Why You Should Put Your Life Into Spiritual Context
I’ve always heard that everything happens for a reason. That’s easy to accept when things are going well, but devastating to wrestle with when you struggle.
However, there are no coincidences in this universe. Everything that happens to us is a consequence of something else. Perhaps something you did, what another living being did, or the echoes of natural laws from the Big Bang.
We’re all connected to everyone and everything.
And the universe is on your side. It expands with abundance. Our job is to fill that space with personal growth. Yet we often fail to recognize that responsibility. Why?
Without putting your life into a spiritual context, the meaning and purpose of what we go through is lost. We no longer try to fill that space and instead live with a scarcity mindset.
You Are Not Just a Circumstance
When the universe was created, things were set into motion. This is the divine plan of the universe.
But you’re a living being with free will. That means you don’t have to follow this plan, and many living beings don’t. However, divinity reaches out to us through spirituality so we can co-create with the universe.
That’s what your life purpose is: to communicate and work with the universe to write your own story.
The universe accepts that you’re going to make some changes, but will let you know a bit about that divine plan so you can manifest in alignment with what’s love and light. Not too much. The universe doesn’t want to program you.
That’s why messages from the universe come through your intuition, dreams, and other mystical experiences.
You aren’t just a cog in a machine. You help design and run the machine as a spiritual engineer of shared destiny.
It’s the gift of life. But to appreciate it, you need to put your life into a spiritual context. And that means looking at your life as if it’s part of a grander narrative.
You Are Part of an Ensemble Cast
In storytelling, there’s often a main character. Yet in some stories, there’s an ensemble cast full of complex characters all with their own storylines who all seem to be shared protagonists.
That’s what living in this universe is like. You’re the main character alongside other main characters.
The actions other people take affect you, and your actions affect them. You can’t live in isolation and you can’t see the story of life that way either.
Putting it into a spiritual context helps you to think mythically. Life isn’t just about survival, but about higher consciousness.
Historically, traditional religion filled that role. But in the modern era, more and more people are choosing to be “spiritual, but not religious.”
There’s just one problem with this approach: most people stop thinking communally and narrow their frame of reference to their immediate concerns and mystical experiences.
But no mystical experience is a solitary event. It’s always communal.
You Are Part of a Grand Story
There are a lot of trends in modern spirituality. These trends reflect something inherently true, but many new ideas are derived from individual mystical experiences. And those experiences are going to be influenced by a person’s cultural background and life events.
Aliens are a good example of this. Perhaps because we live in an era where we’ve been to the Moon, our ideas about superior entities have gone from the magical to the scientific.
I’ve even seen people argue that Big Foot may be an extraterrestrial who uses portals and that’s why we can’t catch one. It’s not as crazy as it sounds and is related to the increasing perception that the paranormal may be the result of quantum mechanics.
Either way, it reflects an evolution of spiritual thought through the individual mystical experiences people have which create a spiritual context for existence.
Spiritual context describes the critical consensus behind current mystical experiences. Without it, you can’t be sure if your mystical experience is a fluke of the mind or a shared observation of the universe. Anecdotes only become data when they start to agree.
It’s important to think mythically as it helps put your life experiences, both everyday and mystical, into a grand narrative. And that grand narrative reveals the meaning of existence.
Spirituality is science manifesting mythologically in a way that’s easier to experience in community.
We believed that gods were real because fantastical events happened around our ancestors. We believe in aliens because we know the universe is large and strange things happen in the sky. And we believe in Big Foot because there are just so many places in our world that are unexplored.
Spiritual context is your story. It’s also our story. And it’s neverending and always evolving just as the universe continues to expand into infinity.
You Are Significant
When it comes to life, you can’t look at the events that have unfolded as something unconnected to you. This includes individual mystical experiences (yours and someone else’s).
Start putting these events into a greater spiritual context. When you do this for your own life, you realize that you’re on a personal journey, and when you do it for others, you realize they’re part of the same grand story too.
This also helps you deal with the struggles you face. You aren’t suffering randomly or alone: it happened for a reason. And that means that if you look towards the grand narrative using a spiritual context, you’re going to have answers for what to do next.
You’re not alone. You never were. So ask yourself: how is your life story important to the universe?
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