Your Compatibility With Them — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on your romantic interest. This can be a person you’re crushing on or someone you’re already in a relationship with.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Light Seer’s Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s check your compatibility with your special someone.
Pile 1: Pagoda

Afraid to Let Go
There’s potential here, but I fear that you may not be able to perceive things correctly. The first card, Four of Pentacles, suggests you’re eager for affection and a bit greedy.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing. There’s an indication that you’re a bit conservative with love, but that also means you’re more likely to commit to someone you truly care about. However, this is also a card of fearing scarcity.
I think you may act desperately in relationships for fear that the person might leave you. Because of this, you may be a bit smothering or defensive. You probably have good reasons for feeling this way due to your past, but it’s a difficult energy for partners to accept.
Some people do like this. They like it when their partner is jealous and protective – but not everyone and perhaps not most people – especially your person. I think the person you’re interested in may feel as if you’re too selfish with your attention and won’t let them breathe.
Set the Foundation
But there’s a very positive card in this spread with the Page of Pentacles. It suggests a promising start to the relationship. But I also think this indicates that you’ll want to lead more than follow.
That’s not saying anything about traditional gender roles or whether or not domination/submission is what’s called for here. Rather, you want to feel as if you have a voice in the relationship and that your judgments matter.
If the person you’re interested in likes to set the terms for relationships, there’s bound to be conflict. You need to set the terms even if you don’t like being forward in a relationship. Example: a normally submissive person sets the conditions for commitment. They would expect their partner to concede to these conditions.
Understand that you have certain requirements for a relationship and you need to make sure the other person agrees early on. Never assume they do and then see anything they do as evidence they’re secretly working against you. The relationship can’t proceed with you being jealous and protective for fear that the person you’re interested in already has their heart elsewhere.
This doesn’t mean you have to lead all the time. But you need to set your conditions. And you need to hear verbal confirmation that this person agrees to them.
It Can Work
There’s some part of you, deep down, that fears you’re not compatible with this person. That may not actually be true given the previous two cards, but the Five of Pentacles does mean you feel this person would inevitably leave you.
But the truth is much better than that. This card also indicates that help or goodness is closer than you think. Given the other pentacles cards in this spread, and pentacles being about manifestation, your compatibility with this person is actually quite high.
The goal should be to hash out your conditions for commitment and make sure you’re on the same page. You may have to compromise in some areas, so don’t expect an ideal fantasy, but I think you’ll be pleased once you have that certainty of a soul contract between you.
You’re scared, but your fears can be managed and it can lead to a beautiful relationship. But you must address those fears first or it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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Pile 2: Mountain

Till Death Do Us Part
In this spread, I see an inertia for commitment. The Hierophant is a card of order and marriage, meaning that this relationship could easily lead to something lifelong.
But also in this spread, I see an indication of arranged marriage or pursuing commitment according to an artificial timeline rather than a romantic one. You may also be prone to entering into a relationship with a person who works on paper, but you aren’t emotionally invested in.
Know that love can grow if both people are committed, and it seems like that’s a possibility here. However, my advice for the compatibility is different depending on your situation.
For those who are already in a relationship, you need to determine if your timeline is one agreed between you two or if you’re being influenced by others. If you’re currently single, ask yourself if this person is really someone you’re emotionally in love with or simply gravitating towards because it feels natural.
So the underlying issue here isn’t compatibility so much as committing before both of you are ready.
They Need More Time
The interesting thing about your spread is that you both have similar disagreements. So while it may seem like you’re not that similar, you really are.
The King of Pentacles, Reversed suggests the person you’re checking for compatibility with isn’t interested in manifesting a relationship right now. They may be willing to seek out a connection, but it doesn’t really fit their life in the way they want.
That doesn’t mean they dislike you or aren’t attracted to you. Rather, they don’t know how to fit a relationship into their life. They’re distracted and just fulfilling what they think their obligations are without putting their heart into the matter.
They’re probably going to be more outspoken about this than you are. This would be the type of person who thinks marriage is just a contract or that real love doesn’t exist. I don’t think they actually mean it. Rather, their priority in life isn’t falling in love right now so they don’t see the value of a deep relationship.
To them, they must experience attraction to realize the power of love. That comes with time. Some people do take longer than others, though.
You Need to Start Slow
On the flipside, you have similar issues with the Queen of Pentacles, Reversed card. You also aren’t ready to commit or to commit to this person. You may feel an innate attraction towards them, but it seems like your goals are different.
It would help you to consider the difference between attraction and love. People often are attracted to those they would never consider a relationship with. They may be compatible on many levels, but the one that makes a committed relationship work is where they differ.
Now I don’t necessarily see you two as being incompatible forever, but it certainly seems as if you’re in different places in life right now. That doesn’t mean you can’t pursue a relationship, but keep things more casual or go at a slower pace.
If you’re already in a relationship and wondering how to take things more casually, try to spice things up like you just met. Try going on easy dates, like going out for coffee, or just enjoying their company for something like a movie at home. Don’t overthink or try to do grand gestures.
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Pile 3: Balloons

To Be Together
This is a very positive spread when it comes to compatibility. The first card, The Hermit, Reversed, indicates coming out of your shell. This could be either you or the person you’re interested in – perhaps both since the meaning is echoed in the second card.
One or both of you weren’t previously able to enjoy a romantic relationship to its fullest. So if single, being single was a way to guard against pain. For those in a relationship, this could be a sign that the person felt they couldn’t do their best.
But no longer. Now both of you will be able to truly enjoy deep affection if you pursue the relationship. It’ll also be especially meaningful because this affection is coming from a position of maturity and a desire to connect.
Suddenly Aware
Your second card, Four of Swords, Reversed, is a card of awakening. It’s possible that one or both of you didn’t realize the extent of your attraction until now. You may have been distracted by something more important or distracting at the time.
Because of the spiritual associations with this card, it could also be a sign that you two are soulmates or twinflames.
Sometimes, a relationship doesn’t happen or can’t proceed as the couple wishes because those involved aren’t in a position to give themselves and their souls fully. But that’s no longer the case.
I think you’ll find that you both will be very perceptive and understanding of each other going forward. You may also feel like you have an invisible, spiritual connection – like a red thread of fate tying you together.
Even if something caused you to separate and go your own ways, you’d still feel connected to each other at a soul level.
Possibilities Ahead
The final card in your spread, The World, suggests a fulfilling energy when it comes to your relationship. I think of the idea of the four corners of the Earth – there’s just a lot to work with when it comes to your compatibility.
I think you may be surprised by the nuances of your relationship. While no relationship is perfect, many of the surprises you encounter will be delightful. It could be anything as small as discovering you both love the same obscure music artist to realizing you have the same goals in life or the willingness to compromise out of sheer love for each other.
This compatibility is powerful because it’s self-sacrificing in the best way. You and this person will be willing to go the extra mile to make it work.
So if you’re single, any obstacles you see can be overcome. If you’re already in a relationship, know that any current rough patch you’re going through or are about to go through will be overcome.
My advice to you is simple. Enjoy the fact you’re attracted to each other and seem willing to tackle whatever adversities life throws at you. It’s rare for a couple to have that level of compatibility when it comes to effort.
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