How You’re Being Foolish: Tarot Pick a Card
The first card in any tarot deck is The Fool. This is a positive card as it represents a new journey. However, with new journeys comes the potential to make mistakes. If you’re attracted to this pick a card, then the universe thinks there’s an easy adjustment you can make to improve your quality of life.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which devious Shiba Inu dog stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Kalan Kawaii Tarot and the Wisdom of the Oracle decks (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out what you can change about your life so you can make the most of your opportunities.
Pile 1: Letter

You Shouldn’t Have Taken the Offer
With your first card being the Four of Cups, Reversed, it seems like you accepted an opportunity or some sort of offer that didn’t work out well for you. This could be something like a job, a college major, or something materialistic, like a gift or loan. You likely had multiple options at the time.
The reason you made this decision was ultimately misguided. Perhaps you didn’t look into the alternatives enough or you assumed you had to pick what was offered to you instead of refusing them all and looking for something even better.
However, your spread is actually quite joyous. Even though this opportunity was ultimately a mistake and it’s one you’re probably rueing… I think you can make something of it. There’s something about what this opportunity gave you that can still be advantageous somehow.
In other words: how you’re being foolish isn’t so much that you can never recover from this mistake, but that you don’t see you can still make something out of it anyway.
Happiness Has Arrived
Your second card is Happy, Happy. My first impression of this card is gratitude. Your opportunity, even if it ultimately was disappointing or upsetting, offers a secondary bliss. I think for most of you, this “mistake” was enlightening. You didn’t know what you truly wanted before, but now you do.
That can be an exhilarating revelation because it helps you to orient your life properly. Think of the person who takes a job as an accountant for a store. But they realize they hate accounting… and love the idea of opening their own candle shop.
From mistakes can come a new chapter. See what changed in your heart and mind from this mistake and then orient your life towards that instead.
By the way: this life experience is rather normal and may happen to a person many times. It’s okay that this happened because situations like this always happen; We aren’t omniscient and sometimes don’t fully know what we wanted in the first place.
Don’t look at this mistaken opportunity as a diversion. Instead, see it as a side quest. It was what you had to do to realize what you truly valued.
A few of you will recognize that what you did was a mistake, and you do want to change course, but you find that your current “mistake” is an enjoyable one anyway. For those of whom this is true, enjoy this current phase of your life as you proceed towards something even better.
Head in the Right Direction
The last card in your spread is Go the Distance. You may not know everything you’d like as you move in your new direction. However, what you did learn is enough to propel you forward in the race for your destiny.
Don’t worry about doing things perfectly. Instead, live honestly and genuinely. If you do that, you’re going to put your heart and soul into the goals that really matter to you. You’ll learn more along the way and likely make some more mistakes. But just like this one, any mistake you make is merely enlightenment on your path. It’s a sign to adjust what you truly desire and deserve.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Balloons

A Poor Investment
I see that your first card is the Seven of Pentacles. This indicates that you made some investments or put a lot of effort into things in your life. Some of these worked out, but others weren’t as fruitful.
Now I do sense that some who chose this pile are still waiting for the results of their investment, and I think you may end up disappointed. It’s always devastating when you put your heart and soul into something and it doesn’t manifest the way you want.
No doubt you’re wondering where you went wrong. What mistake did you make? How were you being foolish?
Ultimately, I think the cause is a lack of focus. You spread your seeds on fertile ground, but you spread far too many seeds and they ended up competing for your attention. Any one of the investments you made could’ve worked out, but one or more choked some others.
Let Things Happen Naturally
The next card is Chaos and Conflict. The animal on this card is a zebra giraffe, which doesn’t exist in nature. Zebras are also known for being wild and impossible to domesticate. And boy did humanity try. I believe that one of your projects may have been that zebra. It needed less attention and desired to roam free. But instead, you tried to make it into something it wasn’t.
The reality is that not all things require an investment of effort. They’re meant to happen serendipitously. A good example is going out on a date and determining that the person you meet will be the one you love forever. However, there’s no attraction. And since this isn’t an arranged marriage, the other person is likely looking for romantic love, not just a marriage partner. When love doesn’t happen, that happy fate, then you’re trying to make something manifest that doesn’t fit.
See what in your life requires less of your attention and more free range to roam. For most of you, this may be something like a hobby. Many people in this modern era professionalize their side interests. It’s not enough to read a book, you must catalog and review each book you read with an intense essay to post online!
But where’s the fun in that if you’re just doing it to be “productive”? Productivity is not a synonym for joy.
Happiness Around the Next Corner
The third card is No Place Like Home. Your spread may seem like a scold, but really, it’s the universe trying to tell you that the way you’re being foolish is how much you’re expecting from yourself. You aren’t being fair to yourself.
Take a step back, relax, and unwind. Have fewer expectations for yourself when it comes to your daily schedule. Put your feet up and do something only for yourself, like watching television, taking a long bath, or hanging out with some friends.
What really matters will get done anyway, focus on those priorities, but after that, allow yourself some leisure time! Right now you’re spread too thin. Leave room in your life for fate to fill in the gaps. I think there will be some pleasant surprises waiting for you if you do.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Gift

Let Yourself Shine
You have such a happy spread. Your first card is The Sun. This is a very positive card, but the cloud does suggest something is dimming your self-expression. Because of the rest of your card, I interpret this to mean that your current environment is no longer serving you.
That doesn’t always mean that where you are is bad, but rather, that your best life is elsewhere. Your sun needs space to shine.
When I say environment, it could mean where you live, but think about this more abstractly. It’s the framework for your life. What governs your current boundaries. For some of you, your environment is where you live, but it could also be your work, school, the way you decorate your home – the list is endless.
The point is that there’s some part of you that is restless to move on. Entertain and encourage that desire because it’s your intuition telling you that it’s time for more.
How you’re being foolish is that you’re afraid to do more for yourself. You’re letting the clouds roll in. That means you’re in danger of stifling the best of yourself.
Journey Forward
The second card is Time to Go. The message here is fairly direct and obvious, so I want to dwell on what else I see here: a journey.
One of the reasons I think you’re afraid to move on is that it means you’re no longer going to know all your boundaries. Your current environment is either comfortable or you’re at least able to navigate it in a way that makes sense. Change is scary. Change is chaos.
But see how the woman in this card is walking a narrow path with a particular destination? Your next environment may seem chaotic and uncertain at first, but the more you walk down that path, the more certain you’ll be of how you can express yourself properly.
Who you are is going to shine on that fog and reveal the next adventure your soul is longing for. You may not even know what that adventure is yet. But take the first step and let it be revealed to you through experience.
Emotionally Satisfied
The final card is Loyal Heart. I sense a few meanings here, so it seems like the people who chose this pile have similar longings for change, but their ultimate journey is going to look very different.
For some, you’re going to fall in love, strike a commitment, or feel some sort of social togetherness. For you, proceeding away from your current environment helps you to find a new one you can share with others.
But I also sense an interesting spiritual element here. Some who journey forward will find that their past becomes easier to understand and incorporate into their being in a healthy way. Just because you move on from your current environment doesn’t mean it leaves you forever.
It’s a chapter in your life that becomes integrated into your experience, past, present, and future in a way known as nostalgia. And nostalgia can be beautiful in its grace.
You’re foolish because you don’t see how personal growth away from the past doesn’t mean you abandon the good from it. It just transforms the past – because you’ve transformed yourself.
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