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  1. hi, i’ve been enjoying your pick a card readings for some time. not on Medium, because they are for members only, but here, on your website (thanx to a link provided there in your bio). again i saw the notice about end of your Medium era – also on Medium, and then followed here to find a full explanation article. the point is, not everyone (me included) can afford subscribing or paying for every type of content out there, but I highly appreciate and am grateful for your free pick a card sessions here, on your site. i subscribed to your channel on youtube, hope the number of subscribers will grow fast and help you thrive.
    Medium is a big name, so i first head to that site and look for people i follow. Medium built their reputation based on your collective skills and now try to oust with help of ai and scripts. my writing job also partially died because of ai crashing in. but it does not work that way, i don’t come for robots, i come for people i know and trust. the platform is already overflooded with rubbish, so sooner or later the bubble will burst. so Medium is more of a connecting bridge, because otherwise i wouldn’t be able to find interesting people and useful stuff.
    to be honest, some readings i found did not resonate much (that specific one related to the time that was already gone, and nothing in cards predicted the ordeal i was coming through). but maybe that’s the point, look in future and ask correspondingly, don’t try to test if the cards know the past, although again, who knows. otherwise, some readings are really deep and resonate with me, like they are really up to a point.
    Pluto is leaving Capricorn with a bang and bust and crashing into Aquarius, so it’s a hard reset for all of us, end of one era and the beginning of a new one. new ideas, new challenges, new jobs, new search for meaning in life and career that will be really fulfilling. i feel this change real hard, my life is basically falling apart, so looking to cards for advice or some assurance helps a bit.
    anyway, thanx for your work, wish you a heathy growth of your youtube channel.

    1. Thank you so much for your interesting comments! October was a difficult month astrologically but we are also in some longterm transits that are putting us through an ordeal too! Sometimes it’s easy to blame our own decisions, but there are bigger forces at work that we have to deal with.

      But I have confidence that we’ll both find pathways in the end. You’re right about ai: it’s not what people are looking for. 🙂

  2. Thanks for posting abt what’s going on w/ your Medium content! While I usually go There for reads & posts from you, I’ll start going to your YouTube channel; & I’m heading there now! Keep on keeping on, your audience Loves You, & as long as you tell us where you are, we’ll be there. Thanks for all you do Emmarie!💚👍🏼