How They Feel: Tarot Pick a Card
Are you romantically interested in someone and you wonder if they love you too? Now you can find out with the power of tarot!
It’s easy: all you have to do is select one of the piles above that sticks out to you the most. That’s your intuition speaking telling you how your person feels and which pile to pick.
After you select your cards, choose below or scroll down to your pile.
In this reading, I’m using the Everyday Tarot and Moonology oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support my tarot reading). I’ll be asking three questions from spirit about your person: how they feel, why they feel that way, and the future of your relationship.
Now onto your love tarot reading!
Pile 1

Okay, so I don’t have particularly good news for you. The cards I’ve pulled for your spread suggest that any relationship between you and your person is unlikely.
But why and is there anything you can do about it?
How They Feel
The first card in your spread is the Ten of Wands, Reversed. Here we see a person carrying a heavy load of sticks. It’s overwhelming – and that’s exactly what the card represents.
Your person isn’t in a place right now to enter into a new relationship with you and possibly anyone else either. Their concerns are on other matters, likely practical, but since this card is in the suit of wands, they may have lost their passion for life.
When someone is so beaten down by their responsibilities, they don’t have much room for romance. But that isn’t to say that romance is impossible – the advice for this card is normally to delegate responsibilities to other people.
Your person feels like they’re alone right now and having to struggle by themselves.
Why They Feel That Way
The next card in your spread is Strength, Reversed. This can be both a positive and negative card, and I think it gives some important context to your person’s struggles. Because your person has been so beaten down, the people in their life have questioned if they can really handle anything at all. You may even be one of these people.
Fundamentally, I sense that your person feels disempowered and alienated from the people around them. They’ve been getting the wrong signals, so instead of delegating or asking for help, they collapse in on themselves.
This isn’t healthy, and it’s why they probably aren’t allowing themselves to feel love. No matter how much you may like this person, they aren’t in a mental state to pursue a relationship. And if they did, it would likely destroy them further. They are unfortunately damaged by the difficulties they’ve faced.
The Future of Your Relationship
You may think that all hope is lost and that’s a reasonable interpretation considering the text on your last card, the Void-of-Course Moon. Yes, it certainly does seem like nothing can come of this relationship.
But let’s look closer.
The Void-of-Course Moon is a lunar phase in which the Moon in a zodiac sign makes its last energetic connection to a planet through aspects in astrology. This continues until it enters the next sign. The Void-of-Course Moon phase can last a few minutes to a few days, depending on the astrological climate at the time.
This is a phase where we become detached from reality. Those who follow astrology or perform magick rituals are known to avoid doing anything important at this time to avoid it going wrong.
That same concept could be applied to your relationship with your person. They are in a temporary phase of life where they can’t think ahead when it comes to romance. I can’t promise that you have a future with them or not, but I can tell you this: the only way you can find out is by reaching for them without any ulterior motives to help lift their burdens.
Perhaps they will fall in love with you when they see how much you care, but if they don’t, the worst thing that will happen is you made somebody’s life a little less miserable. So if you love this person try to find a way to make their life better – with no expectation of getting anything in return. If the universe wants you together, then something will happen. But if not, I still think you should find a way to help them if you can. It seems like they’re hurting on the inside, and your love for them may be a sign you were sent to heal them.
Pile 2

Oh wow, I sense a lot of energy between you and your person in the past, but it’s starting to go from hot to cold. Let’s find out why and if you can turn it around.
How They Feel
The Five of Swords is a card of conflict. Notice how the woman in the card is holding a sword and the other person is walking away looking defeated? In the original Rider-Waite tarot deck, there are actually more than two people here, so I interpret this card in your reading to be more romantic than it normally is.
Some relationships are love-hate, and I get the sense this is the case for the relationship with your person. At some point, maybe even from the beginning, you two became competitive against each other. This can create a lot of sexual tension which can cause attraction, but too much and the hate overwhelms the love.
Your person isn’t sure if they hate or love you, but someone has gotten one too many wins, and now they’re beginning to think you need time apart.
Why They Feel That Way
Look at the man being offered the cup in the second card. He doesn’t seem very happy, even though there are so many cups around him. In fact, he appears disinterested and disengaged from his environment.
That’s exactly what the Four of Cups, Reversed means. Your person has decided that the best thing they can do about your relationship is to avoid it entirely. Maybe they feel as if the love-hate is turning into too much hate because of the conflict and it’s no longer healthy to be around you.
Can you see why a relationship with your person may not work out in this situation? Your person certainly agrees. Even if you were to offer them affection right now, they would just get confused and fear that it’s a trap. And who could blame them? Your current relationship is one of winners and losers and they don’t want to be a loser.
The Future of Your Relationship
Your final card is more optimistic than it appears. The First Quarter Moon has a message that says you’re commitment is being tested.
Every relationship we have with each person on the planet is one of trial and error. We are all individuals who grow independently from the people we’re around, but when we meet that growth is accelerated by our interactions.
Your relationship with your person has been challenged in both good and bad ways by the love-hate competitiveness you’ve experienced. There is a spark there, but it’s fading.
However, it doesn’t have to if you want to save this relationship and turn it into something more. The First Quarter Moon as a lunar phase is a period where you smooth out the kinks in a project in preparation for the Full Moon’s culminating power.
Really take a look at your relationship with your person and ask yourself what needs to change, especially on your end, to make it worthwhile for the both of you. It’s going to be a lot of work, but you still have the opportunity to turn it around.
Just remember that not everything about your love-hate relationship is bad. Try to identify what makes you excited to be around that person. You may need to change it up so it’s not so competitive. For example, if you both like board games, it probably isn’t a good idea to play against each other but instead to find a group to play with as a team.
You can bond over the same activities you used to fight about by working with them instead of against them. After all, you want them to be your partner, right?
Pile 3

Your person is fighting an inner battle to be with you right now, but you may not be able to see it. Let’s find out what they’re dealing with and if you can help bridge that gap to bring you together sooner.
How They Feel
Your person is represented by the Temperance card. This is about having a moderate approach to life. The angel has one foot on the ground and one foot in the water. They’re also pouring the liquid from one cup into the other. In essence, this is about an equal transfer.
But in your reading, I sense this is about figuring out a way to make their feelings for you mutual. I don’t think they’re convinced that you like them back. However, it’s also more complicated than that.
Your person needs balance not just in your potential relationship, but in their life too. And balance isn’t always easy to create.
At times, this card can take on spiritual connotations. Because of the balance of this card and this particular reading, I think this person could be a potential soulmate or twin flame. You two can harmonize your lives together.
That’s probably why your person is so attracted to you. They sense you’re meant to be together. This is making them want to approach their relationship with you in a perfectionistic manner.
Why They Feel That Way
So why is there distance between you? That’s because of the Nine of Wands card. See how the woman in the card looks beat up and exhausted? Your person had faced a lot in life and is more cautious than most. They don’t want to make a mistake and lose you forever.
Perhaps they aren’t convinced that you like them back and they aren’t sure if they can take the risk of confessing on their own.
However, I don’t necessarily think you need to be the one to confess. Your person is stronger than they look, and it seems like they’re working out their feelings and how to be more confident.
They don’t want to just be with you, they want to have the confidence to be with you.
The Future of Your Relationship
The last card explains what your person needs to do. This card is the New Moon in Scorpio and it has a message to work through fears.
Although you can certainly confess and get things going, your person needs to do a lot of inner work to feel comfortable around you. This can be ironic to hear, but as much as they love you, they need to love themselves first.
And they’re so close to achieving that.
Don’t do everything for your person, even if you decide to push things along by confessing your feelings and asking them out. See if you can gently push them into setting the tone or doing activities together. And make sure that your person knows you’re receptive to their advances.
They may be a bit awkward at first, but, like a scorpion, they know what they want and they’ll strike (with love!) when they’re ready.
Be prepared for their passion, however! Even though they’re trying to live moderately, the New Moon in Scorpio card suggests they have a lot of love to give and may be a bit overwhelming once they get started. Have patience while they work it out so you can both be comfortable together.