Five Years From Now: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello my soul friends, it’s time to check in with the universe to see which direction your life is trending. Knowing your most likely future now will help to shape it to your preference by knowing what energy you’ll have to deal with.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which crystal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Hanson-Roberts Tarot (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out where you’ll be five years from now.
Pile 1: Quartz

Seeing Things Clearly
This is a good spread, but it covers a topic I rarely see in a future reading. The first card, Temperance, indicates that you’re going to be in a more moderate and less extreme position than you are right now.
The illumination of the angel’s halo especially stands out. I think you’re going to learn something about your life that will alter your perception of how you should be living for the better.
However, I do think your perception of possible futures may be exaggerated and this has been harmful to you. For example, a person often thinks in extremes when it comes to their reputation: they’re either going to be famous or forgotten.
It’s not so much that a person couldn’t be respected and popular, but that the way they’re thinking about the future is a narrow stereotype and not based on reality.
Your personal enlightenment will bring you back into the middle realm of perception and be grounded in reality.
Learning From Others
The second card is part of what makes this reading unique. Here we have The Hermit, Reversed. Part of your personal enlightenment is that it’s one based on comparison – but a healthy comparison.
You’re not going to ruminate in your head. Your perceptions won’t just be the same ones you’ve had over and over again. Instead, you’re going to interact with others and be positively transformed by that experience.
You may feel that other people aren’t as intelligent or aware as you. Perhaps that’s even true. That said, these next five years are going to introduce you to people that you can learn from. Some may even meet a mentor or some other influential figure.
Transformed to Your Core
This next card may be a disappointment for some of you. Here we have The High Priestess, Reversed. This is about not relying on your own perceptions and choosing to live in a way that’s more in tune with a structured society.
I do think it’s possible to go too far and end up living a rigid existence, but because of the rest of your spread, I get the sense that you’re going to have a more social and healthy relationship with others.
You may have either spent too much time in isolation or you were around people that didn’t help you grow as much as they could have. This is going to change. You’re going to like learning from others and being influenced by them at a moral and intellectual level.
I also get a sense from this card that some of you who are reliant on spirituality to an unhealthy degree will get more in touch with the world around you. Spirituality is great, but so are earthly things. Part of your grounding is enjoying this life for its material pleasures.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Red Jasper

A Life of Bliss
You have a lovely spread! Your first card is the Ten of Cups. This indicates that you’ll have some sort of domestic bliss five years from now. This can take many forms. For some of you, this is getting married and starting a family, for others finding a home they love, and for the rest being part of a community.
It’s about feeling committed at a soul level to your present happiness. This isn’t about a culmination of material abundance but rather a culmination of emotional abundance.
Your happiness will be greater than it is now and you’ll feel secure in that emotion. This isn’t a fleeting emotional security, but a lasting one that could build legacies.
I hope you’re already starting to feel this way now, but if not, feel confident it’s coming your way.
You Can’t Plan for This
The second card in your spread is the Two of Rods, Reversed. This is interesting because it suggests this life of bliss isn’t one you planned for. Instead, it seems to be coming towards you despite whatever effort you’re putting forward.
I think this is going to happen for a few reasons. The first is that you may have goals that are more material than emotional. That’s fine. However, you may look towards your future only with achievement instead of emotional fulfillment.
You need both and it seems like the universe is setting into motion a way to make the emotional possible.
But how does this happen without planning? Emotions are largely about reception and that’s why the suit of water, which represents emotions, are cups that can be filled. Sometimes when we have a void in our lives it leaves room to be filled by something. You seem to have a void and it’s not being filled by something false or you’re going to live in such a way to keep this space open.
Perhaps you’re going to be a soulmate or an unexpected event turns out better than expected.
And maybe you’re just destined to be happy and you’re finally shifting into that destiny.
Sense of Completion
Your final card is the Ten of Rods, Reversed. This is about a release of responsibilities. Because of the rest of your spread, I see this as a relief. And let me use an example.
There are many people out there who don’t want children and aren’t planning to have them. But accidents do happen and sometimes a child is born. Even though having a child is hard, it’s emotionally fulfilling and most parents wouldn’t go back in time and change their decision.
That’s what I’m seeing here. Although it may not be a child for you, something that you think would be too hard to take on, like love, buying a home, or moving somewhere new, is actually going to be the best thing you ever did.
So when something unexpected happens to you see it as an opportunity to live your best life with an unexpected addition.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Citrine

Work Hard and Prosper
Your first card is the King of Pentacles. Five years from now you will be the master of your domain. This means you’ll have financial abundance, career success, or have achieved something of note. You’ll have reason to be proud of yourself.
Of course, this does indicate some hard work and persistence. This isn’t the card of a lucky break, but instead of someone competent and deserving.
You probably already know where you should put your attention, but if not, choose something that you could achieve in five years with enough practice and hard work.
Your efforts will be rewarded. All you need to do is put the effort in.
Hard work may seem like bad news, but this is also a card of personal meaning. Having something to do with your time and then being rewarded for it is empowering. Material success is something that can be measured. It’s not abstract or invisible.
Now’s Your Chance
The next card in your spread is the Ten of Swords, Reversed. This is about overcoming ruin or being backstabbed. Right now you’re either feeling like you’re not where you want to be or that someone or something has betrayed you.
It’s not a happy place to be, but one of the additional meanings of this card when it’s upright is that the only way to go… is up! As a reversal, this indicates the ruin is already past you or you’ve begun the process of healing already.
I think this is the reason why you’ll have success. You’re going to rise from the ashes like a phoenix and prove your worth. Not just to the world, but to yourself. Set goals because you will achieve them even if you might be starting from the bottom right now.
Don’t Give Up the Past
The third card in your spread is the Eight of Cups, Reversed. This is about a return. Something or someone you let go of in the past needs to be revisited.
Now for some of you, this could indicate that you gave up something you shouldn’t have, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes you have to let go of something for a little while. Perhaps you needed to focus on something else.
Or, if this refers to a relationship, the person may not have been in a position to love you in the way you needed, but now they’ve truly changed.
Something like this is going to happen to you. Your life conditions will be altered in a way that makes a past regret or giveaway possible again. Don’t just assume because you rejected something in the past that you should continue doing so. Just like hard work, sometimes you just need to keep trying or give something another chance.
Perhaps that’s the lesson here: your success will come because you don’t give up.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.