How to Solve Your Life Crisis: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading on solving a life crisis. This may be a major event or a smaller problem that keeps you up at night.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which illustration inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Angel Guide Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s bring peace to your crisis.
Pile 1: Knocker
Be Who You’re Meant to Be
I’m not going to lie to you – it’s going to be difficult to solve your life crisis. That’s because your first card, Transformation, indicates a need for serious life reform.
Sometimes we encounter a problem where who we are is either no longer sufficient or a poor match for the circumstances we find ourselves in. This requires us to change who we are.
But I want to point out some things that will ease your spirit: the change you need to make is a transformation and this transformation will rejuvenate you.
That means you’re about to enter a renaissance. You’ll feel very in tune with this change and feel more like yourself, not less.
Why though? This necessary transformation helps you shift into a manifestation of your higher self. Even with the crisis you’re finding yourself in is unrelated to your life purpose, the transformation needed to face it will positively echo in your future.
So really ask yourself the hard question: what’s the logical next step – even if it’s hard? That’s how you transform. There’s no spiritual intervention here. You need to make the free will decision to step into a self-oriented transformation.
This is your personal development.
Sunny Days Ahead
Your next card is Joy and Contentment. In your spread, I sense a lot of “what happens next” once you take on the responsibility to transform yourself. This tells me that the transformation will either be quicker than expected or the benefits you get from it will arrive a lot sooner.
I think of weight loss here as an example: someone who needs to lose a lot of weight may initially think they won’t feel the difference until they get to the finish line. But even just a 5% weight loss improves cardiovascular health, reduces diabetes, and improves joints.
That means no matter how long your transformation journey will be, you’ll find quick encouragement through some sort of positive effect. It may not be the end goal or the total manifestation of what you’re aiming for, but it will serve to reaffirm your choice to transform in the first place.
This will have an amazing effect on your happiness. You’ll not only feel happier in the moment but a sense of fulfillment too. That comes from knowing you can achieve something that’s hard and can no doubt achieve more too.
You’ll Belong
The final card seems out of left field with the Friendship and Union. I don’t sense that it calls for seeking social support in your transformation (though that would also be a good idea) but a greater social belonging as a result of your change.
This could be because you’re a happier person to be around so you attract others to you. The joy and contentment you’ll feel will raise your vibrations and attract good people towards you or people you already know when they’re in a good mood.
Or perhaps the change you make puts you in a position where you’ll meet the right people.
They say that you’re the average of the five people you’re around the most. Expect who you are or the mood between your social connections to change.
What you think of your social life, even if it’s bad right now, is going to be fundamentally altered and transition into one of deeper companionship. You’ll want to spend more meaningful time with these people and they will want to be around you too. Make sure to respond to requests to meet up! You won’t regret it.
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Pile 2: Violin
Messages Received
The universe has a plan for you! To tackle your life crisis, you need to rely on yourself less and trust the universe more.
That’s probably because your life is being warped by the demands of this dimension and it’s hurting your higher self. This is making it difficult to align with your life purpose.
But good news is coming your way – literally! The universe knows you need concrete guidance. Your first card, Signs and Reminders, means you’ll receive a divine revelation.
This is most likely to be in the form of angel numbers, spirit guides manifesting, or any other synchronicity that couldn’t possibly be normal.
Now some of you may be like me: completely oblivious to your environment. In this case, you may find keeping a journal or taking notes on your phone when something happens as a way to track the signs you’re receiving.
You may also encounter something called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. Instead of stunning spiritual signs that seem fantastical, you may see something you never noticed before, like a particular word, appearing again and again. That’s the universe at work!
Some of you may also receive messages in your dreams. Make sure to write them down as soon as you wake up so you don’t forget them.
You Will Act
Judging by your next card, Courage and Bravery, the message you’ll receive may challenge what you believe to be true or even hope for. A famous religious example of this is the Binding of Isaac in Genesis: God promised Abraham a son, but then after many years of waiting, asked him to sacrifice his son on an altar.
There’s some debate on this, but either Abraham knew God would intervene or he had the Canaanite cultural expectation of child sacrifice. However, God did intervene and stayed Abraham’s hand before the slaying by providing a sacrifice for him. It was a test of faith and Abraham passed.
I don’t think you’ll have such a scary test of faith, but the universe is going to ask you to do something which seems too much to bare. However, you can bare it and it’s going to end up for good – without any real sacrifice on your part.
But you’re going to need to be courageous even when it’s hard to see this through. Trust what your signs tell you. And trust in the goodness of the universe.
Positive Destiny
The last card in your spread is Sacred Plan. Although it may be too painful to see right now, your current life crisis is either part of your destiny or the universe is going to use this unexpected challenge to set you back on track.
Don’t focus too much on which one it is (honestly, it’s irrelevant to you) but instead think about the bright future ahead. You have a beautiful and amazing life purpose and when that is fully realized and you’re in alignment with it things will get a lot easier.
That’s not to say there won’t be future challenges (you live in a world of free will after all), but that you’ll feel more settled on your course and optimistic about how you’ll face problems.
Just remember that these signs and reminders you’ll soon be receiving may not be the only ones you’ll encounter in life. Use this time as a training period to better receive divine communication in the future.
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Pile 3: Chair
You Have a Protector
It doesn’t clarify in your spread, but your life crisis is difficult for you to face on your own so stop blaming yourself.
In a world of free will, we can sometimes find ourselves disadvantaged and trapped. Maybe you were responsible, maybe not, but things got carried away and you’re out of alignment and effort alone is not sufficient.
When this happens, you need a miracle and that’s exactly what the universe is preparing for you with your first card, Guardian Angel. Everyone has at least one guardian angel which is a spirit that protects you and intervenes when necessary to set you back on course.
Not everyone recognizes when their guardian angel is acting and there’s a good chance there’s been interventions in your life that you recognized and others that you didn’t. But regardless, your life is going to be reorganized and you’ll have a redemption.
Sometimes, a guardian angel may send signs to let you know what’s happening or you may encounter a strange person or animal that seems unexpectedly kind. That’s your angel either taking on a physical form or working through someone else.
Be open to receiving kindness at this time in your life. A miracle or “change in circumstances” is about to take place.
Not Alone
Your next card is Compassion. This is a specific word that is different from kindness. Kindness is a goodwill action that is often the result of manners or politeness. But compassion is when the other person deeply feels for someone who needs kindness and is likely to go above and beyond to give it. Compassion becomes their mission, not a social nicety.
Your guardian angel feels compassion for your life crisis and is your ally in life. Their goodwill acts are part of a lineage of events past, present, and future which is designed to manifest the best life possible.
Know that you aren’t alone even when it feels that way and your guardian angel is always working in your best interest.
But I also sense that this compassion may manifest in your environment. When things are difficult, it’s easy to feel as if nobody understands or cares. Your guardian angel is going to either change the heart of someone around you or send someone who will be filled with compassion for your situation.
Sometimes it’s not enough just for a problem to be fixed – you need to feel as if your pain was seen too. And it’s going to be seen.
Don’t Be Shy
Your third card is Ask and Receive. In general, your guardian angel isn’t going to intervene without your permission barring unusual circumstances. That means they’re going to sit back and let you figure things out for yourself.
This isn’t a bad thing, but it doesn’t mean they don’t want to help and aren’t receptive to prayers. If you want assistance (and not someone just doing things for you), asking goes a long way.
You can do this through formal prayer, direct thoughts, or a feeling of connection to your guardian angel.
If you’re open to your relationship with your guardian angel, they’re more likely to intervene. Think of a couple where they each do things for the other without prompting. The more in tune you are with each other, the more your guardian angel can act on your behalf.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.