see what other routines you can do.
You already have a “spirit” routine, not consider an intellectual/creative (mind) and a health (body) routine.
Week 4: July 24th to July 31st
Be prepared for what you did last week to not work quite right in every case. Your last card is the Three of Cups, Reversed. I’m thinking one of the routines you started you’re going to abandon either because it was too difficult or you weren’t interested.
That’s okay. Really. If you made the decision to start running every morning, but you haven’t exercised in ten years, that’s too much too soon. Consider a short walk instead.
And if you decided to learn to paint, but realized you hated it… you can pick another routine to try. See this week as an excuse to adjust your life according to your desires. You’re writing your life story from now on.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.