How You’re Sensitive to the Supernatural: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading on your particular sensitivity to the supernatural, such as psychic abilities and ghosts.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which illustration inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Dark Mirror Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s uncover your supernatural sensitivity and what that means for you.
Pile 1: Phone
You’re Powerful
When I look at your spread, I see ego and identity. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just an indication that who you are is what attracts the supernatural to you. And your emotional state and life decisions will profoundly affect that.
Your first card, The Child I Was Meant to Be, indicates to me that you have a close tie to the spiritual world. To some degree, you were always fated to have a sensitivity to the supernatural and may have felt this even as a small child.
Now this can take many forms. I’ve never seen a ghost and I seem to be completely incapable of attracting that kind of supernatural activity in my home or in any place I have control which is unusual for my profession. No complaints here as a tarot reader who does not want spirit clutter around my readings. But I do have the ability to trigger things should I want it.
You may find that to be especially true for you because of the strong ego element in your spread. There’s an ability to control what you encounter. That means if you’re having trouble, you have an innate ability to overcome that.
Some of you may even have supernatural gifts and I’d be surprised if you didn’t. When you use these gifts you’re more likely to attract supernatural activity. Some of you might like that idea while others would be horrified. Just know you can trigger it in or out of your life as you wish.
You Might Be Intruded Upon
The next card is Downcast Pride. I feel conflicting energy in this card. While I think it could represent you and the need for letting your ego temporarily die to help navigate the energy around you… I primarily see it as the type of spirits you attract.
Here I’m talking about when you’re not controlling your spiritual energy or you’re allowing yourself to be receptive. In this case, you’ll find that spirits such as ghosts that need help come your way. Think of the spirits with unfinished business or the land spirits that need assistance for a problem they’re having.
Someone’s higher self might also push their lower self to you for help. That’s why you may find yourself being the trauma dump for those who need a kind shoulder to lean on.
When you want all this to happen, it’s welcome because you’re willing to put the energy in. But if you’re not wanting this, then all of this will feel like spiritual taking and you’ll be overwhelmed. Many of you may have felt this acutely as a child and learned to put up boundaries as an adult.
I previously said that you can control the spirits that come your way. Some of you have already done this and this card is just a reminder of how your powers can manifest.
But others are having this problem right now and need to realize they aren’t powerless. Learn to raise your vibration or even use targeted rituals like spells to cleanse your space and life from unwanted intruders.
Your Choices Determine You
The final card, Is This Me? Is an emotionally pained card. Although I do believe you have control over the supernatural environment, I also think that you’re easily influenced by your connection to the spirit realm.
Obviously, negative connections like hauntings would affect you, but I want to talk about your choices. Some people can try things out and not be transformed by them. It’s just a fun thing to do. Astral projection to them would be a fun tool.
But for you, the things you choose to do will become you. Your behavior is a reflection of your personality in a stronger way than normal.
So you have to be intentional and reflective about your spiritual activities. Do a black magic spell and you’ll find yourself becoming more evil. Do astral projection and you’ll find yourself less connected to your body.
But sometimes the activities you choose are exactly who you want to be. Perhaps you want to be a healer, so you try reiki, or you do want to feel more ethereal so you pursue astral projection.
My warning for this is to not focus on aesthetics. Many spiritual people will try rituals or purchase objects just because it’s popular and do not realize the effect it will have on them in particular. A bunch of satanic imagery? Probably not what you want to do if you’re not interested in being a Satanist.
Be mindful of your spiritual inclusion as it will become you in the end.
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Pile 2: Clock
Spiritual Specialist
You have an interesting spread. The first card, Blinded to Pain, suggests there’s a lack of sensitivity to the supernatural in the area of emotional resonance.
What I mean is that you could be an empath, but you may not pick up on negative feelings as much.
This could be a protective mechanism and it may not be one you should change. For some people, feeling the pain of others is just not something they want to do.
Of course, the above is just an example and a common likelihood for those who chose this pile. You could be blind to any number of things, however, whatever it is has something to do with protecting you, like not being able to see ghosts, the ability to forget painful things or help others forget pain, and et cetera.
You build spiritual walls. This is a great gift because someone with a psychic ability that has no boundaries can be easily overwhelmed and unable to apply their gift in a particular way.
Take notice of your limitations in the spiritual realm as that’s a sign you’re a specialist elsewhere. As a tarot reader, I don’t resonate with pendulums, runes, or astrology. It’s not that I can’t do them, but that on a spiritual level, I specialize in tarot. I’m never going to be a master of all divination.
That’s what I see happening to you. Your sensitivity in some areas is blocked and in exchange, your powers in another are elevated. There’s also an emotional reason as to why, but since that’s something only you can feel, you’re the only one who can explain it correctly.
You’re Here to Fix Things
There’s some past-life karma involved in your spread with the Atonement card. For most of you, this refers to a mistake or even crime you committed in your past life that has left a scar on the world or your soul. Part of your karma in this life is to do something good to help the world or your soul heal.
You’re not responsible for what your past life did, but your soul in its new incarnation will be motivated to rectify the situation as it had lingering effects. That’s because your soul sees it with more clarity than others.
Notice that this card features a woman being stabbed in the back. Your higher self likely chose to put you into a life where you’ll possibly feel the effects of what your past life did. It’s not a guarantee because of free will, but some of the bad experiences you’ve had may be the result of that decision.
How you respond to it is crucial, but since this is a supernatural reading, I want you to analyze your spiritual abilities or connection to the spiritual realm.
A person who may have been disconnected from religion in a past life may find themselves constantly wandering from spiritual practice to spiritual practice in this life so they fully comprehend the importance of a spiritual connection. They may have even found themselves born into an especially religious family.
Yes, your past life mistake may be a major crime, but it could’ve been a life decision like that too. Only you can know with some introspection (or past life regression).
But whatever it is, it’s somehow related to your spirituality and experience with the supernatural.
You Can Use Many Different Tools
The final card in your spread is Black Flower Fragrance. I see this card in your spread as a spiritual tools card. Many people like to use natural items, like flowers, because it has concentrated energy. Like attracts like. A lot of spellwork and magick is founded on this principle.
I think you’ll find yourself attracted to certain spiritual tools. This may or may not be directly related to a past life, but that attraction is your higher self activating your intuition. You were meant to use it.
Now I don’t generally advocate for darker spiritual tools and I have an agreement with my guides to never give me readings about such topics. So what I’m seeing here isn’t for you to use ingredients to hex someone, but that things that are traditionally negative can be used for good by you.
Something that comes to mind would be a ouija board. In general, more people say to avoid it because it tends to attract negative energy and negative spirits. However, I think you can use something like this with the proper cleansing protocol to reach out to restless spirits without getting a poltergeist attached to you. This is just an example, but something reflective of your sensitivity to the supernatural.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Camera
You Can Manifest
I don’t think a tarot reader would’ve been able to read this spread accurately fifty years ago. It’s very tech-focused and reflective of the modern world.
The first card, Queen of My World, indicates that you’re particularly skilled in manifestation or you can transition into that skill. This means you can attract a lot of abundance in your life once you step up and put on your crown.
For you, embracing your ego and elevating it can increase your self-worth and ability to identify with the universe and others. Traditionally, a monarch was seen as the symbol of their country and I think you stepping into your power means you’ll take the reins of responsibility.
This is a trade-off. The more you’re responsible for, the less leisure time you have. A parent (or a world leader) is the perfect example of this. Both are generally fulfilling and frustrating life paths. Parents receive a meaningful relationship with their children and world leaders tend to become socially connected and wealthy. But their free time is sacrificed in the process.
It’s okay to want power, but if you don’t exercise that power correctly, it will be abused. A negligent parent or world leader who cares more about “me time” will cause a lot of suffering. Taking on responsibility means you’re no longer living just for yourself.
I think you’re able and even suited for some measure of power. Just make sure that the power you aim for is one you’re willing to trade some leisure time for.
You Laugh in the Face of the Robot Uprising
The next card in your spread is Artificial Heart. Some economists believe that America is a post-scarcity society because we’re inventing needs through marketing. You don’t need as many items of clothing as you have or video games.
But we live in a time of abundance. And remember: you can attract abundance. Your supernatural sensitivity isn’t just to fulfill needs, but to imagine new desires and fulfill those.
Technology is increasingly leaning towards artificial intelligence and with that development is the idea that nobody is going to have to work anymore. Anyone paying attention to the invention of needs in the economy realizes that isn’t true. Humanity has always invented new needs based on artificial desires with every increase in productivity since the Stone Age.
So stepping into your power to manifest abundance is you using spiritual techniques like the Law of Attraction to not only survive the mass change in the economy… but succeed wildly in it.
Your imagination. You need to nurture that imagination because you have what artificial intelligence doesn’t. You don’t merely replicate what came before you, but imagine what else could exist. Dream big and manifest, because we can’t persist in a world where everyone is living off the copy and paste of artificial intelligence.
We all desire more than that and you can fulfill it.
Your Power Reflected into the World
The last card is where your spread gets more spiritual and connected to the supernatural. Here we have the Peaceful Among Thorns which I see as you existing within the tumult of the artificial intelligence revolution.
We see a lot of nihilism in the world today and I think this is because people aren’t connected to something higher than themselves. To them, God is dead and there’s nothing left to live for – only to have as much materialism as possible until their deaths.
Law of Attraction isn’t just about materialism, but transcending materialism by connecting it to the divine consciousness. And that’s why you’re different. You can travel the spiritual bridge.
You need to get spiritual in whatever format you like best (though mindful practices like meditation and prayer seem especially indicated here). I suspect doing these activities will bring you greater meaning as the world around you seems to fall apart. You’re going to be more sensitive to and transformed by these activities than most.
Eventually, people will see you almost like a spiritual guru. You’ll seem largely unaffected by the world around you and wise. The people in your life will likely start to ask you for advice on how you’re able to withstand it all.
You’ll be tempted to say anything but spirituality due to how demonized it all is. Don’t. Be honest with how you managed to find peace even if it’s something woo-woo like tarot or something traditionally religious like Christianity or Buddhism.
Trust your transcendent experience and how it will transform you in the future – and don’t be afraid to let others know it has changed you. They might see you as a testament to what’s possible. And perhaps that’s the ultimate responsibility you’re meant to take on.
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Thank you…
I’m glad it resonated with you, Lory! I wish you lots of joy. 🙂