Connect With Spirit — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading with a message from your spirit guides. For some of you, this may be from source energy or your higher self. Either way, this is a divine message from your highest good meant to help you out.
All you have to do is follow your intuition and pick the pile that sticks out to you the most.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Keepers of the Light Oracle deck (this is an affiliated link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to connect with spirit and hear your divine message.
Pile 1: Dog

Act Now, Not Later
There’s a project or action you’re meant to move on. The first card, Commander Ashtar: Call to Action has the wisdom message of “Take charge. Lead by example. Walk your talk.” It seems like something you’re meant to do you’re only thinking or talking about.
That means you aren’t making the kind of actionable progress you would like. Did you know a person is more likely to fail to achieve their goals if they talk about it? The phenomenon behind this is that people tend to get feel-good feelings from talking about their goals so their mind tricks them into thinking it’s already achieved. This is why scripting through the Law of Attraction sometimes doesn’t work for people.
Now you really need to sit down and create a plan of action, even if it’s just for the next twenty-four hours, on one something you can do that will progress you further on your goals.
You’re Ready
You may be making the mistake of thinking you’re not ready. However, your second card, Kuthumi: Cloak of Wisdom, has the wisdom message of “You already know the answer you see. Trust what you know.”
This indicates that you’re mostly prepared to succeed, so stop going down an endless spiral of research and planning. That doesn’t mean you won’t make mistakes or have some regrets, but the regrets will be bigger if you don’t start now.
It may help you to do a set of affirmations like “I’m wise and competent” or “I’m prepared to succeed.” There are also many guided affirmation videos and audio online that you can use.
You may find doing these in the morning will give you a boost, but others may find it helpful to do these affirmations the night before if you plan your day then. This isn’t the Law of Attraction, but emotional regulation to keep you on track.
Success Signals the Next Chapter
This is an important time for you because it has karmic consequences. The final card, Kali-ma: Facing Fear, has the wisdom message of “Major spiritual changes are unfolding. This is your chance to soar.”
Destiny is both fixed and mutable. There’s a plan for you, but you can exceed expectations. By acting on your current project, you will exceed these expectations and allow the universe to introduce new possibilities to your life story.
You will only be given the opportunities you can handle, so if you show you can handle them, you’re far more likely to attract new and better things in the future.
Expect to feel spiritual significance in what you’re doing even if you’re project seems like an ordinary human thing. Sometimes you don’t even know how your everyday actions echo across the spirit world.
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Pile 2: Fish

Let Go of the Small Things
Love is important right now, though you’re spread isn’t about romantic love. Your first card, The Myriam: Sacred Vision, has the wisdom message of “Choose to forgive in order to heal. See the light in all. Remember that love has no boundaries.”
This isn’t a sign that you should forgive the truly unforgivable, but that you should check yourself against resentment. Resentment is a bad sign in a relationship because it tends to metastasize and warp how you see the rest of the relationship.
It’s okay to not like what someone does. It’s okay to be upset about it. However, most things people do are forgivable in the sense a relationship should be able to proceed.
Ask yourself if you’re letting the small things build up a series of resentments that don’t have to be. People are flawed. You want people to forgive you of your blemishes, so you must do the same for them.
Love Is a Verb
One of the biggest problems in the spirituality and self-help community is the obsession with self to the point of anti-social behavior. Your second card, Quan Yin: Care and Compassion, has the wisdom message of “Choose to be love. Do what is right for everyone involved. Offer a helping hand.” Notice that love is an action, not an identity.
Love isn’t about comforting yourself or making others comfortable. It’s about facilitating compassion. Sometimes love is tough love, and other times it’s soft.
When dealing with your relationships, ask yourself if you’re truly understanding what the other person needs. Are you appropriately caring for them?
For some of you, you aren’t being soft enough, while for others, you’re letting the people in your life fall to bad depths because you’re too scared to offend them (or to do what’s uncomfortable for you).
Never assume a relationship is only determined by the identity of that relationship. It’s not a status symbol. True relationships are defined by how one is acting in love to another.
This is why it’s never good to be an enabler.
Don’t Try to Win Pointless Arguments
Have you heard the saying “Would you rather be right or happy?” That sentiment is fully embraced in your final card, Mother Mary: Love and Peace, with the wisdom message of “Let go of the need to be right. Choose peace. Mother healing is possible at this time.”
Imagine you’re sitting at a dinner table with relatives. Someone brings up a new product from the store, but another argues that it’s worthless. You believe you have the right answer and disagree with both of them, but if you argue your point, you’re going to hurt someone’s feelings because they’re still happy with what they have.
You will always have to compromise in relationships on “truth.” While you should never give up what you think is truly morally right, I bet you get into arguments about silly things now and again. Was it worthwhile? Keep this in mind when you interact with your loved ones in the future.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Rabbit

Hear Your Inner Voice
Your spread is untethered from normal reality and focused on mysticism. For that reason, I’ll try to provide suggestions to tap into the divine, but know your experience will be more personal than what I say here.
Your first card, Sanat Kumara: Light Activation, has the wisdom message of “Shine your light. Your internal guidance is coming through loud and clear.” I sense that your higher self is stronger than you realize and that it’s sending you messages through your intuition.
This isn’t divination, but your spiritual side seeing the holistic truth of your reality. Getting in touch with your intuition will help you to make better decisions.
But what you need to do is practice listening. Try quiet meditations or meditations with instrumental or focus music. Set a timer, it can be as little as five minutes, and then do that. At the end of the time, write down the thoughts that came to you by putting your pen to paper and not stopping until your mind is blank.
Get Mystically Active
Spirituality isn’t just about reception, it’s about action. That action is usually part of some ritual practice. Your second card, The Shekinah: Sacred Self, has the wisdom message of “Unleash your spirit. Express your gifts. Dance to the sacred rhythm of life.”
Spiritual practice can run a gamut of possibilities from traditional worship services like the Catholic mass to personal bouts of randomly inspired dance. The point is that you should feel a union with the divine.
However, I want you to go one step further. You shouldn’t just be passively participating in rituals, but actively participating in rituals. A Catholic might do a rosary on their own time while a Wiccan might design their own lunar ritual.
Take some time to design a ritual or ritual type if you like to do things unplanned. If you need help, you can browse other spiritual rituals on social media like YouTube.
How to Be Focused
Did you know that visual gaze affects your ability to pay attention? The third card, Holy Amethyst: Divine Alchemy, has the wisdom message of “Move beyond current challenges. Focus on what you desire.” Knowing what you want affects your motivation. But knowing what you see determines your acceleration.
Try this: find something small to focus your attention, and if you want to get mystical, light a candle. Focus on that spot for a few minutes as part of a visual meditation. This trains your mind to stop wandering. No, this isn’t a spiritual thing: it’s related to scientific studies on focus.
You can use this same idea on a spiritual level. It can seem like spirituality is too broad, so if you use these visual meditations you can narrow your mind’s focus and keep things in your mystical practice under your control.
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