How You’re Chosen — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on how you’re chosen by the universe. This will tell you what makes you important to the divine plan.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Good Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s uncover how you’re chosen.
Pile 1: Book

You have a powerful inner Strength according to the first card. That strength is empowered by the beast within you, but you’re able to control and wield that wonderful wildness into something productive.
That means you’re a very original person, but not at the expense of being effective. However, you likely struggled with “inner demons” or a frustration about your identity at some point in your life.
Some who selected this pile may still be going through it now, but the worst of it likely occurred during your childhood or once you became an independent adult.
That means that your wildness is something unusual and there are few examples of how to use it in your environment. You may have been confused about what to do with your life or how to manifest your desires.
But the good news is that once you wrestle with your uniqueness and accept it, you will become a force to be reckoned with.
Seven of Water
Some people have very fixed destinies. You’re not one of those people. The second card, Seven of Water, indicates choice or flexibility. That chaotic path is part of what makes life frustrating for you, but it’s the universe telling you to co-write part of the divine plan.
What this means is that you’re going to be able to have a life few could ever dream for themselves. Your boundaries aren’t as limited even though it may seem like that on the surface.
Go ahead and dream. Go ahead and reach for the impossible. The saying of “shoot for the moon, if you miss, you’ll land among the stars” is very relevant for you.
And that’s important. There are many choices you could make and the universe isn’t limiting your path. That means you could choose the wrong one – but if you listen to your heart, you’ll eventually find a path that will make you happy.
This is true for all things in your life too, big or small. But the trick is to trust in your own abilities to forge that path.
Nine of Fire
The universe knows your life can sometimes be challenging, especially the mental and emotional breakthroughs you’ll experience. For that reason, the Nine of Fire has shown up in your spread.
This is my spiritual team card and that means you have multiple powerful spiritual beings who will provide help in the background. But they’re more like assistants and you’re the general: they’ll do their job best when you direct them.
For some of you, this could be direct channeling with individual spirits, but for others (like myself), you’ll find a generalized petition to the universe sufficient. The point being, having an open line of communication with your spiritual team or the universe will do a lot for you.
But notice the image on this card: here we see a young woman holding stars in the darkness. You’re meant for something great and that greatness, like your inner strength, is ultimately something you wield.
No matter how difficult things can get, you’ll shine brighter than those challenges.
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Pile 2: Brooch

I see a lot of creativity and revolutionary energy in your spread. You’re a real character. The first card, Transformation, indicates you’ll go through either a lot of changes throughout life or a specific and powerful singular one, like a spiritual awakening, mid-life crisis, or shift in life purpose.
This is a dying and rebirth on the soul level, meaning you’re bound to change drastically in the before and after. Since many who chose this pile are likely to be the first sort, you can look back on your life so far and see how much you changed compared to the average person your age.
These changes whether they’ve already occurred or will in the future indicate that you were born into circumstances that didn’t entirely resonate with your soul. But the universe knew that despite these circumstances, you would rise above it and bring something new to the world.
Instead of demarcating your before and after as different people, see them as a spectrum of you. A transformation isn’t a replacement of you, but an awakening of who you really are.
Six of Fire
There’s a healthy sense of ego with the Six of Fire. This is a card of glory and recognition. This can sometimes result in bad behavior or narcissism, but I don’t see that occurring with you.
A person with a strong ego can do amazing things. It can lead to creative works or to a person who has the tenacity to achieve something significant. You’re that person. Your ego, while it can seem inflated at times, is actually a tool to encourage you to venture into the world and grasp what you desire.
But this requires some element of audience. For the more extroverted who chose this pile, the concept of popularity or fame is exciting. However, those who are more introverted or shy may wonder how they can achieve what they want without being the center of attention.
Let’s use an example: someone who loves to create music and is extroverted will usually try to become a singer. But an introverted person becomes a producer.
You can modify your approach a bit. An introverted person who still wants to be a singer might choose to do fewer shows or do shows in more intimate settings.
Ultimately, you need an audience. Sometimes that audience is someone who is right there in front of you – but not always. Many authors take pen names after all, but they still have an audience.
Page of Water
The final card in your spread is one of joyful surprise, the Page of Water. There’s also a lot of spiritual and intuitive energy in your spread, so I think your connection to the mysterious or unseen is much stronger than you may realize.
This is what empowers the muse of creatives, but for those who care less about creating works of art, this can manifest as spiritual abilities or interests. Often that can lead to spiritual careers, but it could even lead to a lawyer having almost psychic abilities for how to command a courtroom.
The point being, you seem to have an unexplained power the universe has gifted you. You’re meant to use this to empower your dreams, whatever they may be.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Butterfly

Page of Air
I get a strong sense of communication and dyadic or dual energy in your spread. The first card, Page of Air, shows that the universe has chosen you to express something or to act.
This isn’t specifically creative, but if you have a creative bent, then this creativity will be more narrowly applied. You’re meant to manifest something specific. This brings to mind Frida Kahlo and her preference for self-portraits or authors who spend their lives trying to write a singular important novel.
You can see in those above examples that what you’re trying to communicate or act on is mission-oriented. You may or may not know what this is right now, but given the Page of Air card, more will be revealed to you as you work through it.
It is important to note that you may achieve this mission in your life and then have a lot of “free time” afterward. If this has already occurred or is about to occur soon, take comfort that you now have the freedom of movement and a sense of fulfillment for your efforts.
Sometimes, your life purpose is accomplished and it can even occur early in life. That means you have permission to do what you want without feeling the pull to keep achieving.
Two of Fire
This is a planning or narrowly focused card. It’s also a dyadic or dual one. The Two of Fire is most often described as a passionate relationship or planning. But the point is intention.
You were chosen by the universe to live intentionally and for your inner fire to burn bright. If you’re young or you haven’t achieved your life mission yet, then purposefully discovering it and manifesting it according to a timeline will be healthy for you.
But this is a reflexive part too. There’s a saying that no plan survives contact with the enemy, and I think that’s something you need to realize. You’re meant to communicate or act on something and that’s going to be received.
Whoever is meant to receive that may be resistant at first or want to collaborate with you. Think of the fans who love an artist’s work and want to see more.
Be prepared to revise any plan you make and you won’t lose your mind over the circuitous route destiny may lead you down.
Six of Earth
There’s an exchange. The final card, Six of Earth, is about you entering into a material relationship. This could lead to the exchange of money, time, resources, or commitment.
I can see that someone in this thread likely has a life mission to have children. That is a perfect example of this card. The person has a responsibility to be a parent, and the child has some debt to the parent because of that, but that debt is repaid over the lifetime of the child.
Yes, that could lead to the child supporting the parent financially in old age, but think broader than that. When you give something to someone, you create a relationship of exchange and both individuals give back in their own way. The child doesn’t just give money – they give affection, respect, and the fulfilling chance for the parent to witness the child becoming their own person achieving their dreams.
Your mission isn’t about you sacrificing for the greater good. It’s about you being part of the greater good.
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