Protect Your Energy: Tarot Pick a Card
Energy is everywhere. If you keep your vibrations high, then you invite positivity into your life. But if you have low vibrations, either because of something you did or because of some oppressive force, your good energy will be compromised. This tarot pick a card will help you protect your energy so you can manifest the life you want.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which knightly chess piece stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Modern Witch Tarot and the Energy Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out how you can protect your energy.
Pile 1: Green

Your Heart Breaks
Your first card is Fourth Chakra, Archangel Raphael, Reversed. This means that something is blocking your heart chakra. This is a direct message from the universe that to protect your energy, you must first heal what’s currently broken.
You’ve experienced heartbreak either recently or in the distant past. It has left a great wound. For most, this is romantic, but it can refer to platonic relationships or even the failure of a passion. Either way, you’ve been struck deep in the center of your heart and your romanticism for life is fading away.
Pragmatism is good, but pragmatism without heart isn’t living. You’re at risk of being a machine, and when that happens you won’t empower yourself with idealism, but cold hard rationality. You are not just a moist robot.
Sacrifice for Your Greater Good
The next card, The Hanged One, indicates that you need to make some sort of sacrifice for your future. For those in a relationship, this may mean a compromise that hurts your ego. However, there may be some who chose this pile who are in a toxic or abusive relationship. Breaking away from what causes you heartbreak is necessary for your future happiness.
Regardless of why you need to sacrifice your immediate desires for future happiness, know that it won’t be easy. The Hanged One always reminds me of the story of Odin or Jesus: to save the world, the god had to suffer. For Odin, he suffered for wisdom. For Jesus, he suffered to save humanity from their sins.
You won’t know everything you would like to know before this sacrifice, so you need to be comfortable with the uncertainty of the future. It’s a bright future you’re making for yourself, even if that future isn’t a tangible reality yet.
A New Beginning
The last card is rather optimistic. Here we have The Fool. Yes, you’re throwing yourself into the unknown and there are potential dangers in doing so. However, you have the real possibility of improving your life significantly.
For you, protecting your energy means healing the wounds in your heart. Once this healing is accomplished, or you at least don’t agonize over it, you can move to the next chapter of your life. This is a card of new beginnings. And where there are new beginnings, you can redefine your experience in a new context.
No matter how you feel right now, you can be rejuvenated and feel a lot better. You can have the carefree and optimistic attitude of The Fool. This will help you to take happy risks because you’ll feel secure enough at the start of your adventure that you can still adjust things the way you wanted if things don’t go your way.
For example: a middle-aged woman breaks up with an abusive partner. She fears that she’ll never be loved again. However, once she learns to heal from this wound, her energy will be more positive and she’ll have the emotional capacity to love others. This in turn will make it easier for her to find love.
Healing your heart energy opens you up to more positive relationship experiences in the future.
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Pile 2: Purple

Find Your Key
I see that the first card in your spread is the Door to Personal Healing and Happiness, Reversed. This means that the door to joy and fullness has been closed. You aren’t able to accept healing or happy energy into your life as much as you need and deserve.
When it comes to doors, the implication is clear: you’re turning down opportunities. Some of you may be aware of opportunities that are coming your way, but you may be turning them down because you feel like you don’t deserve them.
This is where shadow work would be helpful. Figure out the ways your ambition or self-determination has been compromised and repressed. Journaling on this topic should be rather revealing.
However, for others who chose this pile, you may be blind to the opportunities being presented to you. Perhaps you’ve had a bad time recently or you’re in a situation where you can’t accept opportunities for fear of losing something else you have.
If that’s the case, I suggest writing down options that come your way, even “bad” ones, and then creating a pros and cons list to review them objectively. You can also ask someone you trust to help evaluate these opportunities too.
Aim Higher
I don’t think you’re in a low-vibration state. Somehow, your spiritual energy is still quite strong and the universe is trying to send abundance your way. The second card, Queen of Pentacles, suggests that you have the pragmatic ability to manifest material desires, good health, or children.
But because your door to opportunity is closed, your high vibrations are slowly becoming static. The longer you close this door, the less likely your ability to manifest will remain at the same level it currently is.
I think of the white rabbit here. There’s an English idea that chasing the white rabbit is chasing a dream or truth. There is some peril involved. Perhaps you’re afraid that if you open the door to opportunity, you’ll realize that what you wanted or pursued didn’t turn out the way you wished. Or that you’ll never reach it at all!
There is always the risk that what you aim for won’t be satisfactory. However, are you content with never aiming for more? Sometimes the risk is worth it.
Failure Is Cleansing
This brings up the last card: Three of Swords. What you need to know about pursuing your dreams is that failure is inevitable – but not total. Yes, you may achieve your dreams, but it’s unlikely you’ll achieve all your dreams in the perfect vision you originally imagined.
You need to get comfortable with changing conditions on the ground. As you pursue your dreams, you’ll face obstacles and realize that you had different preferences. Think of the college student who dreams of being a teacher, but realizes they hate managing crowds of students. However, they loved their subject field, science, and decided to become a biologist instead. And it turns out they love it!
Changing dreams isn’t to be feared. Don’t assume the reasons other people like something is the reason you’ll like it too. Sometimes, disappointment is cleansing.
By chasing the white rabbit, you learn more about yourself. Be comfortable with changing your future and you won’t be beaten down by the negative energy of failure. Instead, you’ll be enlivened by the truth of what you truly wanted.
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Pile 3: Blue

Find Your People
With your first card being Community, I get a strong sense that your energy is affected by the people and social environment around you. As this card is upright, it seems like it’s either currently a positive relationship or it has the potential to be so.
A lot of people shy away from community relationships in the modern age. This causes people to be alienated from others. Humans are, after all, a social species. But as we’re no longer a tribal people, it can be difficult to find community.
For you, this is non-negotiable. I think the lack of community will eventually dim your energy and make it difficult for you to navigate the world.
Now, this doesn’t reflect your personality. Even introverts want and can be connected to their community. What you need is a sense of belonging. This could be to your family, friends, a social group like a club or a church, or even a cause.
Although I don’t think most online communities are sufficient, if you’re particularly devoted to a niche interest, it could work.
Find your community. I sense that you have so much spiritual energy that you need to spread your energy to others.
Be Moderate
The next card, Four of Pentacles, Reversed, gives some insight into why you may struggle to protect your need for social energy. This is a card of greed. You feel as if other people are antagonistic or energy vampires.
This isn’t an unreasonable feeling. Such people exist and it takes effort to screen them from your life.
Introverts may also be particularly obstinate in the face of social relationships. Their need for social excitement is easily taxed. Even if they enjoy being around people in the moment, it must be moderated for their sanity.
Whichever one is you, know that belonging to a social community doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your whole self to do so. But if you choose to close yourself off, you’re going to be like the person in the card: afraid to lose what they have. So afraid that she can’t work and her entire world is upside down! Coins fall out of the pocket when that happens. Think of a bully shaking someone down for lunch money.
Connect with others, but only connect with those who make your life meaningful. And if you’re an introvert, know when you need to pull back so the relationship can continue strong.
You Need Someone to Count On
Your final card is Ten of Pentacles, Reversed. I do get the sense that you’re hurtling towards social isolation. But with this card, it references family and legacy more than anything else. You may be living so much in the moment that you’ve cut off your chance to have rewarding relationships with your family or the future.
Friends and community are great, but they’ll never have the same ties to us as family. Family isn’t necessarily blood, but it is the people who stand by you no matter what community you’re in or what your interests are. It’s a lifetime bond.
Protecting your energy isn’t just about making advantageous social relationships. You also need to create unbreakable bonds that transcend personal interests and work towards a legacy. These aren’t easily made if they aren’t founded on familial upbringing, but romance, deep friendships, mentorships, and other intense relationships qualify. Family is always a choice and an act of selfless love.
You need to feel like you have someone to rely on so your vibrations stay high even in dark times.
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