Supernatural Past Life Experiences — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on a significant supernatural experience in one of your past lives.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Crow Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to see what was happening in your past life.
Pile 1: Butterflies

Trying Things Again
I believe that you wanted to repeat a life you had so you reincarnated into something very similar. The Knight of Pentacles indicates a rather normal life without supernatural experiences itself, but I think the intentional reincarnation was the supernatural event.
I do believe that this past version of you was able to recall some or all of your memories from the life before. This means you were likely aware of supernatural and mystic aspects that others were not, but I don’t see any indication that you chose to pursue a spiritual position.
It’s possible the life before that reincarnation didn’t go as expected, so when that past version of you integrated back into your higher self, you decided to try again.
There’s a strong possibility that this is a latent ability you have and your current life in the present may have been chosen circumstances to try and repeat a past life and perfect it.
That means you either may have past life memories or you will soon.
What Your Goal Is
I think that intense emotions cause a lot of grief to your higher self and are the cause of the reincarnation cycle you’re in. The Three of Swords, Reversed indicates you work hard to perfect your life from as much suffering as possible.
This may not be entirely selfish. Perhaps you try to reincarnate with other soul ties and try to fix those relationships in the material world so you can ascend together. Or perhaps you find yourself continuously separated from a soulmate and you’re trying to bring your circumstances closer.
I do think that the past life of particular interest did succeed in working out a lot of that karma. So perhaps the reason you don’t have as strong of memories of your past life now is that you no longer need a major library of memories to do the karmic work you seek.
This indicates a lot of positive soul growth.
Changing Your Future
The final card in your spread is the Wheel of Fortune, Reversed. My immediate impression of this card wasn’t bad luck, but rather, breaking the wheel of reincarnation.
You know you’re stuck in a loop, but I think you use past life memories to work out karma and improve your chances of ascending to a higher plane. Not everyone reincarnates as a human – some go to other planets, some people become spirit guides, and others stay in the astral realms.
One of those is your ultimate goal and I think you’re very close to achieving that either after your current life or soon.
Just do your best not to live in regret and that should help you ascend.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Door

Spiritually Alone
I think one of your past lives had a negative experience with the supernatural because of someone’s abuse. You were in opposition to them according to the Two of Swords, Reversed. This could be a sign you lacked the spiritual gift of strong intuition so you didn’t see their bad behavior coming.
I get a few examples of possible incidents: witch trials, attempted human sacrifice, and other attacks related to spiritual beliefs. The good news is that this past version of you was not an ultimate victim – you were in danger, but escaped it.
Yet it wasn’t by your doing that you survived and I think that fundamentally changed your perception of the supernatural and other mystical experiences. You ended up rejecting some practices in favor of others. Perhaps you had prayers or rituals that went unanswered.
That doesn’t mean you didn’t witness other people being successful. In fact, you might have witnessed stunning examples of supernatural power.
Bad Moon Rising
The King of Wands, Reversed tells me that someone tried to oppress you with their spiritual power. Now this is likely to be a masculine figure, but if you were a victim of something like a witch trial, you could have been accused by a woman and then brought to a court of heresy or law.
You would’ve been face-to-face with your accuser and recognized that there was true evil in the world.
While I think it’s possible someone who chose this pile was connected to the Salem Witch Trials, there have been witch trials all over the world and there continue to be attacks against accused witches today.
The important thing to remember is that you weren’t a witch in this past life – but your accuser was using supernatural powers to gain control and they almost succeeded. In addition, this card could be an indication you were rescued from being sacrificed.
A Life of Contemplation
Your final card, Four of Swords, is a card of rest and contemplation. You eventually died in a good way, perhaps of a long life, but you died having followed your convictions. This meant you were buried by your community and not in a state of victimization.
But your past life was deeply affected by what happened to them and sought spiritual refuge elsewhere. For many of you, this was probably in the Christian church, but if you had been elsewhere in the world, it would’ve been another traditional religion.
I’m certain someone in this pile may have been an attempted human sacrifice for the Aztecs or other Western Hemisphere cultures. So if that was you, there was a pretty epic attempt to bring you home.
You might’ve become a member of the clergy or become a mystic. If you did become a mystic, this was likely a difficult journey for you because it didn’t come naturally. Still, the supernatural powers you witnessed proved to you there was evil in the world – so you were convinced there was supernatural good too.
In this life, you inherited some of that knowledge you fought for and are likely deeply concerned with doing the right thing. Your intuition is also probably stronger than normal.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Mushrooms

You May Not Want to Read This
I’m going to give a disclaimer on this one and I rarely do. Only read this if you feel emotionally prepared to hear about bad news in your past life. Some of you are curious though, so I decided to keep this pile for those who wanted to know.
I got intense heebie jeebies from this spread and that’s rare. I actually had to bless my space and life because I felt the negative energy very strongly. If you have the opportunity to investigate past lives… you may not want to don’t do this one.
Here’s why: The Devil card indicates that either you or someone you were involved with was deeply active with dark magick. And when I say deeply, I mean hostile curses unlike anything most black magick users do today. Perhaps they even summoned a demon.
This is very rare and it left a huge mark on your soul. I hope you’ve been cleansed of this and I believe you have, but don’t go inviting it back into your life.
You May Not Want to Read This, Part 2
The next two cards, Knight of Cups, Reversed and Queen of Cups, Reversed indicate two possibilities. But both are about a relationship going wrong. And as anyone in the spiritual space knows today, some of the most desperate and curse-happy people are exes.
Anyway, if it was your past self who was the perpetrator, you may have worked with a malevolent entity to bewitch your love interest or to punish them. The good news is that you ultimately did not sell your soul (otherwise you wouldn’t have been reborn as a human), but this malevolent entity seems to have some power over that past life.
Your higher self will try to protect you from the continuation of this relationship, but if you ever feel like unusually bad things are happening to you or around you, it might be this entity trying to open a door back into your life. Do some things to cleanse and bless your space.
You May Not Want to Read This, Part 3
But there’s another possibility. If it was someone else who was the perpetrator, then it could be someone who tried to curse you or use a love spell to control you. In this case, the malevolent entity doesn’t have the same connection to your soul, but your past life might have been in a lot of jeopardy.
I can’t see in this spread if the perpetrator in any instance was successful long-term for the rest of that life, so it’s likely the outcome was different for everyone in the spread.
But whether you did the magick or someone else did… it was bad. Like real bad. I feel spiritual slime on me. Ugh. I really don’t want to go into this more because it feels evil and just interacting with it remotely is problematic.
I suggest something like saying the following affirmation aloud: “I bless myself and my space, letting go of all bad spirits and leaving behind only the good.”
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.