Who’s Hurting You? – Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on someone or something that’s causing you trouble. Then we’re going to find out what you can do about it.
All you have to do is follow your intuition and pick the pile that sticks out to you the most.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Dark Mirror Oracle deck (affiliated link). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s stop who’s hurting you.
Pile 1: Flowers
The Person Causing You Trouble
I see that the person responsible in your spread is Queen of My World, a female figure in your life with a lot of power. It’s possible this could be a man with social power, but I lean more strongly towards a woman.
The red dress on the card signifies that she uses her feminine wiles or toxic femininity to get what she wants. A younger woman might use her looks whereas an older woman is likely to lovebomb those she wants to worship her.
The world around her in the card is winter, suggesting she sucks the life out of everyone and everything. Somehow she isn’t hurt: the woman in this card is barefoot and barely clothed for the wintry conditions. She’s able to weather the storms she creates.
How They’re Hurting You
Your second card, Fragmentation, suggests that the woman who’s hurting you divides and conquers. She either does this literally by separating you from those who would support you or she causes you to break apart psychologically.
The reason she does this is that when you’re whole, she’s unable to defeat you. This is where her social powers come in handy. Instead of hitting you directly and quickly, she’ll pick away at your social relationships or your mental health.
You may not even realize she’s doing this at first or how successful she is until it’s too late. This would be like a female coworker bribing other employees and flattering bosses in an attempt to make you an outcast when you aren’t looking and suddenly you find yourself sabotaged at work.
There’s something she gains by hurting you. It could be a better position for herself in life or, if she’s especially evil, simply because she likes watching others suffer. These types of people are rare, but they do exist.
What to Do About It
Dealing with this woman won’t be easy, but your last card, I Won’t Cry For You, gives us a clue. She works in such a way as to make you care about how she sees you. There’s some part of you that wrongly assumes if you appease her, she’ll stop targeting you.
That’s not the case. She’s either targeting you because you have something she wants or she’s targeting you because she enjoys watching you suffer. Either way, appeasing doesn’t work because this isn’t a simple disagreement between you and her.
So the first thing you need to do is to not base your actions or your emotions on how she views you. When you do that, you’ll be able to counteract her cruel games without caring how she perceives you.
Also, you’ll find that how she hurts you will sting less and less. That’s because part of her ploy is to make you feel as if you deserve her targeting. You don’t. Once you realize that, you’ll be able to move on.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Potion
The Person Causing You Trouble
I sense that your enemy is someone with Downcast Pride. This is a person who either was in a good position before or believed themselves to be better than they are.
However, this person was humbled. I don’t see any indication in this spread that you humbled them, though it’s certainly a possibility. Rather, this person was brought low and it’s eating them up inside.
They see you as someone who still has their pride or has something they envy. Because of this, they want to bring you as low as them. Misery loves company.
Because I don’t sense theft in this spread, this person’s humbling may be so complete that they now believe themselves to be worth less.
Of course, this person may have been wrongly humbled, but even if that is true, it doesn’t excuse their ill attention toward you.
Some in this spread might realize this is someone in your life you previously had a good relationship with so their sabotaging of you is coming as a surprise – and a betrayal.
How They’re Hurting You
Their main action is to poison you using a Black Flower Fragrance. This is a slow-growing malignancy and is probably psychological.
The reason it’s psychological is because this person probably doesn’t have power and thus can’t actively hurt you. But they can use their words to make you feel bad, gossip with other people to ruin your reputation, or spiritual warfare (like curses).
While I do think some in this spread may have been cursed, this is unlikely for most. Curses are rare in developed countries and if you’re dealing with someone interested in darker magick… they probably already give that vibe and you’re wary of them anyway.
However, if you have been cursed, consider a counterspell, blessing your home, carrying a good luck charm, or even seeking out a trusted spiritual leader like a priest for an exorcism.
But remember: most people are dealing with someone who’s trying to make you feel bad with words or gossip.
What to Do About It
Your third card is Peaceful Among Thorns. When I think of thorns, I imagine rose bushes. If you’re careful around roses, you can grow and harvest a beautiful flower.
I sense what you primarily need to do is weather this storm. Don’t stoop low and fight back against this person through harsh words, gossip, or curses. That’s because this person is bound to run out of fuel or burn bridges in the process.
Nobody likes a negative person or someone who spreads gossip, while people who are known to do dark magick are feared. They’re ruining their own reputation and won’t be respected soon enough.
Hold your head high and act with integrity. Consider a meditation practice or some other mindfulness strategy to help you cope with their psychological attacks. Affirmations are also good as they can be reassuring.
You will survive this and you won’t be humbled and brought low for long. You will either avoid their attacks completely or rise again like a phoenix.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Statue
The Person Causing You Trouble
I think what’s responsible for hurting you could be a person, but it could also be a force. Your first card, Anger and Chains, makes me think of politics or current events. It’s not limited to that, but it’s a good example of something in your life that is out of your control but influences you.
If it’s a person, it may be someone you don’t know directly but has power over you, like the boss of your company or the mortgage lender to your house. Some may find that what’s causing you trouble is a past experience or a mental illness.
However, what all these have in common for this spread is that it has a lot of angry energy and it’s trying to capture you in that anger. Being around it doesn’t make you happy: it makes you rage.
How They’re Hurting You
One way that politics makes someone angry, for example, is through strong emotions. This brings the second card, Addiction, to the forefront. Intense emotions trap you into a psychological loop that’s difficult to escape from.
You’ll see a headline and feel so strongly about it that you’ll look into the story for hours. You’ll even start fighting with people online or people you know in real life. It’s like you’re the victim of angry clickbait.
This same mechanism occurs for any other person or force that’s hurting you. The strong emotions it causes result in you being brought back to something again and again until it feels like you no longer have control over your life.
That’s the reason why you’re being hurt: the addiction causes you to lose other aspects of your personality and you’re filled into a vessel of rage.
What to Do About It
Because some of this is out of your control, you can’t counter it directly. Your last card, Atonement, asks you not to solve the big problem, but to tackle it from a personal perspective.
If you’re addicted to politics, you can’t change the system, but you can control how often you look at political content and whether or not you engage in toxic political discourse. Many spiritual people either avoid the news or at least don’t make it their hobby.
If it’s a person, you should avoid them as much as possible. A past experience or a mental illness? Work towards redirecting your attention to things you do control in your daily life.
It won’t be easy to overcome this rage, but you can do so by focusing on what you can control so you can alleviate those intense feelings.
Finally, try to fill your mind with positive thoughts. My favorite way to reduce my own anger is to watch cat videos, listen to uplifting music, and do adorable jigsaw puzzles. Don’t overthink this. Seek self-care.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 1- It’s like you read a page from my diary. Yesterday, one of my coworkers told another coworker (who is a total sweetheart, btw) that I call them terrible names. I thought maybe this antagonistic coworker simply misheard a conversation I was having. But now I know better. The motivations of some people are baffling.
Wow! I hope that coworker becomes a better person. How frustrating!