Align Your Intentions: Tarot Pick a Card
Whether you know exactly where you want to go in life or you’re still figuring it out, setting the right intention is key. That’s because it helps attract the abundance into your life that will make you happy and fulfilled. Need help doing that? This psychic tarot pick a card will help you to align your intentions.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which feather sticks out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Mystic Mondays Tarot and the Starseed Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s align your intentions to help you manifest your best life.
Pile 1: Orange Feather

A Time for Discernment
The first card in your spread is the Seven of Cups, Reversed. I like to read this card as coming to a personal and emotional clarity over all the options in your life. You either know or are beginning to realize the difference between the rewards and risks available to you.
This is where a pros and cons list will be especially helpful. Take a moment to write down the options you see in your life that only bring negativity. Then write down the positive options. You may be surprised by the answer – if you want, you can write notes in response to each idea so your opinion is taken into count.
That’s because your opinion is very important here. Because there are so many options, this does suggest there isn’t one specific answer for how you should set your intentions. Preference is also important. Not all rewards are worth the effort and some risks might simply be obstacles you can overcome.
The Universe Trusts You
The second card is Double Mission with the wisdom message of “Lightworker Starseed. Serve the world by being you.” I read this as meaning the universe has ideas for how you can live your life, but you’re being given the choice to co-write part of that destiny.
That’s because the universe has a lot of confidence in you using your creativity or problem-solving to address the issues you face. Just make sure that you respect the universe’s confidence by choosing the moral path.
This is perhaps the better way for you to look at your options and set the right intention. Is there a path forward which is rewarding, but would require you to act unethically? If so, that’s definitely the wrong answer.
But if there are multiple options and there’s no ethical conundrum, it’s up to you what you want to do. Perhaps you can even do both, though maybe one at a time.
Limitless Potential
Your last card is Portal with the wisdom message of “Doors are opening. You decide. Rewards. Wild card.” There’s a lot of chaos in your spread, but a positive chaos. You’re in a liminal space and at the spiritual boundaries of the known universe. Part of your mission is expansion. What can you do to open up the universe in ways that haven’t been seen before?
It’s really important to look at your life and the intentions you set right now with this idea: you’re probably going to make the right decision. Don’t worry about regret. You can change your mind later or do something in addition to what you choose later on.
That’s because the way you’re going to approach even “traditional” paths will challenge the knowns of that journey. Somehow, it’s going to be personalized for you. So even if something doesn’t seem perfect, you’re probably going to make it perfect as you do it.
There’s just a lot of freedom here. Enjoy the prospect of your potential.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Blue Feather

Stop! You Need to Change Something
The first card in your spread is Eight of Wands, Reversed. When paired with the rest of your cards, it really seems like the universe wants you to slow things down and make careful and deliberate considerations about your future.
Aligning your intentions is important because there’s the very real threat you could make the wrong decisions. Now I don’t necessarily sense these bad decisions will ruin you, but I do think it could lead to frustration or not being as happy as you could have been.
As this is a wands card, that means you really need to focus on your passions – what drives you most. This is likely to be your creativity, life purpose, spirituality, or even an intense romantic relationship.
One way to figure out which one that is would be to take a moment and ground yourself. Your fire is burning hot and getting away from you. Sit and meditate for at least a few breaths and then allow your mind to wander towards what gives you the most energy: that’s where you need to slow down and rethink some things.
Your Heart Has the Answer
Your next card is Baby Steps with the wisdom message of “Action. Follow your intuition before it makes sense.” When I see this card, it seems like you can’t logic your way into the right path. This is an unusual reality because you may have assumed slowing things down and rethinking things would be a “rational” reworking of your intentions.
That’s not the case. Rather, it seems like you’re letting your fire burn too hot. The answer isn’t to extinguish that fire, but to control it. And here I think you need to grapple which the current direction you’re going in.
Where is your passion leading you? Are you truly excited, or are you just going in that direction because you’ve let yourself go that way?
For you, aligning your intentions is about putting the right fuel into your fire and sending it in the direction which inspires you.
Daydream and let your mind wander on all the possibilities of your passions. Which one do you like best? Don’t worry about whether or not it’s reasonable right now. You’ll figure it out along the way with the right small steps.
Think Bigger
The last card is Big Picture Thinking with the wisdom message of “Pleiades energy. Visionary. Inspired ideas.” Here it seems like halting is about kindling your passion with the right optimism. I think something in your approach has been corrupted by the anxiety of external influences.
Don’t sweat the small things right now. There will be obstacles and frustrations, but your focus shouldn’t be on that, but on your end goal. If you keep your focus on that, you’ll make progress step by step.
Not clear on your end goal? That’s okay. You can instead focus on a feeling or environment you want to enjoy instead.
But to set the right intentions, you need to be clear that you have intentions so you can use that intention to attract your end goal of abundance to you.
It seems like your fire is powerful. As long as it’s kindled appropriately, you’ll manifest it. This also means if you’re not focused on what you truly want, you’ll manifest that other thing instead – including misfortune! Luckily, that’s something you can easily avoid by aligning your intentions.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Green Feather

Be Who You Are
Your first card is the King of Wands, Reversed. When I see this card paired with the rest in your spread, I get the strong sense that you don’t have full command over your passions. This has resulted in you feeling trapped or constricted in your approach to life.
Your goal is to align your intentions to what you truly care about. If you do that, you’ll be able to materially change the world around you.
But how do you achieve that? The card here features a man who appears very heroic, but as a reversal, I sense that the sacrifices you make for other people are starting to hurt you.
Yes, you should endeavor to help others, but you shouldn’t sacrifice so much of yourself that you don’t live your own life. At some point, you need to embrace your individuality and for you, that time is now.
Recognize Your Restriction
The heart of the problem for you can be seen in your second card, Empathic Starseed with the wisdom message of “Energetic sovereignty. Absorbing what’s not yours.” See how the girl is staring into the mirror almost lost in the image? Your identity is starting to be defined by other people and their expectations of you.
At the core, that’s because you care a lot and want to do right by other people. That’s not a bad thing, but you’re starting to embody their pain until it becomes your own. That’s only appropriate for a mother and infant who exist in a dyadic relationship to ensure the baby’s survival. Even a mother and their toddler are more separate because a toddler can better express themselves through the emergence of language.
You’re starting to develop that dyadic relationship with other people or systems. You’re aligning your intentions to that body instead of creating your own. Unless you have an infant or someone who can’t take care of themselves, you need to start decoupling from that voluntary dependency you’ve created. Who you are isn’t being expressed.
That said, if you do have an infant, know that the dependency will soon pass with age and if you have someone you must care for, seeking help to step in now and again will go a long way to relieving your stress and lack of independence.
A Time to Sing
Your last card is Whale and Orca Elders with the wisdom message of “Share your song. Frequency of sound. Diving deep.” You’re being called to create an intention to be fully yourself and letting it manifest in the world.
This may be pursuing your passions, like a creative hobby, or trying something new. It could also mean spending time with a lover, following spiritual pursuits, or some other passionate life purpose.
Regardless, you need to raise your vibration by doing that which is your highest calling in life. When you do that, you’ll find that who you are is shared in the world and people will respond to it. Your creativity will be recognized. Your love will be recognized. Or perhaps you’ll find yourself spiritually awakening in a way you haven’t before.
This is the outcome of aligning your intentions to what you desire. It’s rather quite simple in your case, but likely difficult to get started. So see this reading as a reminder from the universe: you have permission to treat yourself as an individual.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.