Your Future Wealth — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading from a future version of you who managed to become wealthy. They want to tell you how they did it.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Fin de Siècle Kipper Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to peek into the future and find out a way you can be richer than you are now.
Pile 1: Crystal

Seek Companionship
Right now, it appears as if your best chance of becoming wealthy is through work. The first card, Community, indicates the first step to prosperity is putting yourself in the right social environment.
This isn’t about being around other wealthy people in your case, but around people related to a profession. This profession is likely your life purpose, a passion, or a skill that you possess.
Now this community can come in many forms. Many people who want to start businesses or rise in the business world often join local public speaking groups to network and practice their presentation skills.
Other options would be mastermind groups, something creatives often choose to join (like writer’s groups), or online communities. And of course, trade organizations also apply.
The point is that you’ll learn a lot from your peers and you’ll receive of opportunities you wouldn’t get from your normal friends and family.
You’re Interesting
Simply put, the best way to become wealthy is to make that wealth yourself. Now you’re unlikely to become a billionaire by the age of thirty, but the second card, Occupation, clearly indicates that you have the ability to take a skill or interest very far.
That’s because what you have is in demand or would be in demand if you marketed yourself correctly. For example, MrBeast wasn’t the best YouTuber when he first started, but, through trial and error, he revised his strategy until he became one of the best creators in the entire world.
You need to have patience with yourself and learn your craft. There’s a good chance you aren’t the only person who does what you would like to do, but you can learn how to do it better or differently than everyone else.
That, again, is why community is so important: you learn and compare so you can market yourself as something amazing to your audience or customers.
The Feminine Up High
The last card, Mature Woman, suggests you will either have a mentor or be inspired by an established woman connected to your occupation.
For most, this will be a skilled person who has come before you. In that case, learning from them will help you to avoid some of the mistakes they had and employ their techniques earlier in your career.
However, there’s the possibility that this person could be an angel investor who swoops in as you’re progressing in your career and helps you out. They may inject money into your business, help you find skilled employees, or connect you to an impressive and useful network.
Don’t ignore the older women in your life: one of them will help boost your financial prosperity in the future.
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Pile 2: Teapot

Love and Money
There are a lot of ways to be wealthy, but it seems like one of the ways you can obtain prosperity is through a romantic relationship.
The first card, Message, suggests you’ll receive some sort of offer or news that will change your life. It’ll be up to you to accept or act on that missive.
For some, this is going to be a person asking you out on a date or giving an offer of marriage. Singles and those early in their relationships: pay special attention to your partner. For some of you, this person is going to build wealth. Focus on potential rather than current income.
However, you need to be open to the possibility that your partner isn’t wealthy, but your connection will help you build wealth. Perhaps they’ll bring out the best in you which will cause you to do well in your job or you’ll meet someone through them who helps you out.
Good Luck On Your Side
Something to be aware of in this spread is that the Sudden Wealth card indicates some or all of your future prosperity will come in a wave. It’ll also be by a stroke of luck.
Now this doesn’t mean you can only get wealthy through luck, but it seems like one of the accessible futures you can go towards has that as a strong possibility.
Sudden wealth includes inheritance, marrying into wealth, lottery winnings, selling property, and et cetera.
Overall, it’s not something you control so much as accept into your life. Make sure you aren’t acting in a way that blocks fortuitous opportunities that could come your way.
So if you buy a house, treat it well – your property values might rise astronomically for reasons you couldn’t anticipate at the time of purchase. Things like that.
Not Alone
The last card, Marriage, strongly aligns this future possibility with a romantic relationship. For those in an arranged marriage, romance may not be initially involved, but the point still stands: the length of your marriage determines the scope of your wealth.
It will be in your interest to invest in your relationship as you invest in a financial portfolio. Something about this person increases your good fortune, so you’ll want that relationship to be enjoyable and affectionate.
It’s not surprising that a relationship could lead to wealth either. It’s well established in many countries that married people earn more. And it’s not so much a dual income thing either: it’s hard to build wealth alone.
If you’re single, when you’re sick, you have no one to lean on. But in a relationship, even if one person is working, the other person can step in if the other becomes unable to work for whatever reason.
Devotion to your partner builds wealth because you’re a financial unit – and two are better than one.
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Pile 3: Butterfly

Good After Bad
An event is going to happen in your life at a distance from you which will change everything. The first card, Message of Concern, suggests you’ll receive troubling news and you’ll feel powerless to intervene.
Overall, I get the sense that you will find prosperity due to the events of the world around you. Changes in the economy, social issues, or world events often have winners and losers: and you’re going to be a winner.
A famous historical example would be World War II. While Europe struggled to recover from utter devastation, America benefitted from being largely unaffected by the widespread damage and death. This, combined with America’s general industrial output, allowed individual Americans to prosper due to the circumstances of their country being a superpower.
I see something similar happening for you. Concerning news that is bad for others will result in happy conditions for you. You’ll feel conflicted, but at the same time, know you aren’t responsible for the bad things that happen in the world.
The Hero You Didn’t Ask For
The Main Male card indicates someone who is not you (even if you’re a man reading this) or someone you’re close to. But this person will do all the right things to improve your life.
Multiple regions of the world could do well after something negative happens, so I think this character is likely to be a politician, business mogul, or even a local hero.
It’s not someone who is anonymous and it’s someone who would go down in history.
However, you’re likely to disagree with some of their actions or feel as if their behavior benefits you and hurts others.
So understand whoever this person is may be helping you, but not personally, and you’ll also have no direct influence on them. But the situation will leave you with many personal feelings you won’t know what to do with.
That’s because people will attribute this person’s actions to you, especially if you live in a democracy or are tangentially connected to them culturally.
History In Summary
I do want to point out, however, that the High Honor card suggests that, on average, the outcome of this person’s actions will be good.
I’ll go back to the America in World War II example. America didn’t acquit itself perfectly in the war. They rejected Jewish refugees, interned American citizens, firebombed cities, and used nuclear weapons, just to name a few (and a pretty big few at that). Yet, overall, America acted in such a way throughout the war and afterward that gave them a good reputation throughout the world.
So I don’t want you to look at the fortune you receive because of the actions of others with only a negative lens. Rather, you’re likely to look at the minutia of the situation with a political lens and refuse the good luck given to you because you aren’t looking at the world with a broad perspective.
Don’t perceive big actions with a personal perspective: if you do that, you’ll reject the good fortune that comes your way because you feel guilty for the actions of others. The irony, of course, is that, in the long term, what you perceive to be bad will actually be for good.
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