What’s Silent in Your Life: Tarot Pick a Card
If you were drawn to this tarot reading, then there’s something in your life that’s being ignored. The universe wants you to see the truth. It’s easy with this pick a card.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which cat stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Good Tarot and the Power Thoughts Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to let what’s silent in your life shout to the universe.
Pile 1: Book Kitty

Your Direction
Your first card is Two of Fire. This indicates that a plan in your life is not being followed. This is a shame because the plan is a good one. Maybe it’s not perfect, but if you were to follow it, you’d see a notable improvement in your life.
This is a card for pledging yourself to a greater passion. You’re meant to look at the world and see possibility and how your potential is reflected in that. What in your life that you dream about are you ignoring? Chances are, you’ve thought about how to achieve it or even written down a specific plan.
Yes: as soon as you work towards something, failure becomes a possibility. You may be scared that no matter how well you plan, it’s not going to manifest. I think this may be why you’re letting your plan fall away. But don’t let your dream become a judge.
Take Action
The second card is King of Air. Because your first card is so positive, I read this one as how to amplify your plan into the world. And the way for you to do that is to take control of the plan itself.
Productivity tips are key for you here, but don’t go overboard: the point behind this card is mastery over the intellectual domain and action. Yet you aren’t trying to achieve a rational end, but a passionate one.
Make sure that any plan you instigate makes allowances for the flow state and inspiration. If you try too hard to make things happen and don’t listen to your body, you won’t be able to infuse your heart and soul into what you do.
So work hard, work smart, but also integrate a joyful person into that productive plan. You’re not a robot, but a dreamer. Sometimes, it’s okay to have your head in the clouds if that’s where you’re going in the first place.
Live Broadly
The final card in your spread is an affirmation from the universe that is meant to soothe your spirit. What the universe wants you to know is this: My heart is open. I allow my love to flow freely. I love myself. I love others and others love me. You aren’t living for your plan or even for your dream. Instead, your life is more holistic than that.
Knowing that your life is meant to be a holistic experience will allow you to make your plan and its destination more flexible. Things happen, both good and bad, and you’re going to adjust your day, week, month, year, and life plan accordingly. Not all changes are joyous, but some are unexpectedly welcome.
For example: you may really want to write a novel and you make a plan to write two thousand words a day. But you’re invited to a best friend’s birthday party. Your goal is to write a book, but you love your friend. It’s not wrong to take the day off and spend time with someone you care about during an important event.
Remember that your plan isn’t your purpose. It’s a tool. So don’t let that tool be silent, but don’t let it become noise either.
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Pile 2: Heart Kitty

With the first card in your spread being the Six of Wands, it seems like you aren’t receiving the recognition you deserve. You’ve done something admirable in life that should result in congratulations or admiration and that hasn’t happened.
This may be something you put a lot of effort into or something you were passionate about. So for most who chose this pile, this is going to be related to work or hobbies, but it could also be effort put into a relationship.
This lack of recognition has beaten down your spirit. You’re starting to wonder if you should keep going or if what you did wasn’t worthwhile after all.
Let me put that to rest right now: you should keep going and what you’re doing is worthwhile.
Stand Up for Yourself
Your next card is the Eight of Wands. This is a card of movement. A lot of things are falling around you, good and bad, but right now, it mostly seems bad.
That’s the danger of working towards something with a lot of passion. Sometimes, your efforts are so high impact that you leave everyone else in the dust. So you’re surrounded by a confusing thicket as people find their place.
For some of you, you indeed have enemies. Your intentions were sincere, but someone is out to get you. They can’t stand the fact that you achieved something and want to hide it. But for others, people just don’t know how to react.
If your efforts are new, people may be worried that your success was an accident or temporary. They also may not know how to react to you appropriately.
My recommendation for either case is that you be upfront about what you did. If you put in a lot of effort at work, it may be time to negotiate for a raise. If you did something for a partner, don’t beat around the bush and directly state what you did for them. Don’t surrender the recognition you deserve because doing so may encourage it to happen again!
It may feel strange that you’re fishing for praise, but sometimes, you have to be explicit when your actions are ignored.
Not Everything’s True
The third card is an affirmation from the universe on how you should perceive this situation: I release all criticism.
Be aware that the criticism you’re facing (or feeling) isn’t valid. The universe seems pretty clear in your spread that you did something worth admiring in some form and that it should’ve been recognized.
Although it’s tempting to fall victim to criticism, it’s not always deserved. It’s easy to see the phrase “constructive criticism” and think that harsh words are somehow true just because they were blunt and biting.
Instead, I want you to look at your life, look at what you did, and see that it was valuable after all. The first one who should admire that is yourself. Otherwise, you won’t be willing to keep doing what you’re doing in the future because you’re starting to not value what is valuable.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Music Kitty

Victim to Your Emotions
I sense that emotional health is silent in your life because of the King of Water card. There are many reasons this can be true, and I sense that’s likely for those who chose this pile, so I want to talk about the effect more than the cause.
Your ability to control your emotions has been compromised. This can result in emotional outbursts, but it can also result in depression, anxiety, or subtler yet still serious manifestations of being unwell.
When someone is feeling emotionally ill at ease, this can have intense ramifications on their life. You’re going to try and correct this emotional disturbance through input. For example, someone who suffers from emotional outbursts will try to find an outlet for their energy. Those who are depressed may seek dopamine. If you’re anxious, you may avoid anything that unnerves you and do repetitive tasks.
Divine Intervention
While the cause seems to be varied, there does seem to be something that connects everyone who chose this pile. The second card is Call. The universe is trying to call you back into emotional health. You’re receiving or about to receive a divine message of some sort.
While these messages can be supernatural, such as a vision or seeing a sign, they may be more banal than that. Think of a person suffering from addiction who is referred by a friend to a program for support.
Be very aware of how your emotions are affecting your life because it’s those symptoms that will be targeted for correction by the universe. If you receive a sign or offer to correct them, you need to take it.
If you struggle with your emotions and can’t dwell on them for long by yourself, I recommend two things: a single journaling prompt on the topic or seeing a professional.
The Reason for Your Feelings
Your third card is an affirmation from the universe: When we create harmony in our minds and hearts, we will find it in our lives. The inner creates the outer. Always. Although I think the symptoms of your problem will be addressed first by the universe, the ultimate goal is to correct the emotional disturbance.
Right now, I think latching onto correcting the effects will help you gain control of your life and give you something stable as a foundation. But you’ll need to investigate the cause. Right now, the effects are louder than the cause and it may even be a mystery to you as to why you’re emotionally upset in the first place.
Be patient with yourself. This part is silent right now, and it may take some time to fully uncover, but you will uncover it and begin addressing it appropriately. Perhaps similar to the original divine intervention you’ll experience.
Just make sure that you recognize which behaviors have been affected by this cause, even if you don’t know the cause exactly, that way they don’t continue being coping mechanisms that hide your pain instead of healing it.
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