How to Spiritually Protect Yourself: Tarot Pick a Card
You are a spiritually powerful person. If you were drawn to this reading, then the universe wants to share a way to protect yourself using these powers. Whether you’re facing trials right now or just want to be prepared, this tarot reading is for you.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Angel Tarot and the Yogic Path Oracle decks while the animals are from an Acekar Sticker Pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase).
Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to learn how to spiritually protect yourself.
Pile 1: Dog

Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness
The tarot card in your spread is the Three of Air with the wisdom message of Great sadness. Take time to heal. The need to forgive yourself and others.
You may be under attack right now in our dimension or from a spiritual dimension. When this happens it’s easy to blame yourself and others (whether it’s deserved or not). You may be wondering why the universe is so unfair and believe that things never go your way.
But what you need to know is that the origins of whatever heartbreak you’re suffering don’t matter as much as your healing does. Fortunately, you have full control of your healing in this situation and what you need to do to get it started is cleanse.
The ritual act of cleaning your body and your home is a powerful experience. You can use normal methods, such as bathing and decluttering, but you can also try more spiritual methods. Saging or smoking your house is one option.
You can research how to spiritually clean yourself and your space, but know that what you do is entirely up to you (so pick what sounds interesting).
Challenge Yourself to Be Good
Your second card is Ahimsa which is about non-violence. You’re vulnerable right now and you’re prone to striking out against others in defense. But you may hurt yourself or the people you love if you let this habit continue.
This card speaks of using your triggers as a training ground. Whatever tries your patience and tempts you to act in a bad way is a calling to challenge yourself to do better.
You won’t always succeed, but if you’re mindful of the bad actions you take the most it will revolutionize your life experience. The negativity you act out to yourself and others eats away at your spiritual reserves.
Tackle what you know you can. Don’t make the challenging triggers an impossible quest.
Manifest Into the World
The final card in your spread is Brahma which is the god of creation in Hinduism. Spiritually protecting yourself isn’t just about using charms or doing rituals, it’s about abundance. The more you have the more secure you’ll feel.
But this isn’t just about material possessions. If you channel your creativity then you can manifest abundance on demand. This is one of the beautiful things about personal passions. Find something you love to do which lets you create and you’ll be gifting yourself with the spiritual power of abundance.
This could be art or music, but some of you may be more scientifically minded. Others have non-traditional creativity like programming. Let your heart be your guide and your spiritual heartbreak will heal itself.
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Pile 2: Goat

Defend Yourself If Necessary
Your first card is the Seven of Fire with the wisdom message of Defend your beliefs and decisions. Stand your ground! Choose your battles wisely. It seems like you’re going through a spiritual crisis right now or you find yourself in situations where your spiritual beliefs are challenged often.
This is never easy because most people see their spirituality as an expression of their identity and the disrespect they encounter can be traumatic. It’s not an attack on your beliefs – it’s an attack on your person!
For you, spiritually protecting yourself means affirming your identity. And remember this as well: your spirituality is not your entire identity and how other people see your identity can be irrelevant to your life experience if that’s what you want to happen.
In most situations, you should be honest about your beliefs and not apologetic about them. Too often I see people of all spiritual backgrounds act ashamed of having sincere beliefs around others. When you do this you empower prejudice as most people who shame you are asserting dominance rather than real concern for your soul.
But you should pick your battles too. Some spiritual arguments aren’t worth having. If the person is pointlessly abusive you should disengage.
However, some people mean well and you just disagree. If that’s the case show respect for their beliefs but assert the same expectation to agree to disagree if you aren’t up for a friendly debate. It’s okay not to debate if you don’t want to.
Live Your Truth
The next card is Ojas with is the life force essence you radiate. If you’re living your spiritual truth and you’re sincere in it then your soul will radiate that joy.
Christians, for example, are often taught that the best way to evangelize isn’t to browbeat the Bible but to live as an example of Christ. That’s because acting out your spirituality as if you believe it is powerful.
A lot of people will say they believe in some spiritual aspect, but then never act it out in their lives. Religious studies scholars found that children leave the religions of their parents because of hypocrisy like this.
If you’re sincere in your spiritual beliefs it will show in how you live and people may even ask what you’re doing and what you believe because they want the same thing to radiate from them too.
There’s So Much for You
The final card is Lakshmi and she’s the goddess of abundance (among other things). She’s showing up in your spread because being sincere in your beliefs will bring abundance into your life.
The reason you were attracted to the spiritual path you’re on is that it opens up doors for you that would otherwise be closed. You may not even realize the abundance that your spirituality offers.
That’s why instead of focusing on any special protective action the best thing you can do is pursue your spiritual beliefs with enthusiasm. You’ll discover things on the way that will surprise and enrich you on a material and soul level.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Whale

You’re Clever
Your spread is all about the mind. The first card is the Queen of Air and this is about mastery of your own mind. You can see clearly and that’s because you already have a lot of inner resources.
Try not to be so influenced when looking for spiritual protection. It’s easy to be tempted by fancy tools or rituals. While fun, that’s not your greatest strength.
Instead, it’s your mind. You have immense mental fortitude and intellectual capacity. This also allows you to be creative and strategic. Instead of blindly following what other people say, sit down and analyze your situation and how you would handle it.
This is a very introverted process, but I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how many ideas are already locked up in your mind. Now let them free.
Your Spiritual Abundance
The second card in your spread is Kriya. This is about flow and I see it as referencing your flow state in life. You will be most protected spiritually when you’re doing whatever it is you enjoy doing most. That is when you forget about the outside world and even what time it is.
A flow state is a powerful experience and it’s one everyone should enjoy often in their lives. This is when you can get deep work done or use your creativity. There are scientific reasons why this is true, but let’s talk about the spiritual reasons.
You will feel best when life feels abundant. The greatest abundance you’ll ever experience is your flow state because you’ll feel the limitless potential in whatever you’re doing. Curiosity will lead you down roads you never expected because you aren’t afraid to trust the universe.
Make it a point in your life to seek flow states. This may be in non-spiritual contexts, but I think finding spiritual practices where you experience the same would also be helpful.
I never experience a flow state in meditation, but I love divination. You may find that certain spiritual practices help you flow while others are rewarding, but not as abundant or freeform. Find the one that is and practice it often so you can connect to the universe at a deep and personal level.
Be Attentive
Your third card is Buddha and this is a card of awareness. You’re a clever person with an amazing mind, but know that a mind unaware of its environment is trapped.
Practice mindfulness of some variety. While I’m not a huge fan of meditation, I will do it a few times a month with guided recordings. I also find that singing bowls are useful.
You may find mindfulness in physical activity or by being in nature. Experiment and explore until you find the one you like best. Then when you do it, even if it’s not your favorite and flow-state spiritual activity, you’ll train your brain to be more aware.
This awareness will help protect you because you’ll be more precise in your attention and reaction to spiritual and physical stimuli. Then you can use that big brain of yours to find amazing solutions to whatever problems come your way.
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