What Career Is Best: Tarot Pick a Card
Everyone deserves to be happy at work. But sometimes, we find ourselves in the wrong career. With this tarot pick a card you can get a better idea of what path you should take.
All you have to do is select one of the piles above that sticks out to you the most.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Everyday Tarot and the Work Your Light oracle decks. Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to find the right career path for you!
Pile 1: Blue

You Matter
Your central card is Anna, Grandmother of Jesus with the wisdom message of “Seeding the light. Laying foundations. Divine plan.” I sense that your career will bear fruit long after you’re gone. Whatever you create will be part of a lasting legacy.
That legacy is important too. Although Anna is an obscure figure in Abrahamic traditions, the symbolism of her role is key. She represents a guiding influence that raised one of the most beloved spiritual teachers in the world.
Be aware that what you do for a career may not bring you personal fame and glory. For those of you who are more introverted, this may come as a sigh of relief. But even for those of you who enjoy prestige, know that your career will have revolutionary effects that will benefit humanity. That’s something to be proud of.
Your Work Is At Another Level
Your next card, Death, Reversed, gives more insight into what you’ll be doing. Here I read this card as undying and static. In that regard, what you create will not only have a lasting influence, but will continue in its current form.
It will also have the effect of life. While this card in its reversal can be negative, I don’t interpret that as the case here. Rather, this card indicates that you will bring life into an area that was previously stifled. You have a necessary role in bringing purpose and spirit into an area of the world.
Of course, this is all a weighty responsibility, and I think you’re probably feeling overwhelmed. Relax: your next card indicates the gravity of your role, but in a way that’s easier to understand and cope with.
You Are Wise
The last card in your spread is The Hermit. This is a card of enlightenment. Because of the other cards, I sense it means that you’re going to be some variety of a knowledge worker. Perhaps you’ll be a writer, a teacher, or something like a scientist.
This can be a lonely road. What you’re doing isn’t personally glorifying and its effects are more communal in nature. Of course, we know that Tesla had amazing contributions to electricity, but when we use electricity in our everyday lives we don’t dwell on it in the same way we think of artists and their work. Yet how much more important is electricity compared to Harry Potter?
You won’t be anonymous or underappreciated, but your work will be used by many every day without direct acknowledgment of your person.
As you go about finding your path, your focus should be on the betterment of humanity. Like the man on this card, you’ll be lighting the path ahead of you for others to walk behind. Your wisdom isn’t just necessary for our souls, but for our very survival.
Don’t ever believe your contributions are insignificant just because your name isn’t in neon lights. You matter so much more than fame.
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Pile 2: Pink

The World Needs You
The central card in your spread is Transformation with the wisdom message of “Things are changing at a cellular level. Deep healing.” Right away I sense that you’re going to be a lightworker.
A lightworker is someone who uses their energy to brighten the world around them. This can take many forms, such as a spiritual teacher, an actual teacher, or even someone like a florist. What you do is create an intention to heal and improve the lives of others by making a human and not an objectifying connection.
A florist, for example, doesn’t heal by selling flowers, but by nurturing flowers to bloom to their full beauty so they can inspire love in others.
Lightwork can be an exhausting career. Too often, lightworkers give too much of themselves and become drained. You’ll need some sort of spiritual practice to rejuvenate your own energies that you pour out onto the world.
You Have the Right to Be Financially Supported
Your next card is the Page of Pentacles. Although some lightworkers pursue their gift on the side, this card indicates that it will be a professional career and one that you make money from.
Don’t feel as if you don’t have the right to make money from your gift – you do. Lightwork is valuable and you deserve to be compensated for it. This also causes the people around you to see the value of it as well.
Of course, making a living from your gift isn’t going to be easy. Some paths have a direct and logical process, such as becoming a doctor, but others require you to embrace entrepreneurship. Consider starting a part-time gig during your weekends or study-related topics at a local college.
One of the benefits of making your lightwork a career is that it will create a partition between your gift and your personal life. This will make it easier to disengage and go home to relax and restore your energy as you won’t be thinking about it as often during your leisure hours.
Look to Help Others
Your last card is the Queen of Cups, Reversed. While this could indicate the draining aspects of lightwork, I mainly see this as the good you’ll be doing.
In your line of work, you’ll encounter emotionally damaged people. These wounds are invisible to most, so their pain has become invisible and not tended to. Your light will shine on their inner darkness and bring it out into the open so they can finally heal.
Make sure that your path helps you to help others, either through direct social interaction or through inspiration. That does mean you have some options depending on your interests, so allow your horizons to broaden and match your interests to this spiritual intention.
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Pile 3: Yellow

You Need Personal Space
Your central card is Inner Temple with the wisdom message of “Devotion. Tune in to the portal of your heart.” In your spread, I sense that this card is more insular and domestic. Whatever you do, it will be done at home or in a place that feels like home.
One of the reasons why you’re probably drawn to work at home is that the energy of this card is creative. The heart portal it’s talking about is the energy building inside of you that you wish to manifest in the world.
This can take many forms. Perhaps you’ll be traditionally creative or even choose to be a homemaker. There’s a feminine element here, and when I say that I mean the creative and nurturing elements of femininity.
You have something growing inside of you that you wish to birth into the world. The only real way you can achieve that is through quiet contemplation in a home environment. Or at the very least a work environment that is supportive of that feeling.
You Need to Be Your Own Boss
Your second card is the Eight of Pentacles, Reversed. When paired with the last card, I have a strong sense that you’ll either not have an official career or your career is less hustle and more passion.
Upright, this card denotes a sense of iterated perfection. But as a reversal, you don’t focus on efficiency so much as artistry.
The same sense of hard work does remain. However, the work you put in may not be as consistent and instead be more reflective of the energy you have. With creative work, it’s easy to burn out and your passionate applications of that creativity may come in seemingly random bursts rather than a consistent grind.
For that reason, you’ll likely benefit from either having a supportive partner or starting a freelance business. Time is kind of imaginary for you when it comes to creativity. You need to be able to flow without constraints. You may work really hard for a few weeks and then need a few months off.
Prepare to Travel
The last card is perhaps the most interesting one in your spread. Here we see the Three of Wands card which can indicate travel or expanding your horizons.
I do think this can reflect your creativity, but I get a strong sense that it refers to your lifestyle. You need to roam or will have a lifestyle where roaming is inevitable. Perhaps you or your partner work in the military. Someone may also need to travel for work.
However, even if that’s not the case, I believe you should strongly value travel or a semi-nomadic lifestyle. This will help you see different parts of the world which will inspire your creativity. Even though you have an insular need for private contemplation, I think this is more about being able to meditate by yourself with your thoughts.
Travel is another way to enjoy private contemplation because the new sights and experiences will open your mind to new possibilities.
Again, this strongly indicates a need to be your own boss and consider freelancing or another related self-employed career.
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