5 Years From Now — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading to see what your life will be like five years from now.
Use this to check in with your future. If you like what you see, then you know you’re heading in the right direction and probably don’t want to make massive changes to your plan. Don’t like it? You know you’ll need to make some adjustments to manifest your best life.
To receive your message from the universe, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Fountain Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s peek into your future five years from now.
Pile 1: Potted Plant

Success and Loneliness
I both like and I’m wary of your future. Because of the Wheel of Fortune card, I think you have amazing plans for your material future which is probably your career, hobby, or reputation. And you’re going to achieve it. Perhaps even beyond your wildest imaginations since this is a major arcana card.
That said, your first card, Three of Cups, Reversed, suggests some sort of social isolation. If you’re planning for this or you know it’s a likely consequence of focusing on your plan, then this isn’t a concern for you.
But if you don’t want to be alone as you rise to the top, you’re going to need to prioritize your social life a lot more than you are now.
What this card does indicate is a hermit mode. So expect some amount of independent time to get what you want. Just don’t let it cut you off from the world.
Things Can Change Elsewhere in Your Life
One aspect to remember about the Wheel of Fortune card is that it’s not a culmination or completion of fortune, but a turn of fortune on the wheel of life. That means it’s a lucky break, partly due to your actions and partly due to fortunate circumstances.
That lucky break is tied to whatever major plan you have for your career, hobby, or reputation and does not include a holistic view of your life.
And since I can see from your spread that you’re ignoring the social aspects, it’s possible that you may be ignoring red flags or warning signs for that area of life or perhaps others too.
I don’t see this as evidence for you to stop your major plans, but to really consider over the next year or so what blind spots you may have.
These are probably not apparent to you right now and you need to see where you’re feeling frustrated or blocked in other areas of life. When that happens, note it in a journal or document on your computer. Once you notice a pattern, you can work on integrating some problem-solving in that area so it won’t be a regret later on.
In other words, this is an entirely fixable problem for you. Don’t be concerned – just be aware.
Grab the Key
You’re going to have an opportunity to start a new relationship or manifest intuitive powers given the Ace of Cups, Reversed card. However, you’re going to ignore this opportunity unless you stay aware of its actual relevance to your life.
I’ve noticed when people focus on material things they’re object-oriented instead of people-oriented or spirit-oriented. I don’t think it’s bad to be object-oriented and there are a lot of uses, but one gender, men, is known for relying on object-oriented thinking too much.
When this happens, they let their relationships suffer and ignore their intuition. Intuition is not arbitrary – it uses spiritual information, but also emotional, introspection, and other areas of life too. It’s a holistic skill whereas men in their object-oriented focus tend to be fixed on what’s physically in front of them that they can manipulate with their hands.
But as we also know – not all men are lost to object-oriented thinking. Pay special attention to men (or women you know tend to rely on object-oriented thinking) who successfully pay attention to other areas of life. Their strategies are going to be something you can copy and integrate into your own daily practice.
The people in your life are the best to observe this from (even in memory), but celebrities or historical figures through media or books could be helpful here too.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🔧 emoji or mentioning “wrench” if this reading resonated with you. What’s something you hope to be successful in the next five years?
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Beautiful Bouquet

The Villainess
I sense some drama ahead that you’re going to either avoid because of this reading or beat. Every reading I do I conduct with the outcome had you been unaware of the reading in the first place. I do this to see what your current tendencies are since some people don’t change their patterns.
There’s a Queen of Wands, Reversed in this spread which could indicate you or a female figure in your life who sabotages your relationships.
This person is so filled with passion that they burn the lives of those around them to get what they want.
If this is you, then I’m guessing you’re so preoccupied with someone you’re attracted to sexually or want to befriend that you burn bridges elsewhere in your life.
But if this is another person, and I slightly favor that interpretation for most who chose this pile, then someone is going to appear in your life to socially bully you to get what she wants.
What to Do
Now remember: this reading already indicates you’re going to defeat this behavior or person. So I’m not particularly concerned that you’re going to be in a terrible position five years from now.
However, let’s try to either prevent this entirely or at least make the Queen of Wands’s influence a footnote in your life.
I want to focus on the third card before I go to the second: The Lovers, Reversed indicates either a breakdown of a romantic relationship or the breakdown of a partnership. It could indicate that you’re thrown out of a proverbial paradise because of someone’s snake behavior.
Not good things, but I think you can see that the Queen of Wands is ultimately responsible for either tempting you or tempting another person to do something unethical.
Pay special attention to the morality of yourself and of others. Do good and the Queen of Wands will never manifest in you. But what if it is another person?
You’re going to sense this person’s evil. It’s likely a woman or at least someone who uses social relationships and reputation to capture attention (so think stereotypically female-like bullying behavior even if they are a men). If someone starts doing this and you sense something off about them – gather evidence and spread it so no one is taken advantage of by their lies.
The only way to defeat an evil queen bee is to dethrone her and take the crown.
What You’ll Achieve
Your second card, Ten of Cups, is about a culmination of joy and positive relationships. I think you’re going to defeat or prevent the Queen of Wands from causing problems and this will lead to a glorious situation for you either at home, in your social network, or at work.
You’ll feel at ease with the people around you and truly trust them. It’ll be a promising environment to either buy property, remodel, have children or pets, or the business grows. In other words, hope and ease when it comes to the future.
That can only exist when things are going well and I don’t think the Queen of Wands can take that from you in the end. She’ll try though – so obstruct and conquer her whether it’s the temptation from within yourself or the fiery and consuming selfishness of another.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 🏠 emoji or mentioning “house” if this reading resonated with you. What’s something you want for yourself five years from now?
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Red Rose

Breaking Up With a Bad Future
You’re going to break a major commitment in your life in the next five years. While the Two of Cups, Reversed could indicate a romantic relationship, the rest of the spread is focused on mental themes. This suggests even if you are breaking a romantic commitment, you’re doing it for personal growth.
However, I don’t think a romantic relationship breaking down is what’s indicated for most in this pile.
So let’s examine this card more closely. It can also mean a partnership or union while the suit of cups can be intuition or emotions. I think five years from now you’ll have experienced something upsetting that caused you to re-evaluate your life in a profound way.
I think this is a positive thing, so don’t look at this spread as a negative. There’s probably something in your life right now that you want to change, perhaps it’s even going to be the thing in this spread that’s manifesting as something you want to reject.
But your goal, ultimately, is to make sure you’re not committing to the wrong thing that would lead to unhappiness. The next five years will be a lesson in learning to love and value your future. You’re not going to be a doormat anymore. You’re going to get what you deserve.
Choose Your Path
The Six of Swords is a card of transition. It’s about letting go of what no longer serves you and moving on. Sometimes it even means starting over.
This is a minor arcana card, but the themes can feel dramatic at the time. Realistically, you’re already leaning towards transformation, but you haven’t made the last leap into the beautiful future you know you deserve.
The next few years will be about learning how to let go of what’s toxic. It’s actually going to be a lot easier than you think.
A good rule of thumb to remember is that you can’t change the past, but you live the present, and you control the momentum toward the future. That means what you lack in the ability to revise your past you make up for in the ability to manifest your future.
Learn not to define yourself by your past, but instead, by the decisions you make for yourself.
A good example of this is writing. Some people want to identify as an author, but if they haven’t written a book, they struggle with that identity. It’s much easier and more accurate to identify as a writer. Then, when that person sits down to write, they aren’t trying to identify themselves with a future that hasn’t happened yet but instead with their present choices (which is to write) that will ultimately manifest in the outcome they want anyway.
Don’t just create an identity for yourself to live up to. Find a way to live out your identity in the present moment in whatever manner you can.
What You’ll Know
I do think you’re going to have a powerful enlightenment. The Four of Swords, Reversed is a waking-up card. You may end up tapping into your intuition or spirituality, but I want you to be open to the idea that you have a mental awakening.
Perhaps you learn something valuable about yourself or your surroundings and you’re able to use that to your advantage. This knowledge will then catapult you forward to transition to the life you really want for yourself.
So I like your spread. Your future seems to be the one you want. You just have to accept you deserve it and let go of what doesn’t match that vision.
Let me know in the comments by dropping a 👁️ emoji or mentioning “eye” if this reading resonated with you. What’s something you need to let go of that will improve your life if you do?
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.