Your Perfect Career: Tarot Pick a Card
A career is one of the ways that you contribute to the world. It may be in a traditional job or it could be labor within the home. Regardless, everyone has something they could be doing, paid or unpaid, that gives back. The universe has drawn you to this tarot pick a card to help you find yours.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which item stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Ethereal Visions Tarot and the Spirit Animal Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out what the universe thinks is your perfect career.
Pile 1: Notebooks

Busy for Good
The first card in your spread is Bee Spirit with the wisdom message of “Sweet results await.” A bee is an interesting creature. We think of bees as being part of a hive community, and it’s not uncommon for bees to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
In English, we have the idiom “busy as a bee.” I sense that your perfect career is very industrious. For some of you, you’re going to be working a traditional job, likely for a large corporation. Others will work in smaller environments or by themselves, but always for some greater ideal shared by others.
There’s a lot of wiggle room here depending on your personality. You could work with many people, or by yourself, but you need to make sure that you’re working for a job with moral values.
Some who chose this pile may also be in spiritual or creative fields as this is a common symbol of the bee.
In Control of Your Work
The second card is King of Swords. I believe you’ll have some kind of authority or autonomy in your position. For those working for a large corporation, you’ll either be a leader or trusted to manage a project without a lot of oversight.
This is a card that promises you’ll be able to make decisions and act upon them at work. You won’t find yourself interrupted or sabotaged.
Of course, for those in a corporate environment, this kind of autonomy usually requires some experience before you’re trusted to act independently. After entering a company, begin looking for opportunities to work on special projects, remotely, or pursue promotions.
As for those of you who work in a smaller environment, this indicates that you’ll have a bit of reputation and respect. Even if you work alone, you’re likely to get e-mails or recognition for what you do. Be prepared to use this authority not for celebrity, but to push for the greater good you’re supporting.
In general, this card suggests you’ll either control or greatly influence the direction of your field.
Rational Emotionality
Your final card is the Queen of Swords, Reversed. This is a surprisingly emotional card and I think it reflects some of the challenges you’ll face in your career. Normally, this card when upright is someone who can be a bit cold, but very rational and in control of themselves.
That’s not you, but I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing. You care. Perhaps a lot. This caring can make you prone to emotional decision-making that can blow up in your face at work. But, at the same time, it helps push you to do the right thing. Nobody wants a teacher who only teaches by the book – they want a teacher who cares for their students.
It’s not always going to be easy to balance your emotional outbursts, but you will learn how to channel that emotional energy into job-specific rationality. It’s a tool, not a hindrance.
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Pile 2: Calculator

A Different Priority
I see your first card is Turtle Spirit with the wisdom message of “Slow and steady wins the race.” There are a lot of potential meanings here, but I think with the rest of the spread, it strongly indicates either being a homemaker or taking on a career that has no greater meaning than meeting your needs.
This may sound disappointing at first, but for some people, their career is what helps support other things in their lives. It’s not their life purpose. Think of the homemaker who uses their position to support their family or the nurse who uses their wages and flexible schedule to pursue a career as an author.
Your career is the shell of the turtle that supports your lifestyle. Do a good job, but always understand it’s not your life’s priority. What you really like to do is economically vulnerable, so your “day job” is what makes it possible.
For some of you, this turtle career is temporary, while for others, it’s lifelong. But the good news is that, since you don’t have to worry about making money with what you love, it’s a lot easier to just enjoy what you love outside of work. It’s not a job. It’s a passion.
Choose a Job That Pays
Your next card is the Ace of Wands, Reversed. I don’t think your perfect career is something you’d be passionate about. Perhaps you’ll still like and value it, but it’s not going to fill you with a zest for life. That’s okay.
Make sure you aren’t spending too much of your creativity and energy on the job. Since you don’t require a job you’re passionate about, you should favor one which supports your lifestyle and doesn’t require too much of your time. It’s a nine to five (or less).
If you’re already in this type of job, great! But if you’re looking for a change, a trade or some sort of vocational training is usually best, such as dental hygiene or some government positions. Alternatively, you can start some sort of self-employed business, like reselling or an e-commerce store.
Make sure your day job is something you can tolerate, but also something that you can forget when you walk out the door.
Don’t Focus on Wealth
Your last card is the King of Pentacles, Reversed. Don’t focus on making a fortune with this job. For example, if you choose nursing because of flexible scheduling and high pay, don’t work overtime. Be strict with yourself about the hours you take on.
Your goal isn’t to make as much money as you can, but enough to be comfortable. Similarly, if you’re a homemaker, your house doesn’t need to look like a magazine. You also don’t have to helicopter your child either. Trust me: children enjoy age-appropriate autonomy and don’t care if the medication in the bathroom cupboard is alphabetized.
That’s because your real goal is elsewhere. What is it you’re doing this job for? Make sure that’s where you’re putting in the “overtime” and investing your effort, whether it’s spending time with your loved ones, a cherished hobby, or a charity pursuit.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Backpack

Have Fun
Your first card is Sandpiper Spirit with the wisdom message of “Be playful.” It seems as if your perfect career is lighthearted and enjoyable. That means there are two possibilities: the first is that you pursue some hobby in a professional capacity or you’re in a job which is considered fun.
The obvious answer to the first possibility is something creative, like art or writing. But any hobby could work. Do you enjoy reading? Perhaps becoming a professional reviewer and posting your reviews on social media will eventually lead you to being able to monetize it.
The second possibility is that your job is entertaining despite being work. Many kindergarten teachers consider their jobs fun, if challenging, and somebody like an astronaut is likely to get a thrill from what they do.
It’s not enough for your job to pay well or even to have greater meaning: you have to be able to get sincere joy from it within the moment you’re doing it.
Not Every Day Will Be a Blast
Your next card is Queen of Cups, Reversed. Be aware that you’re likely to suffer burnout in your job. Although you may enjoy what you do, the fact that it’s being professionalized means it’s going to become a responsibility, not leisure. Sometimes, this will suck the joy out of what you do and put a strain on your relationships.
For example, you may love art, but having to draw for a living may mean that you’ll need to create some things to make ends meet which won’t inspire you. It’s also possible you may have difficult clients.
This can cause some intense emotional disappointment. You may question if what you’re doing is worthwhile – but it is! Understand that any normal job can be frustrating. It’s only natural that a hobby you professionalized will be the same.
A difficult day on the job doesn’t mean your career isn’t satisfactory. You may just need to make some minor adjustments or approach it differently. Or wait for tomorrow.
You Need Work/Life Balance
The final card is Temperance. This is a card recommending that you don’t overexert yourself. Have you ever heard of dopamine? It’s a neurotransmitter in your brain that motivates you to do things because you expect a reward in return. Social media plays on our dopamine because we expect that scrolling it will make us feel good.
The same phenomenon is occurring with your career. If you spend too much time on social media, you become numb to its effects and will need to watch more videos or look at more images just to feel the same pleasant feelings.
You’re going to need to step away from your work. Make sure that you have strict work hours. When your job is done for the day, disconnect. Go do something else. If you’re an artist, don’t you dare pick up that pencil!
The reason why is that you may let your job consume your every waking moment and eventually it will cause you to hate it. You must create a work/life balance. Otherwise, you’re going to burn out and want to do anything other than what you love. But if you do succeed in pushing yourself to do it anyway, you’ll find that you don’t do the job well anymore.
So approach work moderately. It’ll make the time you do spend more enjoyable within the moment – which is exactly your goal and why you want to have fun at work!
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