Manifest Your Blessings — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on a blessing that’s due to you. This is something wonderful that you’re meant to receive soon either through no action of your own or by activating a trigger.
To receive your message from the universe, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Muse Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s reveal what your blessings are meant to be.
Pile 1: Clock

Things Are Going to Get Easier
As I look at your spread, I’m struck by a strong energy of exhaustion. As someone going through burnout right now for different reasons, I can really emphasize with the weight of the world you seem to be carrying.
This burnout is insidious. You may not even realize how weighed down you actually are and that things could be easier.
But that’s why your blessing to manifest is going to be a liberation from stress. And to do that, the universe is going to need to target very specific areas of concern for you.
Your Real Dream Matters Too
The Page of Inspiration, Reversed is a sign of a lack of passion. I heard Cal Newport describe the reason why high-achieving students struggle at top universities is due to a lack of internal motivation. They’re focused on what other people want them to achieve or what seems to be attractive in society.
For some reason, or perhaps this was always true for you, your motivation has become external. You need the validation or pressure of outside forces to compel you to work. This could be in the form of pleasing the people around you or achieving something to take on the identity of something you feel you should value because people generally value it.
The problem is that an external locus of control like this can’t last for long. Not everyone’s internal motivations match with external expectations. The people who this is true for already want to pursue the traditional paths. You can’t compare yourself to those people because you don’t want the same thing.
Your true blessing is understanding that you’re a different person with different dreams. You need to either stop your current projects unaligned with your internal motivations or at the very least reduce and eliminate future projects that come your way.
Who You Are Matters to You First
I see a lack of glory or recognition in the Six of Inspiration, Reversed card. There are two ways this could be happening. The first is that you simply aren’t getting the recognition you deserve. But the second is that you’re receiving attention for the wrong thing.
We all have talents and skills that others wish us to improve. However, just because you’re good at something or have achieved something doesn’t mean you need to perpetuate that as an identity.
After this reading I want you to write down the three things you love most about yourself that you don’t think people appreciate. Then write down the three things people seem to be happy that you do.
For many who chose this pile, the second list is going to be disappointing even if you’re technically better at those skills.
Manifesting your blessing here is understanding that you can let go of your attachments to skills and talents you don’t wish to pursue anymore. They don’t have to define you. Because you don’t have to be defined by how much you please other people.
What you appreciate in yourself should be how you create a foundation for your identity.
You Deserve to Value Yourself and Be Valued
The key to everything in your reading today can be found in the Ten of Inspiration, Reversed. This is about being liberated from responsibilities or burdens.
If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you have options in your life. These may not be limitless options, but you can pick a lifestyle of preference to some degree.
But some people don’t understand this. They think they must pursue a certain career, marry a certain type of partner, and pursue certain leisure activities. But anyone who loves you, even if they hope you achieve high status, will ultimately accept you pursuing your dreams as long as you’re serious and heading towards happiness and autonomy.
They might be confused and worried, but that’s out of fear you’ll be unhappy and stuck, not because you aren’t prestigious enough for them.
Those who don’t want this never wanted the best for you. No amount of persuasion will move them. But it seems as if you’re trying to appease the people who will never try to appease you.
Your blessing is the realization that the people who don’t support your happiness don’t deserve to influence your peace of mind.
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Pile 2: Star

You Can’t Change Things Now
I see a lack of action on your part to trigger your blessing. That’s because your spread indicates divine intervention by the universe to deliver what you’re due.
There are a few reasons for this. One could be that the universe has a plan and that plan can’t be overwritten by the free will actions of others. It’s that important. The second is that you may have already done everything you needed to do to be on the right path to receive this blessing.
So let’s get into the details of what this could be.
It’s Okay to Burn the Toast
Every card in this spread is a major arcana so whatever this blessing is, it’ll be crucial and unforgettable.
The first card, The Tower, Reversed, indicates avoiding something disastrous. Perhaps it’ll be a case of burnt toast theory – something frustrating will happen or has happened that delayed you from encountering a terrible event.
My brother and his friend as children experienced this. Instead of going home after school like she was supposed to, she followed my brother on his paper route. Minutes after they left that house, it blew up in a gas explosion and her neighbor died. I felt the earthquake beneath me blocks away.
Hopefully, your burnt toast theory has a happy ending for everyone, but it seems as if you’re going to avoid something terrible by what appears to be chance. You may or may not know the exact terrible event you avoid, but it either has happened or will soon.
And what happens after that will be a significant period in your life.
To Be More Capable
Whatever happens, you’re going to come out of the situation in a better position. The second card, Strength, seems to focus on inner strength in this spread.
If you’re aware of the terrible event you avoid, this is going to manifest as a blessing to put your life into context. Avoiding disaster tends to do that. You see things in a different light and change your approach to match that revelation.
But it could also manifest as a blessing in that fate deals you a hand in which you become a more competent individual able to approach what you want with skill.
There’s an element of mastery of the wild here, though. Although the universe has a plan for everyone, we live in a world of free will. That means the plan is constantly being modified by you and due to the circumstances around you. So while the initial terrible event being avoided seems to be locked in, what comes after is in your control.
Be willing not to just act on a plan you create for yourself, but productively react to the events in your life.
Your particular blessing is going to be knowing what you should do next even if you didn’t plan it ahead of time. This is probably going to manifest as an inner knowing you can’t explain. Perhaps the universe is sending a message to you so better decisions can be made.
This card may also indicate better health.
Esoteric Knowledge
The last card in your spread, The Priestess, Reversed, is about you not relying on your own inner knowledge as much. It’s not that your intuition is broken, but that you’re going to receive guidance from a place higher than you.
This may be uncomfortable at first. Even those who are spiritual and channel often channel primarily through their own understanding or through tools like tarot. They can feel or identify where their messages are coming from.
But in your case, that pathway is going to seem more mysterious to you or more external to you. It’ll be less colored by your own perceptions and understandings.
At times it may be confusing or go against what you feel is true. However, entertain these realizations enough to examine them – it seems like your blessing is partly to receive divine messages in a way different from what you expected and in a more direct manner.
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Pile 3: Plant

Your Future Direction
To go two steps forward, sometimes you need to take one step back. In your spread, I see your blessing manifesting as a pause in your life.
Nobody likes things to slow down, but sometimes there’s a reason for it. And this reason is designed for you to really perceive something important. Once you have that perception, you’ll restart your life again and probably go in an entirely different direction. And a better one at that.
Altering Your Course
The first card is The Chariot, Reversed. This is a card where momentum is either stalled or you go in the opposite direction.
What I find interesting about this card is that the woman here is a puppeteer more than someone holding the reigns of a horse. I think this is a sign that you think you’re in control, but in reality, you’re controlling all the wrong things.
The reason you need to pause your life and the reason this is a blessing seems to be that you’re taking on responsibilities that don’t serve you. Each responsibility you take on is mental and emotional weight you need to carry. You may even have people depending on you that you don’t need to rely on you.
A family member you love? Sure. A friend you cherish? Why not. A coworker you’re mentoring? Okay. But an acquaintance who never returns the favor? A boss who makes you feel like you owe them something? Just no.
Your heart has a deep desire to pour out in a different direction. I think what you need isn’t to control the situation, but to be in a situation where you can fully express yourself.
In other words, the tools you think are improving your life just aren’t effective at achieving what you really want.
Your Heart Wants What It Wants
I think that you’re really clever, given the Queen of Swords. But as rational as you can be, you also have a strong heart that could be used to make decisions too.
Not every decision should be made with the sharp edge of traditional rationality. To illustrate a common example: imagine a teenager deciding what to do for their career. The rational best career would be in a professional field like medicine or law. However, many other jobs can also provide for their needs without sacrificing their wants if they’re interested in something else.
Try this exercise: on a piece of paper, draw an empty bedroom. Then, fill the bedroom with the necessary furniture for your culture.
The needed furniture can often be bought in a variety of styles. Some of which you may like more than the others.
But once you finish decorating the absolute necessities in the room, you could add additional decorations or other furniture you think would be important in your case.
Your life is a bit like that. There are needs you should take care of, but you can usually choose an option within those needs that makes your heart sing. And then beyond that, add more to your life that isn’t required, but is nice to have.
On the backside of your paper, write down what you need in your life. Then, draw a line next to those needs and describe how you could pursue that particular need in the way you’d prefer best.
This is how you should be thinking: with your head, but also your wonderful heart. Your preferences in life are a blessing.
Your Past Has the Answer
When you’re younger, you tend to look at the world more with your heart and emotions. The Six of Emotions suggests looking back at a past version of yourself when you felt more free. Most who chose this pile will likely think of childhood, but this could be at any point in your past.
During that period, you were likely more in a flow state than you are now and you pursued your interests with a desire to express your true identity.
That true you was a blessing because it was an expression a beautiful soul we deserve to have in this world.
Depending on how long ago this was and your life events, that person you were then may not be someone you can be now. However, you can look upon that version of yourself as an example of more of what you want to experience.
Start prioritizing your wants more. I’m not saying to abandon your responsibilities, but to begin weighing both your head and your heart in equal measure. You’re going to like the you that emerges from that. Sometimes you have the power to manifest a blessing because you yourself are a blessing to this world.
So being yourself is a manifestation.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.