February 2023: Tarot Pick a Card
The shortest month of the year is on the horizon. Are you ready for it? Find out what energy you’re leaning into with this psychic message from the universe. Knowing what’s coming your way can help you embrace the good and push out the bad.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which picture inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Modern Witch Tarot and the Queen of the Moon Oracle decks while the animals are from an Acekar Sticker Pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to peer into your future for February of 2023.
Pile 1: Dog

You have an interesting month ahead of you. At times it’s going to be really tiring and at others really restful. That’s because your theme cards are suggesting the universe is trying to help you find what you truly enjoy in life and there’s some manner of resistance on your part.
The first card is Pleasure. I think that you’ve been struggling to find something you enjoy in life and you’re about to end that journey. You may already have an idea or have seen hints about what this is and it’s likely to be in areas of life purpose, your hobbies, romance, or self-care. Basically all the fun things in life.
Your next theme card is Realisation. You’re not just going to learn what it is that brings you pleasure in life – you’ll understand why. This will open a door for you and help you use this knowledge to improve your life in general. Expect your life satisfaction to start increasing from now on.
The last theme card in your spread is Surrender. Be aware that something you’ll enjoy is unexpected. You’re going to have to accept that some aspect of who you are is surprising and unplanned – but the universe always meant for it to be this way and you’ll grow into this part of yourself with satisfaction.
Week 1: February 1st to February 5th
Your month begins with the Seven of Wands, Reversed card. This is an excellent time to take a break and relax. You may not be able to get a lot done, but I also think many of the stressors you’ve been experiencing will take a back seat.
Explore the things you enjoy and things that you’re curious about. This will help you delightfully surrender to the plans the universe has for you. This is not a week to fight with your destiny.
Week 2: February 6th to February 12th
Things will get more intense around this time of the month because of The Emperor card. I see this as you accepting some mission or message from the universe and using that as empowerment.
You’re more capable than you realize and you’re going to use that knowledge this week to enact or continue what matters to you. I also get the sense that for some who chose this pile, it’s a good week to ask for a raise or go on a job interview. Just great, ambitious energy this week.
Week 3: February 13th to February 19th
Around the middle of the month, you have the Five of Wands card. This is a card of conflict, but not a dangerous one. Think of competing passions that bounce off each other and feed each other’s flames.
You’ll be able to use any challenges this week to propel yourself forward. It’s also a great time to have fun with the people you love. Just be aware that this is “play fighting” energy so you should channel that into something constructive. It is possible to find yourself in a pointless argument that could have been avoided.
Week 4: February 20th to February 28th
The month ends with the Justice card. Since this is upright that’s good news: karma is on your side and something positive will be delivered to you. This could be a win in your favor or it could be a sign that you grasp some aspect of your destiny and become more in sync with the universe.
If there’s anything you’ve left undone this month, you should be able to finish it out this week and potentially see some good return for your efforts.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Unicorn

This is a month of finding your roots and growing from there. The first theme card in your spread is Focus. Here we see a butterfly placed on the woman’s third eye, so I get a strong sense that part of finding your roots is getting in touch with your intuition.
That’s because you can use your intuition to help you prioritize. People often make the mistake of assuming that setting priorities is a one-time thing. Rather, it’s something you adjust continuously every moment as interruptions arise. Activating your intuition will help you superpower your focus in ways ordinary people don’t.
The second theme card is Blossoming. There’s no point planting twenty different seeds in the same spot. Right now, you need to find the focus of your personal garden before trying to take on multiple things you may not even be ready for. Once you let that feature of your life grow, you can spread out.
The last theme card is Boundaries. You’re going to have to say no at some point this month. At first, this is going to get on your nerves, but no gardener cultivates outside their plot of land. You can only do so much at a time, and without a shape or plan of cultivation, nothing you want to manifest will come to pass. But do know that your boundaries will extend over time as your intuition guides you.
Week 1: February 1st to February 5th
At the beginning of the month, you need to stay closer to home. Your first card, the Page of Wands, Reversed, indicates less exploration and curiosity and more introversion or being at peace.
You may find it useful to research how boredom increases productivity by resetting dopamine. Too much stimulation right now will weaken your focus and crowd out your intuition. Choose mental minimalism right now.
Week 2: February 6th to February 12th
The next week is the Queen of Wands. This will be a fun week for you because you’re going to take what you learned about yourself last week and try to blossom from those roots as much as you can. This is the week where you can test your boundaries so you know what they are and how far you’re willing to go.
But once you know what is meant to be, grab hold of it and let that focus motivate you to succeed!
Week 3: February 13th to February 19th
The middle of your month is the Six of Pentacles card. Here the idea of “less is more” will be rather prominent and you’ll enjoy some great abundance. That’s because what you focus on will blossom and reap many rewards.
Try not to get distracted by this abundance and assume taking on more responsibilities will lead to greater abundance. The reason why things are so abundant this week is that you’re focusing on what’s most important. All the little extras won’t give you the same return.
Week 4: February 20th to February 28th
Your final week card is the Two of Wands, Reversed. I know, I know, you’re tempted to create a grand plan. However, creating a plan isn’t the same thing as being mindful and focused on the moment.
Don’t fall into the productivity trap of planning ahead and not working on what needs to be done right now. It’s okay to just be thinking a week or two ahead. Focus on what’s most important right now, not what could be useful ten years from now.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Mummy

This is meant to be a cleansing or detoxing month for you. Perhaps you’ve been going through a difficult time or you’re preparing for a future challenge. Either way, you need to wipe your slate clean so you have the best foundation to pivot from.
Your first card, Purity, indicates a need for calmness and clarity. Consider detaching yourself from things that cause you harm. Now if you have an addiction or bad habit this may be difficult, so instead, choose that which you can control. Find that scary movies make you feel bad? Watch something else this month. That’s how you can embrace purity in a way you can handle it.
But this can also be a sign to cleanse your space, physically and spiritually.
The next theme card is Nourishment. It’s not enough to seek purity and cleansing: you need to replace what you pushed out with something positive. Eat good food, enjoy good entertainment, and spend time with the people you love. Show yourself the compassion you deserve in how you treat your mind, body, and soul.
The final theme card is Hunger. Once you purify and nourish yourself you’re going to feel an intuitive hunger for what matters in life. That’s because you took care of your more primal needs and opened up space for more self-actualized activities, such as your life purpose. This could also be a sign that you hunger for a deeper spiritual connection.
Week 1: February 1st to February 5th
The first week’s card is Two of Cups, Reversed. I see this as a decoupling. It could be from a toxic person, but I mostly see this as a general energy of bad commitments. Use this week to purify and cleanse your life.
It won’t be easy and you’re bound to face some personal resistance. Don’t expect perfection, but do expect progress. Hold yourself accountable for making positive changes in your life. A radical transformation shouldn’t be the enemy of a moderate one. Any purification this week is welcome, however small!
Week 2: February 6th to February 12th
Your next week’s card is The Hierophant, Reversed. This may surprise you, but part of purifying and nourishing yourself means turning your world upside down.
That’s because you have negative patterns that need to be upturned and challenged. I think you’re going to make some changes this week, even if it’s just temporary, which will be different from the past and a novel experience for you. Have patience for things being different as this will help you look at your life from a new perspective.
Week 3: February 13th to February 19th
Your middle of the month is the card of The World. About now I sense a culmination of energy peaking within and around you. You’re going to find your intuition superpowered and you’ll be able to use that to help your purification and nourishment, but also empower your hunger to find self-actualization.
You’re bound to see more opportunities in the world. Expect to feel wiser and that people in your life may come to you for advice. This is an excellent week to engage in your ambitions and more frivolous desires. You’re just more balanced and certain of yourself now.
Week 4: February 20th to February 28th
Your month ends with the Eight of Wands, Reversed. This is a slower week and I think that’s because you’ll be introverting a lot and considering your future plans. Look into meditation or journaling.
I think this is because you’ll be more aware of what your self-actualization will entail and you’ll want to think and prepare for that. You have a lot of potential and it’s falling to earth from heaven for you to manage.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.