Manifest Your Dream Life — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on how you can make whatever you want for your life to actually manifest – whatever it may be. This is all about overcoming obstacles or making use of your strengths.
To receive your message from the universe, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Mystic Manga Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to manifest your dream life.
Pile 1: Register

The Helper
According to the King of Cups card, there’s someone in your life who can help make your dreams come true. Since this is a cup card, that suggests this person either has important social connections, is emotionally supportive, or is intuitive and that intuition has a powerful effect.
Take a good look at the people in your life to see if any one of these three traits is true. If you don’t think someone in your life fits that description, then this is a sign that a person like that will come into your life soon, so be on the lookout for those traits.
So what if they have good social connections? This means that their social network or someone they know is the key to your success. A good example would be they know someone who can help get you a job. You don’t know that person directly and might never be able to meet them normally, but this person has that connection.
Be sure to ask the people in your life for help or to connect you to people who can.
However, perhaps this person is emotionally supportive. In that case, this person is likely a romantic partner, close friend, or family member who is your rock when times are difficult. You’re not leaning on them as much as you should. If you do, you’ll feel more secure to take the necessary risks and pursue the right opportunities.
A very small portion of those who picked this pile may be connected to a powerful manifestor. And in this case, the person is magickal or really good at the law of attraction. If you know this person, you know they’re doing spells, prayers, or affirmations and have a track record of success. Ask them for their support spiritually and it’ll be a boon to you. But you have to be open to your spiritual assistance for it to work best.
It is possible some in this pile might know a person or multiple people who fits these three traits. Don’t assume it’s just one person with one trait.
Why They’re Unusual
There’s something subversive or unusual about this person. The Hierophant, Reversed is about the opposite of tradition. That means this person is going to stand out either in how they appear or how they act.
That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a rebel. I look very normal and I’m not transgressive, but everyone I’ve met has considered me like an incomprehensible alien. Since the person in this spread is a master of cups energy, they’re not going to be a weirdo in the negative sense. It’s hard to explain, but that’s the point – you’ll feel this person is different somehow even though it’s not obvious on the surface.
Part of the reason why this is so powerful is due to the fact they don’t think in the normal way either. They’re able to see past obstacles that others would feel defeated by. And they’re going to have a different perspective.
So even if you consider yourself unique, this person is also unique – but in a very different way from you. And that difference, and their personal connection to you, is what’s going to help you manifest your dream life.
You can’t get this help from any other person because there’s no one else like this person.
An Endless Resource
Although I think this person’s assistance will have an effect in the event sense – something they do changes your life for good like a flip of the switch, I also think your general connection to them will be positive. Note the image on The Judgement card. This a couple card which is actually an unusual choice among most deck illustrations I have seen for this card.
In the context of your spread, that couple energy stands out. Whether you have a romantic or platonic relationship with your person, you will have an important connection to them that’s fruitful and correct.
This person has a wealth of wisdom you should be tapping into. Now they may not be good advice on every area, but pay attention to what they seem to have expertise in because that advice is going to translate to how you manifest your dream life.
As an example, imagine someone who has a cousin who’s a teacher. They know a lot about conflict resolution and that can be pivotal for someone trying to fall in love, start a business, or heal broken friendships.
Don’t ignore what this person has to offer and be ready to apply that advice to your own personal circumstances. Whenever you have trouble, let them know and consider what they say. You might be surprised how their divergent thinking backed by personal expertise will make all the difference.
Plus, I think this person would like to help you. It’ll make your relationship closer.
Let me know in the comments by dropping an 🍎 emoji or mentioning “apple” that you deserve to be helped. Do you think you’ve already met this person or do you think it’ll happen in the future?
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Rabbit

The Future Has a Cost
Your spread has a very clear indication that you need to spend money or expend some personal resources to get what you want. Your current physical, financial, or reputational state is not enough.
The first card, Six of Coins, Reversed, is a card of debt or owing someone. While most people interpret coins only as a financial transaction, be aware that it can reference health, possessions, and reputation too.
Example: someone who wants to lose weight will need to put in the effort to exercise. A person who wants to go to college needs to take out a loan. Someone who wants to make friends, but has a bad reputation, needs to repair it by doing good things first.
With that out of the way, this card is a sign that things in your physical world need to change. Where you are right now isn’t helpful. I suggest before spending any money or any effort to take a piece of paper and turn it longways. On the left write “start” and on the right, you’re going to put your goal. That goal may change a little over time, but having an approximate goal for now will help you go in the right direction.
Break down your goal into steps to get there. For some of you, this may take research before you can fill it out. Some of you may need to seek the counsel of a doctor, financial advisor, or some other professional. Before you make any major financial sacrifice or life decision it can help to get some objective, expert advice.
Who or What You’ll Owe
There’s a specific person or system that you need to pay. The King of Coins could represent an actual person, but for most in this pile, it’s going to represent a system or an abstract idea (like weight loss).
This card is upright though and that’s a good sign. It means that whatever debt or effort you put into your goal will be rewarded. You won’t feel as if you were taken advantage of or that your goal wasn’t worth it.
But be aware that this card is a taskmaster. You need to be structured and ambitious. That’s part of the reason why I wanted you to break your goal down into steps. You’ll be able to make what could be a very big project into something that’s easier to manage. Focus on the step in front of you instead of agonizing over how long it will take to get to the finish line.
Some of the later steps you might not even have to do. That’s the good part about thinking incrementally – you only end up doing what matters and if something won’t matter in the future, you aren’t agonizing about it now.
And I do think manifesting your dream life is going to require some structure. Everyone’s structure is a bit different. Some people who are Type A, like me, use time blocking. But others are looser in their need for structure and might just need a vision board or a to do list on a scrap piece of paper.
By the way… it’s possible to be too organized. So only do what you need and no more.
The point is clarity instead of confusion. At no point should you be at a loss for what to do next. If you are – get organized to the level you need for consistent clarity. There’s a clear answer on what will produce results.
A Temporary Disadvantage
The third card in your spread, Queen of Coins, Reversed, is about you being at an initial disadvantage. For whatever reason, manifesting your dream life is going to come with some difficulty. Good things often require some hard work so that isn’t a surprise.
That doesn’t mean you’ll be miserable, but it does mean you’re going to be uncomfortable or go through some growing pains first.
Going to college is a good example here. Many people need to take out loans for tuition or living expenses – or work while going to school. This, combined with taking classes over multiple years can be an exercise in patience as well as frustration. But there are good things about college too. Learning new things, meeting new people, reading thousands of pages a week and writing multiple essays (okay, maybe that one’s just me).
But just like that college student, working towards your goal, step by step, will get you closer to your dream life.
What you need to remember is that your disadvantage is temporary. As long as you don’t lose sight of your goal and have faith that you’ll be able to make the most of your situation once the tides turn – you will.
But it will require that same level of structure and ambition once you are in favorable territory. Your dream life matters and it’s desirable. That means it’s going to require some effort to maintain. But not as much as it took to get there. You just need to believe and trust that you deserve it.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🏆 emoji or mentioning “trophy” that you deserve your dream. What’s the first thing you can do right now, however small? I’d love to encourage you.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Mushrooms

Don’t Lose Your Perspective
For you, manifesting your dream life requires you to let go of unfair expectations of yourself. The first card, Nine of Swords, Reversed, is about releasing yourself from mental anguish.
When we idealize the future we can sometimes put a lot of obstacles in our path. This is because the moment you have the dream you recognize that it’s not something you have and there’s a reason you don’t have it.
That’s true. Someone who dreams of being a doctor, but they live in a developing country is very right to recognize it’s not going to be as easy to achieve their dream as someone who lives down the street from famous hospitals in world-class cities.
But you can compare your path to someone else’s and assume it’s not impossible for you. It might be different, and sometimes it’s even easier, but the path forward probably isn’t the stereotypical journey you’ve been led to believe is necessary.
Reading biographies of famous people or interviewing people in your field will reveal multiple alternative pathways that got them where they wanted to be.
Be open to the idea that your mental anguish over not matching the right path forward isn’t necessary. You’re just unique and that’s going to give you an amazing perspective when you do manifest your dream life that other people didn’t have.
Be Willing to Change
I sense a desire for perfectionism that needs to be overcome due to the Eight of Coins, Reversed card. This could be feeding into your mental anguish not just in your worry you aren’t following the right path… but that when you act on your dreams, it isn’t manifesting in the ideal way.
Two pop stars come to mind: Sabrina Carpenter and Chappell Roan. Both were signed and produced albums while they were very young. But neither achieved mainstream stardom until recently.
While the reason they eventually succeeded was due to a shift in presentation, I think the fact they had some semblance of success but weren’t perfect examples of popularity is key here.
Not everyone is a breakout hit. Not everyone who will become major successes start out that way either. But your perfectionism is causing you to think the first moment of success you get, and then the subsequent dip, is proof that you can’t do any better. Why? Because you assume you did everything perfectly to achieve the first success and can’t achieve more than that.
This is a defeatist mentality and not even true. Personally, I don’t think Sabrina Carpenter or Chappell Roan are perfect singers. I actually prefer some of Sabrina’s older songs to her new work.
But it wasn’t perfectionism that helped Sabrina and Chappell succeed. It was about tweaking what they were doing until they found the right audience.
Don’t try to be perfect, but be open to changing things if you don’t get the success you want. Even then, that change isn’t about making things perfect. It’s about making them different.
Know the Point
I do think that something about your current path isn’t right for you. The Page of Coins, Reversed is about a goal not manifesting because the steps you’re taking aren’t right.
That may or may not mean your dream life isn’t for you. However, your spread isn’t about whether your dream life is a fit or not – it’s about the path you’re taking not being productive to get that dream life you’re aiming for.
Try a different pathway until you get some manner of success or positive signs. If you’re enjoying that different path, then your dream life is probably a fit for you. If you aren’t enjoying it, this could be a sign that the way to get there for you won’t be worth the cost to get what you want. Try a different way or accept you may have been wrong in your ideal in the first place.
Sabrina Carpenter seems happy with her sultrier image and stardom. Chappell Roan seems devastated by the reality of fame. Both are wildly successful and beloved by fans. But they have different experiences of the same dream.
Always be willing to try new things, but if the new way doesn’t make you happy, perhaps your mental anguish and perfectionism come from the anxiety that you aren’t enjoying the effort it takes to get what you want. Sabrina loves her new image. Chappell Roan loathes the mainstream industry and parasocial relationships. Sabrina doesn’t seem to care about those things at all.
Your dream life is an ideal. The actual living and what it takes to maintain it are what you really experience. Make sure that experience is something you like, because if it is, you’re going to be more successful and happier in your dream life manifestation.
The goal with your dream life isn’t success. It’s happiness.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🎤 emoji or mentioning “microphone” that you’re going to live a life you love. What’s something new you could try? Is there something you need to let go of?
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.