Your Relationship — Tarot Spread
This simple and easy tarot spread is perfect for those seeking insight into a relationship: romantic or platonic. It has five cards and works best as an overview rather than answering a specific question.
However, you can use it to answer questions like “How is my relationship doing?” or “What needs to improve in my relationship?”
You can use this tarot spread with tarot or oracle cards. However, make sure you’re familiar enough with your oracle deck so you use the appropriate decks for the right card positions. If you purposefully use an affirmation deck for certain positions, you won’t be getting an honest answer.
Suggestions for how to use this spread is below the image.
- Current State: This is what’s currently happening in your relationship. If there aren’t any secrets or unrevealed information, then this card will echo what you already know. But if you’re surprised by the answer, that means you don’t have full knowledge of your relationship right now and probably need to get to the bottom of it.
- Challenges: Obstacles and frustrations. Major arcana indicates a big problem, minor arcana indicates a temporary problem, and court cards indicate a person outside your relationship causing problems. I don’t recommend using an oracle card for this position.
- Strengths: Reasons to love each other (or like if platonic). If it seems like a negative card in this position, then it may be indicating a past experience where you learned to rely on this person or seek comfort from them. This is a good position to use an oracle card.
- Advice: This is how to make your relationship better. Hopefully your relationship is already good, but this can really amplify things and make you and the other person happier.
- Potential Future: This is the current direction your relationship is going in if you make no changes and don’t act on the advice. If you don’t like the answer this card gives, pay attention to the Challenges and Advice card for how to fix it.
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