Weave Magic into Your Life: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic reading on increasing the magic in your life. Or magick with a ‘k’ if you prefer. Either way, we’re going to find out how to level up your spiritual gifts and environment to your advantage.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which image inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s get magical!
Pile 1: Telephone
Embrace Mirror You
You’ll be able to activate gifts from yourself in parallel universes or past lives. Some of you may connect more with your shadow self. But this spiritual gift is one you don’t already have and must be gifted by a parallel you.
The first card, Coming of Winter, has the wisdom message of “It comes in lullabies deep within your mirrored flesh. Alas, it is time to lay your quivering chest upon the winter’s coming.”
This card suggests a few ways you can activate your power and that it will be used during difficult times. The first is to use a mirror to engage your parallel self. Some of you may resonate more with black mirrors that people use for scrying. If you don’t have that, a dark bowl of water will be sufficient.
Wait until a Full Moon and set the scene, perhaps with candles or crystals. Concentrate on your parallel self and consider writing or researching a spell you can use.
Those who want something less witchy can try past life regression or shadow work. Past life regressions can be done best with a professional or by yourself with guided meditations. For shadow work, look for journal prompts or guided meditations online.
A Primal Energy
Animal spirit guides or familiars will be present in your life. The second card, Black Cat, has the wisdom message of “There’s a curious journey into the depths of the unknown, hidden so deep that only the brave will gracefully return with light in their eyes and shadow leading home.”
The deepest spirit work often results in your spirit guides being animals, likely because it touches something primal and we accept that energy more easily. Your spiritual gifts are best tapped into by touching that primal energy right now.
Be vigilant for any signs or synchronicities in your life, especially that of animals. You may also want to try rituals to establish a spirit animal or meet them in the dream world. There are many methods you can try from many different paths, so research until you find one that speaks to you.
Perhaps this animal spirit guide is the bridge between you and your parallel self and will help you uncover your spiritual gift – or this animal spirit guide is from a parallel self and can be useful to you now.
The Danger Can Be Prevented
Although I don’t sense any immediate danger, you will encounter trials and tribulations in life. The gift you gain from your parallel self will help with those future struggles. Plus your parallel self had a similar, but not identical life to you: they might have learned how to deal with the same issues you’ll be having.
The final card in your spread, Banshee, has the wisdom message of “Heed my warning, dear child, for what I hold is far from unsung lullabies. Swallow a nail and you can expect bleeding from within.” Sounds ominous, but the message is most of the future issues you’ll face have a way to avoid them and handle them.
Your spread isn’t specific about the type of spiritual gift, but I’m willing to guess it has something to do with psychic ability or manifestation. That’s because you’re connecting with your parallel selves, so you’re bending the fabric of space-time around you.
This knowledge or ability to manifest will get you out of difficult situations in the future if you remember to use your gift on that.
Alternatively, you can wait until you have a struggle and then seek the assistance of a particular parallel self through the methods I’ve suggested.
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Pile 2: Fairy
Strength in Times of Crises
You have an immense spiritual gift you may not have considered before. I’ll get into it more with the second card but know that it’s powerful and it can change your reality. The first card, Bat, has the wisdom message of “Invoke thy power and fear not the hidden, what lurks is coming with undenying change.”
There are dark forces on the horizon. I don’t sense this to be personal, but rather the social or worldly troubles that you’ll face with fortitude. You know what type of troubles are most likely in your area: specific natural disasters, common political or economic problems, and et cetera.
I can’t promise that you’ll come out on top compared to everyone else where you live, but you’ll be in a better situation than you are even now. So don’t be afraid of the trials ahead of you: you’re powerful.
You’re the type of person other people can lean on in times of collective suffering.
Ordinary Magick
Here’s the surprising part of your reading. The second card, Pumpkin, has the wisdom message of “Uncaging the spirit within thou the fertile power you hold. To taste your buttery wheat upon tongue is a gift I shall cherish each day that comes.”
There’s something called kitchen magick that you may want to look into. But, in brief, it’s about using intention and other spells to empower your normal domestic tasks, like cooking, with infused supernatural power. You could, for example, bake a cake that will make you more financially successful at work.
Some other related magick fields you may want to look into are herbalism or green witchery.
This can be a very hidden and subtle practice that doesn’t require anything different than you would find in a normal kitchen. I know, for example, that some kitchen witches will shape sigils in the things they bake.
I sense that this power builds up in concentration the more you do it. I also think you would benefit by looking into the eight pagan holidays (the Wheel of the Year) or the astrological Full Moons. Make it a project around those days to do some kitchen magick or herbalism related to the event.
Perceptive and Aware
Your final card is Grief with the wisdom message of “It is but a mere glimpse of nothingness hidden away deep within the chambers of your mourning, in the red clovers birthing lost illusion.” There’s something about this card that is deeply personal and not something I can perceive in my reading – likely because you’re meant to discover it on your own through time.
However, what I can tell you about this card is that mindfulness can be practiced through being attentive to what you doing. Instead of listening to music while you do dishes or cook, be fully present in the task and enjoy the sensory experience.
Most people don’t let themselves be “bored” in the modern world so their brain never has the chance to be focused outward on the physical environment or to wander in thought. In a way, you’ll be weaving magic into your life by choosing to be present in the ordinary domestic tasks of your home because it’s how you practice being intentional.
Yes, you don’t have to meditate in the mountains to practice mindfulness. You can do it in your kitchen!
Attentive people are the most prepared for the trials of life when it comes at them full speed. Build this skill with ordinary magick.
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Pile 3: Luggage
Let Them Go
I sense spirits in this spread, both bad and good. You may be empathetic or in a situation where you attract spirits to you. Teenagers, for example, are often so emotional and spiritually volatile that they attract good and bad spirits into the home.
But I think you can use this to your advantage. The first card, Dark Moon, has the wisdom message of “In the dark of your heart lives new breath waiting for you to release its ghost.” For most of you, this represents a spirit guide or ancestors that have been with you for a long time.
Your relationship to them is good, but you’re so focused on them and they’ve been attached to you so long that there hasn’t been a lot of breathing room. Letting them take a break will give them opportunities to go on an adventure and for you to learn from other spirit guides. Almost everyone has more than one!
For most of you, this spirit guide will eventually return, but not all – it just depends on whether your time with them has naturally concluded or not.
Others, however, may feel like darker spirits are oppressing them. This may only be one or two people who picked this pile, but if this is you, and trust me that you’d already suspect it if that were the case, then your bad luck may be because of this spirit’s influence. You need to cleanse your body, personal belongings, and home.
You Influence Things Around You
Your next card is All Hallow’s Eve with the wisdom message of “Call upon the voices that stir your senses through the night. Cast an unforgiven howl as you stomp your might through the ground.”
Most people think of spirits as something that exists only in the spiritual plane and thus has no effect on the world around them. However, you have a spirit too. Many traditional religions have a concept of gods that symbolize something like Greek pagans believing Aphrodite represents romantic and physical love.
Spirits often inhabit bodies or influence the physical world around them. Your spiritual gift is that you can witness this more easily than others if you pay attention.
Take some time to practice mindfulness and meditation on things in your environment. Chances are, you’ll start to feel the spirits in things like rocks, forests, and animals.
But understand that spirits travel. You likely don’t realize your spirit can influence things far beyond your physical body. Everywhere you go, your spirit interacts with things there, but even when you’re asleep, your soul is in communication with things far away, like soul ties.
How can you use this? Know that your emotions affect your soul’s relationship with others and vice versa. A happy you will communicate good things, but an angry you might spiritually trample on a flower you walk by. You’ll also feel bad around negative energy or places where that is common.
You Can Fix Things
The final card is Reflection with the wisdom message of “Be wary of things you believe to see with eyes wide shut, for they are mirrors of the mad and truths only spoken with a bleeding tongue.”
Sometimes, spiritual people neglect the physical world. However, there are many wonderful things in this physical world that can’t be experienced in the spiritual.
If you rely too heavily on the spiritual side of things, either by disconnecting from the world around you or only doing what your spirit guides say without making your own decisions, you won’t be living in this world and your physical body will feel sick.
Use your body and the environment around you as a clue to the health of spiritual/material connection. If something feels “off” you’re probably right and a disconnection between the two worlds is likely to blame. This is when you step in and use yourself as the energetic bridge to rebalance things.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.