What Your Spirit Guides Think of Your Career: Tarot Pick a Card
No matter where you are in your career or education, your spirit guides can always be relied upon for guidance. Today I have a tarot pick a card that will help you consider an area of your work life that needs attention.
All you need to do is select one of the piles of cards above that sticks out to you the most.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Everyday Tarot and the Angels and Ancestors oracle decks (these are affiliate links that help support me if you make a purchase). Remember you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what your spirit guides have to say about your career.
Pile 1: Fairy Goddess

You Are Stardust
There’s a strong sense of creativity or idealism in your spread. Your first card, the Star Ancestor, has the wisdom message of “Follow the Voice of Your Soul.” It’s clear then that what you need most is to consider what’s deep inside and to let it out.
I’m deeply drawn to consider creativity or some sort of spiritual knowledge. No matter your career, everyone can use both in some sense. For instance, an engineer can use their creativity to solve a problem and a waiter can use their spiritual knowledge to tap into their intuition and better understand their customers.
Let’s also look at the card itself. Here we see that your spirit guide appears to be drawn either from the distant past on Earth or perhaps, if you’re a Starseed, from your past on another planet.
I interpret this card mostly to mean something like this: we all have similar ancestors to others, yet their descendants are numerous. The universe tries to expand and you’re part of that. It’s in your nature to be unique. Embrace every iteration of that in what you do.
Reaching Out
The next card is Hermit with the wisdom message of “Retreat and Recharge.” I don’t sense this card as representing a different spirit guide, but rather how you can commune with the previous.
Your ancestry is very spiritual, and we all have ancestors who stick around for at least a little while. Some connect with us directly, through our dreams, or other methods. However, you can also feel an intuitive pull or just an interest in what your ancestors have done.
Allow yourself to learn from this example and meditate on that guidance. It will help you to understand what to rely upon from the past and what you must look within for something new.
Your Power to Create
Your final card is the Knight of Cups. This is a card of romanticism and idealism, which I think is strongly indicated in your previous cards. So instead, I want to dwell upon the courage this card symbolizes.
We see a knight astride a horse. You’re meant to think of the middle ages and courtly love, especially as this is a card in the suit of cups. This energy is youthful, and a little bit erratic, yet it’s tempered by the water present here.
You know how to go with the flow, but like the knight, you’re brave enough to try something new and even a little dangerous. That might be slaying a dragon, but it could also be writing a poem.
Your creativity isn’t just traditional creativity, but the courage to try new things and expand the universe just a little more. There was a fantasy element to the knights of the middle ages, and even now we look back at that time with wonder.
The reason you’re being called to commune with your ancestors is that you need to look at the world from a new perspective. A beautiful one. And at work? Just like the middle ages, you can make a dirty and deadly time seem alluring.
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Pile 2: Butterfly Lady

You’re More Capable than You Realize
When I look at your spread, I see power, but a power that’s blocked by an inability to express yourself. Your first card, the Magick Guardian, has the wisdom message of “Unlock the Magick Within.” I sense from your spirit guide here that what you can do is under lock and key.
But your spirit guide here, likely an ancestor or perhaps even your higher self, holds your inner fire and has been kindling it even while you’ve ignored it. They want you to be able to unlock that power and let it shine brighter than it ever has before.
The woman’s hands on this card are designed to mimic the symbol of “as above, so below” which is the relationship between the Heavens and Earth. What you can do is grand, but you don’t realize that you can implement that grandeur at work.
Live Radically
The second card in your spread is Elder with the wisdom message of “Move Beyond Ancestral Patterns.” I sense that you’re in a frustrating predicament where you’re looking at the past and unable to see it as proper guidance. Instead, it oppresses you.
Perhaps it’s your own past and your own decisions, but it may be your circumstances at birth. Your family may not be wealthy or privileged, so you feel like you can’t make the most of your life now.
You may have also inherited traits that make living difficult and you don’t know how to overcome them.
I want you to focus on what you can do with what you have in the present. Only look at the past and your ancestors as cautionary examples of what not to do. This at least will help you see yourself as your own person and not someone who must repeat what others have done before you.
This Is Your Present
Your last card is the Queen of Swords, Reversed. Here is where I see you being unable to express yourself. I think you’re feeling stifled by your environment and current course.
You may not want to change anything, or maybe you do, but here your spirit guides want you to consider whether or not you’re advocating for yourself at work. As a reversal, the Queen of Swords isn’t letting her decision-making shine. Instead, she’s powerless.
Your spirit guides want you to see that fire you have under lock and key is primarily one of confidence. You’ve surrendered the sharper edge of your personality and have effectively disarmed yourself at work. You can’t make the grandeur you’d like because of it.
Unlocking the magick within means embracing the fact you can change the world and you can start by doing it at work. You can’t just react, you must act. And this means proactively reaching out without fear of the past. Your circumstances don’t control you. You control your circumstances.
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Pile 3: Water Nymph

Be a Wolf at Work
Quite an unexpected spread! Let’s begin with your first card, the She-Wolf, which has the wisdom message of “Unleash the wild within.” Your spirit guides are asking you to consider untethering yourself from the human materialistic world and letting the real materialism free.
There’s nothing wrong with embracing a materialist perspective, but it’s important to understand the healthy side of it. Human materialism has made work a chore of needless possessions and services so that the individual is alienated from the world around them. It’s the materialism of cities where nature is always an artificial inclusion.
But real work, the work of animals like wolves, is living for survival. This isn’t a meager living, as even wolves play, but an understanding of your personal rhythms.
You can’t live robotically and you can’t work robotically either.
You’re Not Living As Yourself
Your second card is Water Guardian with the wisdom message of “Connect with Your Emotions. I don’t feel like a particular spirit guide is present in your spread, but rather your collective pack of spirit guides is asking you to look at your heart and let yourself live true.
People tend to put on a front or act when they’re at work. This can be an exhausting reality but you’re constantly acting in a false way which can be against your nature. When I was in education, I pretended to be more extroverted than I was. While I was certainly more motivated to do so for the sake of my students, I went home each day exhausted.
When I changed careers, I ended up being happier because I didn’t have to pretend to be a person I wasn’t anymore.
You need to figure out where you’re not being yourself at work. Perhaps it’s still worthwhile to act this way, but I sense you need to change something about your career to better reflect your needs as an individual. It isn’t a failure to make changes. Something is stirring inside of you, and if you don’t embrace it, you may have an emotional breakdown in the future. Or a burnout.
Free Your Soul
The final card is perhaps the most hopeful version I’ve seen of the Five of Cups in a reading I’ve had. This is normally a card of loss and not realizing what you still have. But in your card, I read this as a triumphant letting go of what no longer serves you at work.
You have a lot of dead weight and it’s bringing you down. I believe that’s the false act you put on for the sake of other people, such as coworkers, which causes you not to work for survival.
Letting go of this deadweight allows you to turn around and focus on what matters the most: the wild within you waiting to be set free. You’re going to do something different when it comes to your career – allow yourself to recognize that and be open to the opportunity.
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