Awaken Your Inner Child — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on how to awaken your inner child. This is to help you enjoy a more playful lifestyle and have fun.
To receive your message from the universe, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Oracle of the Fairies deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s awaken your inner child and meet that youthful spirit within.
Pile 1: Bird

Check Your Tunes
More than anything else right now, you need Music. The wisdom message on this card is “Listen carefully for there may be a message in the music you hear. Music can lift your soul, rekindle memories, and charm fairies to your door.”
This is a sign that you should not only listen to music, but comprehend the spiritual effects it has on you. One way to do this would be to set aside time, perhaps a half hour, and create a playlist of your favorite songs right now to listen to.
After listening to that playlist, journal about your feelings. You can take notes as you’re listening to help. That journal entry will be very revealing about your life and situation. We all tend to gravitate to songs that speak to us in the moment.
Plus you get to listen to some music you really love and understand why you do.
But don’t always assume it’s the lyrics that describe your situation. Some people listen to music for the rhythm and others for the evocative feelings it creates within them.
Enjoy Good Food
Your second card may seem less fun, but it harkens to childhood and being parented: Moderation has the wisdom message of “Is there something you know you shouldn’t be eating? Try to eat mindfully and healthily – although the fairies say that a little of what you fancy is fine.”
Children love to eat sweets and other junk food. But if they eat too much, then each subsequent bite tends to feel miserable. Here you’re being called to eat some of your favorite foods, perhaps as a small little party for yourself, but to do so in moderation.
You want to sample the food you love to evoke the magic within – not pursue gluttony. Children that overeat always tend to be miserable. You want to avoid that feeling.
One tactic some people use to enjoy the food they love, like sweets, is to make or buy a batch and then have just a few… and then give the rest away either at work or a house party. If that’s something you need to do, that’s an option to sample your favorite foods.
Go Ahead and Try It
There appears to be something you want to do at the back of your mind. Maybe it’s silly or just a fun thing you’ve always wanted to try… but you’ve held yourself back.
Awakening your inner child is strongly seen in the Motivation card here. It has the wisdom message of “When spring approaches the Flower Fairies urge you to ‘spring’ into action. If there’s something you’ve been merely thinking about doing, they say get busy and do it.”
Adults tend to overthink and overanalyze while children jump in. I do want you to briefly ask yourself if what you want to do is safe and affordable… but if it is, don’t hesitate and just give it a go.
People tend to have regrets later in life not for the things they do, but the things they didn’t do.
Write a bucket list for the next month or two of things you want to do or start that you have reasonable access to. Then make it a goal once a week to do something from that list.
You could also make it a practice to write down any fun thing that comes to mind you would like to try and then review that list often to schedule or plan for that line item.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Dog

Pay Attention to the Universe
Sometimes awakening your inner child is getting in touch with the spiritual innocence of your youth. This is when we still have the power to imagine and believe in the impossible, so it’s much easier to accept miracles.
The first thing you should try is Divination. The wisdom message here is “Embrace your powers of divination, which are especially strong right now. You have the ability to see your current situation with crystal-clear clarity.”
Now this isn’t objective-based divination like astrology or numerology, but divination that either requires chance (like tarot) or channeling (like scrying).
A child pursuing divination would likely go out into nature and look for signs, roll dice, or some other randomization like shufflemancy. Try to get in touch with what you would’ve done when you were younger and try that if you had such a thing (it might be different from what I listed). Otherwise, explore the options I mentioned.
The World Is Magical
People often separate humans from the natural world. However, that’s a mistake. The second card in your spread, Believe in Magic, has the wisdom message of “Open your eyes and see the magic that’s all around in nature. The Fairy of the Northern Lights says you are a part of nature, so you are magical too.”
Everyone and everything has a spiritual essence to it. The world outside your door also has a spiritual essence. Since I live in Appalachia, mine is unfortunately famously horrifying. However, I don’t tend to feel the creepiness of the forest and hills like people joke about on social media.
That’s because there are also wonderful and positive magical elements all around you. If you know local folklore of that nature, revel in it, but if not, go outside and write down at least three things that seem to have a spiritual essence of good.
Maybe it’s a beautiful flower. The sunset. Or a stranger who helps another in the street. People can be magical too so even if you live in the heart of the city, there’s magic to be found.
Everything that’s good radiates a positive spiritual energy into the world which is magic to work with simply because of its presence.
And children love magic. So does your inner child.
It’s Okay to Not Go It Alone
The third card in your spread, Come Together, has the wisdom message of “Fairies like to be busy and a group of them is showing you that many hands make light work. Working as a team helps get the job done.” This includes real people and spiritual beings.
While it’s true that working with others makes every person’s contribution lighter, different perspectives also help to tackle a problem with diverse perspectives. This is one reason why asking your spirit guides and ancestors for help or their guidance is so powerful – they may have a different idea about the situation you could’ve never come up with yourself.
As much as possible, anything you do should have a social component to it. For example, if you write a book, you could run the idea through a friend or through a spirit guide. If you want to buy a new car, you could do a tarot reading on it or ask your parents for advice.
Sometimes working together with someone is very involved, but other times, you’re just touching base. Either one is good because we’re social creatures and even from a young age we know that depending upon others for guidance helps us feel more certain in our decisions and work.
Have the trust a child does when they ask for help or advice.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Koala

Try On a New Hat
You have a fun spread because it’s about make-believe. It’s not that your imagination dreams up things that don’t exist – rather, your imagination dreams up what exists in other dimensions. And you can shift into that dimension and bring it back to your life through that experience.
The first card, Shine from Within, has the wisdom message of “Looks are only skin-deep – true beauty shines from within, and it’s time for you to shine! This is a time for self-acceptance and for revealing your true beauty.”
That true self is your transcendent identity and the parts you play in other dimensions. You know the idea that if you want a job, you should dress like you already have it? So the make-believe and awakening your inner child here is to imagine the person you would like to be, accept you’re already that person in another dimension, and bring that dimensional self in through a change of appearance.
It’ll serve as a portal to emanate your multidimensional identity into being. Plus it’s fun to dress up.
The Magical Beings Around You
I see direct divine intervention in your life right now or soon. The second card, Magical Blessings, has the wisdom message of “Whatever you’re going through, you’re being assisted by magical fairy blessings. The fairies say you can bless each other too.”
When I did this reading, I didn’t specifically channel fairies or nature spirits, but I do feel them coming into your life. To awaken your inner child, accepting that an imaginary friend might have been a spirit guide all along will help reconnect you with them.
Now, if you’re like me and you grew up in a non-spiritual family, you may not have ever had an imaginary friend. In this case, consider an exercise where you brainstorm what sort of imaginary friend you would’ve liked to have as a child.
Some part of your inner child will recognize that description as a spirit guide that was always trying to reach you but couldn’t.
As an aside, it’s possible some of this pile’s spirit guides/imaginary friends may have been a beloved pet companion.
Play the Part
Your final card, Abundance, has the wisdom message of “Prepare yourself for incoming abundance! Release any mental blocks you may have; in Fairyland and human land there’s enough abundance for everyone.”
Once you’ve put on your other identity and determined your imaginary friend identity, it’s time to apply that magical energy into your life. Playing pretend is about manifesting spiritual energy into the world through imagination. This is the way imaginative children interact with other dimensions and you can do that too through awakening your inner child.
Of course, play as a child isn’t just about toys. Many children play roles, like being a teacher, and live that experience. Many of them try to manifest that vision later in life.
Visualization, which is something many athletes do, is a powerful technique to prepare your body for a future manifestation. I want you to play out the role, or at least strongly visualize it, with the aid of your identity costume and imaginary friend.
For example – let’s say you dream of falling in love. You would dress like you’re going on a first date and you would have your imaginary friend converse with you in your head. Perhaps you’d go to the movies and enjoy the experience by yourself. And if your play is very private – go ahead and talk with yourself out loud.
Play like a child would and your inner child will be released with all the powerful energy that’s within that beautiful soul. Your desired manifestation will be even closer after that.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.