Glimpse Into Future Wealth: Tarot Pick a Card
Everyone, including you, can acquire wealth. However, we all have individual challenges and obstacles to financial abundance. This psychic tarot pick a card is to help you identify how to overcome those struggles and increase your wealth.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal or tarot deck stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Everyday Witch Tarot and the Oracle of the Fairies decks while the animals are from an Acekar Sticker Pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase).
Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading. This reading is also not meant to replace professional financial advice: use it to inspire you to seek counsel or to act with personal discretion.
Now it’s time to glimpse into your future wealth.
Pile 1: Dog

Rebalancing the Scales
With your first card being Justice it seems as if you were wronged in the past. This could refer to a very specific incident such as a divorce, theft, or being the victim of the financial system at large.
However, this could also refer to something unseen: some of you may not be aware that you were wronged in the past and this has had financial consequences.
Either way, the Justice card being present here upright means that the universe is trying to balance things out through divine intervention. You may not even be able to change things to your favor on your own, or maybe you can, but something outside of your control or effort is going to act for your benefit.
In this spread, I get a strong sense that the fairies may be at work. They can be a bit mischievous. So if you feel like you want revenge against someone… that may happen! Don’t be surprised if part of your justice is seeing someone who wronged you having to pay up or facing their own consequences.
Fairies aren’t angels, after all.
Small Acts of Kindness
The second card, Moon Energy, has the wisdom message of “Surrender to the natural ebb and flow of life. If you’re feeling confused, this fairy comes to calm emotions and reassure you that peace of mind is possible.”
It’s easy to see by this card that most of the action in your spread is external to you. One word that can be used to describe what’s happening is karma: what comes around, goes around.
I think you feel as if you’ve suffered unfairly and it may have warped your inner peace. Expect to feel a divine presence, almost certainly from fairies or something similar, doing small acts of positive karma to reassure you that good is rewarded with good and bad rewarded with bad.
One way to increase your karma and raise the vibrations around you is to do your own small acts of kindness. Consider putting your shopping cart away, smiling at a retail worker, or saying something kind to a stranger.
Karma is already working to reward you, but doing what you can to increase your karma is always a good idea. I suspect such actions are more likely to help you find loose change too.
See the Potential
The final card in your spread is Hope with the wisdom message of “Hope is always there, even if we can’t see it. Optimistic expectations can help change a negative situation into a positive one.” I think that the Justice you’re going to experience could take some time. You may feel discouraged while waiting and feel hopeless.
But don’t let yourself fall to despair because you can’t increase your wealth to the level you want to right away. Someone or some system did everything it could to put you in a bad place and now the universe and the fairies are trying to set things right. The only thing they ask of you is to remain positive and open to the opportunities and gifts they send your way.
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Pile 2: Elephant

Too Focused On Your Self
Your first card is The Empress, Reversed. You’re spiraling right now, and that’s causing you to struggle to increase your wealth. Even though you seem to be doing all the right things, it’s either not working or you’ve reached your limit of what you can do.
This is frustrating and you may be tempted to give up. However, your spread indicates a need to look outside of yourself.
Generating wealth isn’t a solitary activity. You need to engage with the world in some way. Think of a farmer. They develop a relationship with the earth around them to grow their crops.
This is part of what makes capitalism work better than other economic systems. Nobody exists in the void and everyone is interconnected. Capitalism breaks when people forget that.
For you generating more wealth means informing yourself about what others do in the market. You have your own wisdom, but other people have learned some fascinating things too.
Back to Basics
Your second card is Tree Wisdom with the wisdom message of “The Tree Dryad will help you navigate through your current situation. Her flute can reveal insights and answers through the sounds it makes.”
Trees are perennial plants that experience a lot. The tree dryad here is a fairy with a deep connection to the world. She knows what works and what doesn’t. This card showing up in your spread is an indication that you can’t just do things your way. You need to model it after something in the past.
If you’ve already done this, then it’s a sign to try modeling your approach on someone else or finding new professional counsel. But if you are just doing things your own way, then the tree dryad is saying you need a proper framework for abundance.
Don’t follow new trends. While people have made a lot of money off of things like crypto, this spread is indicating a more conservative approach to wealth generation is necessary. Consider seeking out financial professionals, reading multiple books, and other activities which will establish a strong foundation that you can rely upon.
Listen to People Who Care About You
But your spread isn’t telling you to do things independently. You need some support from people that care about you. Your last card, Friendship, has the wisdom message of “Fairies and humans alike need friends. Now is the time to seek out those who will support and encourage you on your journey to fulfill your dreams.”
Traditional financial advice is great and you need it – but you’re also an individual. By seeking out the support and advice from your friends you can adjust that wisdom to reflect your needs and interests.
For example: traditional financial advice is that you should go to college because college graduates earn more money on average. However, a friend might point out that you hate school and you’d probably want to try starting your own business instead.
That’s what friends can do for you when it comes to generating wealth: they can provide insight about your character so you can see your values and desires echoed in a person who cares about you. A financial advisor just wouldn’t know that.
For this spread, I also consider family members the same as friends if they aren’t dependent on you or you dependent on them (like a parent or child). Friends who don’t directly benefit or suffer from your choices are going to be less biased than a family member who relies upon you.
Use that wisdom because they know you better than even a well-intentioned stranger would.
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Pile 3: Triceratops

Overwhelmed, But Not Defeated
With your first card being the Nine of Wands, you may feel a bit overwhelmed when it comes to building your wealth. It can seem as if the entire economic system is against you as your money feels like it’s worth less every day.
You’re not quite sure how to get out of debt, buy a house, or invest in your future. You know what you’re supposed to do, but it doesn’t seem to work for you.
The good news is that your spread is positive and indicates you can overcome these obstacles. It’s okay to feel as if things are unfair or you’ve taken too many hits. Sometimes building wealth isn’t fun and without issue.
But there are two images I want you to take notice of. The woman here has taken off her witchy clothing. She seems to believe she doesn’t have the power to manifest wealth. Instead, she’s taking a survival mindset.
Yet a cat is waiting on the limb of a tree. A cat has nine lives, which echoes the number on this card, and he has the high ground. Your survival mindset wasn’t harmful: you were just gathering your resources for the final move. One defeat in battle doesn’t mean you lost the war.
Don’t Care About Defeat
Honey badger don’t care. This saying comes from an infamous viral video and it’s something I thought about when I saw your next card, Nature’s Signs. Here the wisdom message is “Be receptive to the subtle messages from nature as you go about your day. Nature talks to us continually – we need only to open our hearts and minds.”
Throughout your spread, I see many animals and nature spirits. I think you can absorb a lot of nature’s lessons to help you build wealth. The honey badger in particular is considered the most fearless animal in the animal kingdom. Nothing stops its hunger – not even a venomous bite from a king cobra! It collapses and then gets up again to eat that snake.
I think you need to be hungry for what you desire and then pursue it relentlessly like an animal. You should have a primal need to gather wealth. And don’t think of it merely as materialism. You’ve survived this far: building wealth for you is just a natural extension of who you are.
Sometimes, persisting and surviving win the day. And that’s true for you. Other people give up. You won’t.
Consider going out in nature or viewing nature documentaries. Seeing how wild and wonderful nature can be will inspire you to fight for what you want because it’s very natural to do so despite the odds.
You have natural resources you don’t even realize yet, but you’re going to understand what they are the closer you get to the wildness within you.
The Signs Are There
The last card is Fairy Spotting with the wisdom message of “It’s time to go fairy spotting! It’s said that ‘seeing is believing’ but in fact the opposite is true: believing is seeing.”
You need to look at generating wealth as something which is inherently possible. The Law of Attraction will be helpful here, but the strong connection to nature in your spread is important: go out and witness the natural world because miracles do exist.
This is a sign from the universe that you’re going to see something amazing, like evidence for fairies, if you open your eyes. Prepare yourself! The reason you can be wealthy is that anything is possible if you open your eyes to it.
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