Self-Care You Need — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on what you can do to take care of yourself. If you were drawn to this reading, you may be feeling a little down or just need a recharge to keep going as happy as you are now.
To receive your message from the universe, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Sacred Self-Care Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what self-care you’re meant to do.
Pile 1: Tiger
What The Universe Wants for You
I find your spread interesting because it’s not about making you feel better right now, but about creating resilience so you don’t need as many self-care sessions in the future.
This could be a sign that your life is really challenging and you don’t have everything you need to remain consistent. Because of that, the universe wants you to develop a practice that will increase your baseline energy level.
It’s Time to be Unstoppable
The first card is Build Strength. Your body isn’t as strong as it needs to be to remain healthy and physically resilient to the stress you encounter.
By pursuing strength workouts like weightlifting, body weight exercises, pilates, yoga, heavy gardening, and so on, you’ll make your muscles stronger for the rest of your lifestyle.
A lot of high-powered professional workers go to the gym not to look good, but to increase the strength of their body for long hours.
Don’t aim for that level of fitness. Instead, I want you to make a 10% improvement over the next year. If you have health concerns or have never worked out before, visit your doctor for a wellness exam to discuss the right options for you.
But, as an example: imagine someone who is sedentary and wants to write a book. However, they feel sick half of the week and can’t show up for the long hours it takes to write. They decide to do a set of simple bodyweight exercises twice a week for the next year, taking about twenty minutes out of the day each time. Doable, right?
On the flip side, if you’re already an athlete, then you’re going to need to push yourself a bit more than you have. But try to target the muscle groups to fit what area of your life needs the most support. Someone who is a lawyer will want a strong core and legs to stand up to present cases without getting tired.
Improve Your Life Through Words
There’s a lot of research indicating that the content of the second card, Read, is an action that is good for you. I’ll address a few reasons that are relevant to your spread: reading helps you sustain thoughts longer, it helps you organize thoughts, it helps you destress, and depending on the material, it could help you in life.
All reading is good here, but the spread is specifically indicating a need to find a book that’s targeted for self-improvement. If books aren’t your thing, consider an audiobook, a long podcast episode (over an hour), or a course.
You have a few options here, but I want you to find something that improves your personal life, your career, or your spirituality.
While you can certainly make reading a habit, your spread is primarily about finding a specific book or couple of books that you read. It’s not hobby reading, but “just in time” reading in which it addresses something you want to improve now.
So that book about the Silk Road in the 1400s? It might be fascinating, but that’s hobby reading even if it’s generally educational. Something more relevant and personal, like time management or Law of Attraction because you want to be successful, is more of what I’m talking about here.
The Power of Words Continues
Your last card, Chanting, is the more spiritual of the three. Chanting has a spiritual effect by repeating something sacred aloud. Affirmations, religious sayings, and so on apply here.
But, to illustrate, Americans have something in sports called cheerleading. This is where fans and cheerleaders chant words to inspire and motivate the team to victory. It’s a powerful energetic activity and some schools even have entire pep sessions before games.
I want you to have a chanting practice you do either once a week for at least five minutes or a daily chanting practice for 10-30 seconds.
Write out the words you’ll want to chant. If you don’t know what you want to chant, consider using an affirmation video on YouTube. If you have an existing spiritual practice, it may be worthwhile to explore if existing chanting practices exist within it.
Do this chanting daily for at least two weeks or once a week for at least a month as you’re starting your new strength routine and reading your book. It’ll help round out the more pragmatic activities of the first two with a spiritual element.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Cow
Your Soul Needs Healing
I see that you have a really spiritual spread. This means that your self-care is needed at a soul level. That doesn’t mean you can’t do physical self-care, but that something on the spiritual side appears wounded or in need of maintenance.
There could be a few reasons for this. One is that you’re not doing a consistent spiritual routine. You may be asking for too much of yourself and doing major bursts, but not in regular intervals
Others who chose this pile may have encountered significant negative energy either through a spiritual practice gone wrong or they’ve been around someone or something that exuded negative energy.
Personal experiences can also cause existential doubt or worries on a soul level. Always know that your mind, body, and spirit are connected. So when one is suffering, the others will have effects eventually downstream from that.
So let’s tend to your soul first.
Flip the Switch
The first card in your pile is one of the easiest: Make an Altar. This is a one-time activity, though you’re welcome to add to it in the future or leave offerings.
The point behind this is to have a visual reminder and landing space for your spiritual focus. Some people create ancestral or deity altars while others create altars as a place of spiritual activity. Traditional religions of Asia are an example of the first and Catholics are an example of the second.
But if you’re a minimalist, you have some more options. The first is to carry a small breath mint tin that you decorate to be spiritually relevant to you on the inside (there are a lot of examples on Pinterest). You can carry it in your purse or wallet. You could also just keep it at home and take it out when you’re ready to use. Another is to create an artistic focal point of pictures.
Some Americans will use dreamcatchers as an altar without realizing it, a small statue, or a picture. The term “California Buddhist” comes to mind. Really – you don’t have to go overboard here.
If you’re more nature-oriented, you can designate a place in your yard or on your walk that you go to.
The point is that this is an intimate space. If you share it, then it should only be with a handful of people such as your family. The intimacy will help you get into the spiritual mood quicker when you’re ready.
Be a Hydrohomie
I’ve seen a lot of cultures and religions associate water with some level of purity. Your second card, Hydrate, asks you to take care of yourself by drinking more water. On a physical self-care level, it’s good for your health and skin.
However, I primarily sense the energy of this card referring to spiritual things. Drinking water throughout the day is a way to spiritually purify yourself. While other drinks will hydrate you, I think water is best in this instance.
Make an event out of it. Americans tend to put Antarctic glacier levels of ice and drink chilled water as a refreshing drink. Chinese people tend to drink hot water to balance yin and yang energies (among other reasons). Some people drink it out of a special cup or bottle.
Do something to make drinking water extraordinary for you.
This is obviously a very simple self-care tactic, but making it special takes it from being just a physical self-care act to a spiritual one.
That’s a lesson for other self-care activities. If you can make it somehow more significant or distinct, you may be able to align it with one of the other three areas: mind, body, or spirit.
Listen and Heal
The final card in your spread is Sound Healing. If you’re like me and my cat, you hate sound bowls, but the idea behind it is interesting. What it does is activate vibrational healing, alter your state of consciousness, and provide an emotional release.
Some people get their own sound healing bowls and will do it as a self-care activity. The mere act of doing it is self-care as an immersive experience. Others will listen to recordings.
That said, there are other ways to do this if you don’t like a particular sound. There are recorded frequencies you can listen to on most audio streaming platforms, music that’s designed to be spiritual, and so on.
When I was in college, we took our Early American Literature class in the newly constructed Native American longhouse on campus. The professor would turn on Native American-inspired flute music and it was a surprisingly relaxing way to ease into the class as the students arrived. To this day, I will often listen to instrumental music when I don’t feel well or want to focus.
So you have options – explore and pursue what sounds best to you. Literally.
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Pile 3: Dolphin
What the Universe Wants to See
It seems like you have a more traditional self-care spread. I see this as a sign you should be developing a routine self-care habit on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. If you already have one, consider the following cards as a way to update or modify it a little.
Spic and Span
Your first card is Clean Your Space. I see this in the immediate sense as a deep cleaning. Clutter, and the feeling that something is unclean, leaves an open loop in our minds. Mental open loops cause mental fatigue because it’s always in the back of our thoughts unresolved. Tending to that open loop will provide you with mental and emotional release.
Take some time to go around your home. Take pictures or write notes about the spaces you have. Then research what type of things need to be cleaned in your home. If you aren’t older or weren’t taught all the details of housekeeping, you may be letting something go you shouldn’t and it’s going to make your home worse in the long run. Home economics and advanced housekeeping hasn’t been taught for many in the last few decades. You might have a blind spot.
If you dislike cleaning or can afford help, having these tasks delegated to someone else or a professional is a perfectly acceptable form of self-care. Distributing tasks with a chore chart among those you live with is self-care.
Have kids? Look up at what age they should be learning what chores and integrate that into their daily lives. If you’re trying to get an older child (or adult family member) on board, be aware that cleaning is a skilled that isn’t mastered just because they’re told to do it. They’ll need to practice it and have confidence before they do it as well as you would like them to.
The point behind all of this is to make your home clean and for it to be clean consistently. Once you note all the tasks you need to do, create a way to keep these tasks in order with checklists, a binder, or digital reminders.
Your health and happiness will be rewarded in the long term by these efforts.
Write About It
I recently read a reddit post where someone described how they overcame a lot of their laziness by keeping a Journal. This was a targeted journal – whenever they felt lazy and didn’t want to be productive, they wrote a journal entry on it.
After a few weeks, they noticed patterns and were able to make changes they didn’t previously.
Yes, keeping a journal is a great form of self-care. However, a targeted journal project where you write, take pictures, film a video, or record audio notes whenever you meet friction in an area of your life can be especially helpful.
After this reading, brainstorm for five minutes or until you have a list of five options things that you feel frustrated doing. Then select one and keep a journal for a couple of weeks to a couple of months. Whenever you feel the frustration of doing that thing, write about how you feel. It doesn’t have to be long, just effective in describing how you feel for later reference.
Then, after that time period is over, review your notes. I think the reddit post even said that they compiled their entries into ChatGPT and asked about patterns that were causing them problems. Think of it – an instant quantitative report based on qualitative data you provide!
This self-care is about getting to the truth behind your problems and figuring out what you need to address the origin of that negative manifestation.
Treat Yourself
With the final card of Beauty Ritual we’re getting into the beloved (and sometimes maligned) aspect of self-care. I see this more as comforting grooming. What are some grooming or beauty tasks you do to make you feel better in your own body?
I like to wash my hair every day (I have the hair that requires it). Some people like to paint their nails. And others want to sit in a room and enjoy aromatherapy.
The good of a beauty ritual is that it’s something entirely for your benefit. It’s not really an investment in your future (we all get older after all and less attractive), but a way for you to feel better now about how you look.
What is something you can do consistently that will make you happy to look at yourself in the mirror or at that body part? Start doing it. You’ll feel better.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.