January 2025 — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on the next month. Find out what is likely to take place in your spiritual life, relationships, career, and more.
To receive your message from the universe, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Chakra Wisdom Oracle and the Cat Tarot decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Are you ready to see your tarot reading? Let’s go!
Pile 1: Chicken

Oracle Cards
You have an interesting first month because it strongly shows a new beginning. The first card, Renewal, means that you’re getting a second chance from the universe.
Not only will you feel better because of divine intervention, but your chances to succeed in life will improve as well.
The next card, Victim, is an indication that you’re recovering from a victim mindset. Either you suffered something in the past or you felt as if you did. But that pain is going to be alleviated in your renewal.
As for the Grief card, you’re going to feel at peace over something that has left you in mourning. Perhaps you had a difficult life or event, perhaps it’s what you feel like a victim over, and that suffering is either going to disappear or the good memories will outweigh the bad.
The Five of Pentacles, Reversed is about receiving help, especially from a divine source. This month you should expect assistance from other dimensions, perhaps in the form of a sign or synchronicity.
However, don’t discount a more direct intervention from a spirit guide or angel.
Whatever happens, the goal of the universe here is to improve your life in some way – likely material. So money, possessions, reputation, health, or family.
It’s time to step into your power with the Seven of Swords card. You’re going to need to act strategically to your advantage in relationships.
This could be a sign that there’s some difficulty ahead of you or that someone close to you needs help. Don’t agonize over this card, but recognize that you have the wit and power to do right by yourself and others this month.
You’re going to overcome some sort of heartbreak with the Three of Swords, Reversed card. What’s been bothering you at work or with money lately? For some of you, this could also be a hobby or passion.
Either way, that pain and woe is going to be soothed somehow and your situation in regards to this will improve. That means you’re going to feel as if that area of life is significantly better starting this January.
Personal Development
The final card in the spread today is the Ten of Swords. Normally this is a card of ruin, but so much of your spread is positive that I interpret this card to mean you feel as if your year isn’t getting off to a good start because of the last.
Even if your previous year wasn’t terrible, you may feel as if you didn’t achieve as much as you wanted to.
That said, this card is also a promise from the universe that the worst is behind you and it can only go up from here on. Expect this year to be much better than the last no matter what happened last year.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Penguin

Oracle Cards
You’re going to feel a bit listless this month and realize that you want to push yourself further this year. Perhaps you didn’t set any goals yet or you’re going to realize soon that you need to be more ambitious.
The first card, Impartiality, is a sign that the universe is going to trust you with a mission of importance. This mission isn’t personal to you, meaning it won’t change your life to achieve it, but it will improve the life of someone else.
Pay special attention to any moment this month when you feel compelled to act morally or to accomplish something you normally wouldn’t.
The Vanity card means that someone in your sphere is going to act ridiculously. They may not be a bad person (or perhaps they are), but they’re going to be full of themselves.
This might be why the universe is asking you to take on a special mission – the vain person might’ve been responsible for it, but they aren’t getting it done so that privilege will be given to you.
Your final oracle card, Quest, means an exciting opportunity that could last longer than this month. There will be a reward both this month and at the end if it takes longer than January. Pursue it with all your might. This is probably separate from the mission you’ll be given and will be of more personal interest to you.
Things are slowing down and getting less “spicy” in the spiritual world for you. The Five of Wands, Reversed can be a relief from conflict, but also the cessation of play.
January might come across as spiritually boring to you and your soul is going to yearn for more. I think that yearning will attract the universe to give you a mission and a quest for your life. To help activate that sooner, consider meditating on this desire or writing it down and saying it aloud as an affirmation: “I want more from my life.”
I think you could use an interesting adventure empowered by the spiritual world.
There may be some domestic disharmony according to the Ten of Pentacles, Reversed. Someone in your family or household may be unreasonable with money, possessions, or their health and this could cause some problems.
This person may even be the vain person I talked about earlier.
Do your best not to engage with their bad behavior, and if you can, see what you can do to fix it. You might just be the only person in their life willing to speak the truth to them. And truth sets even the vain free.
Expect to be in a higher position or better situation in your career due to the Seven of Wands card. You’ll have greater responsibility, but also find yourself at odds with those beneath you.
Don’t let their harsh words or looks discourage you – that’s either jealousy or discomfort with power. As long as you use your power and abilities responsibly, and I think you will, this elevation of prestige will lead to people admiring you for your efforts.
Personal Development
When you consider tending to your mission or quest (they might be two different things for some in this pile), be prepared to let something else go. The Seven of Pentacles, Reversed is an investment that is not working out – at least right now.
This may be something you didn’t care about anyway, but if it is something you value, consider extending the deadline you set for yourself so you can focus on other things that matter more right now in January.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Snail

Oracle Cards
I see an eventful month ahead for you. There are at least two major themes in your oracle cards. The first is Soulmate. This could be a romantic interest or someone you have a platonic, but important soul tie with.
Your relationship with this person will grow and you will become a better person because of it.
As for the second oracle card, Façade, I see this as a pairing to the Enlightenment card and separate from the Soulmate card. You’re going to encounter a wall and initially believe it to be real, but then discover that the obstacle never really existed in the first place.
But to come to that realization, you’ll experience an awakening to knowledge you didn’t have before. This knowledge will improve your life in a holistic sense.
I think your spirit guides may be a bit quiet this month. The Nine of Wands, Reversed is about not having access to spiritual support. Therefore, I think the enlightenment you’ll experience is intellectual.
Sometimes, our spiritual team is silent so we don’t become so dependent on them that we can’t think for ourselves. That’s the case for you in January – you need to meditate and think through your problems.
You already have the answers and perhaps even the tools to make your life better. Spirituality isn’t just about divine intervention – it’s about aligning your mind, body, and spirit to be a fully realized being. And part of that being is your mind.
You’re actually quite capable and intelligent. Own up to that potential this month.
Expect the unexpected when it comes to your soulmate. The Two of Wands, Reversed is a lack of planning. So this could be a sign that a new soulmate enters your life or that your current soulmate will surprise you in some way. Soulmates are often romantic, but some people have platonic soulmates too in their friends and family.
I don’t get any sense that there’s negativity here, so this surprise is likely to be a joyous one. Be open to reacting with glee and agree to do something fun with them.
Yes, the Devil card in this cat tarot deck is a dog and yes it might just be the cutest devil card ever. So it’s hard to interpret this negatively since he looks like such a good boy.
Joking aside, this is a card of temptation or bad behavior. It could be a sign that your boss, coworker, or customer is challenging this month. But every devil can be defeated. Cats rule and dogs drool, after all.
The obstacle you face could be career-related, so confront that wall and you’ll overcome it. You’re stronger than you think.
Personal Development
The Four of Pentacles, Reversed is doing things radically or messily. I see this as a possible response to your enlightenment. You learn something new, so you decide to take a look at the way you’re living and try something different.
We all get into patterns and routines and they aren’t always useful. Look at your life objectively and ask yourself what could use a change for the better. It’ll make you happier to have this transformation.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.