How to Make More Money: Tarot Pick a Card
We live in a world of money. Although money doesn’t define happiness, it certainly makes it easier to have a lifestyle that permits it. No doubt you’re wondering how to increase your personal wealth because of that.
With this tarot pick a card, you can tap into the gifts of abundance from the universe.
All you have to do is select one of the piles of cards above. Make sure to use your intuition so you’ll choose the message that was meant for you.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile.
In this reading, I’m using the Everyday Tarot and the Moonology oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support my tarot reading). I’ll be asking the universe three questions: your current obstacles to wealth, how to overcome those obstacles, and what will bring you wealth.
Remember, this tarot reading does not take the place of professional financial advice.
Now let’s find out how to increase your wealth.
Pile 1

Your Current Obstacles to Wealth
When I first drew your card, the Three of Cups, Reversed, I got the sense that you have an unhealthy relationship between your social life and spending habits. When this card is reversed, it usually suggests spending a lot of time alone or too much time partying with others.
Either way, the point is that you no longer have a productive social life. There’s something about it that has been corrupted, and in your case, it’s affected your finances.
For those of you who are more extroverted, you’re likely spending too much when you’re out with others or you’re being generous when you can’t afford it.
As for the introverts out there, you may be overindulging in wasteful pleasures. No longer is it about self-care or entertainment as the money you’re spending is simply being wasted. Think of the bookworm who keeps buying new books even though they have dozens still unread at home.
Because you’ve spent so much money on these pleasures, you don’t let yourself spend time with others. After all, you need to get your money’s worth, right?
How to Overcome Those Obstacles
Your second card, Death, Reversed, tells me that you’re fighting the change you know needs to happen. You’ve likely been aware of your poor spending habits for some time and you have a pretty good idea how to overcome it already.
The problem isn’t that you don’t know how to change your habits, but that you aren’t sure you have the ability to do so. Instead, think of this: one of the reasons people procrastinate so much is the fear of negative emotions attached to the actions they need to take.
You’ve come to believe that you’ll only be happy by spending money. Joy comes from buying, so the idea of not buying means you’ll be unhappy.
But that isn’t true. For those of you who enjoy spending time with others, you don’t have to go out and do something expensive nor do you need to spend money on gifts. A simple night in watching a movie and playing a game can create memories that last a lifetime.
Those of you who prefer more alone time, understand that collecting things and activities aren’t the measurement of happiness. You don’t need new things all the time to increase your happiness. Stop and take stock of what you have that you really love. Revisit those old favorites in a new way – especially with others.
What Will Bring You Wealth
I must say that I was surprised by your final card. The New Moon in Leo has the wisdom message of “Confidence is your key to success.” However, I was more drawn to the energy of Leo itself: this is an astrological sign known for being generous with their friends and enjoying luxury.
So why was your card in this position? Isn’t that counterproductive?
But in reality, Leos are also known for being ambitious and creative. They aren’t afraid to put themselves into new situations and innovate. For you, your wealth is likely tied to some public or creative endeavor. That’s where you shine, and that’s where you’ll be able to increase your wealth and enjoy abundance.
Ask yourself if you’re the type of person who enjoys standing on a stage. If that’s the case, you’ll have a lot of opportunities because of other people’s fears of public speaking! Those who are more creative will find that their unique artistry and inventions result in new demands in the market that didn’t exist previously.
The reason Leos love luxury is because they can usually find their way to it. They’re used to creating new things, so the idea of living abundantly comes naturally to them.
Re-orient your lifestyle to that of a creative and you’ll be surprised by the wealth you attract.
Pile 2

Your Current Obstacles to Wealth
With your first card being The Emperor, you might be at a loss as to why you aren’t earning more money. Isn’t someone with this powerful profile able to attract wealth?
Well yes… and no. The problem with The Emperor is that they can be a bit of a micro-manager. This masculine energy is amazing for getting things done, but it can fail to have the fertile creativity that feminine energy is known for. The Emperor manages, but he does not create.
Unless you’re in a position where you’re managing people who are productive for you, you may only be managing a paltry amount of wealth. This is a necessary skill that everyone must have to keep their money, but it doesn’t make money by itself.
You simply aren’t in a position where you’re skillset can be used to make money. And when I say position, I mean that literally: you need employees to make money with your skillset if it’s not directly tied to a career or profession.
How to Overcome Those Obstacles
Your second card is The High Priestess, Reversed. When it comes to creating wealth, your intuition isn’t as good. You tend to make the wrong financial decisions and this can frustrate your attempts to increase your income.
Because you like to micro-manage, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve attempted to invest in stocks or dream of doing so. The problem is that you’ll want to do everything yourself, but you probably won’t be as good at picking stocks or even enjoying the process.
I sense a person like you would really benefit from a professional financial advisor to help them make the right intuitive decisions. Yes, you should budget and follow traditional money advice, but if you want to grow your wealth with something like stocks or other investments, you would do best by consulting someone who specializes in that area.
You get to focus on what you’re good at: making people accountable. The advisor gets to focus on what they’re good at: making the right investments.
Don’t underestimate your skillset, however. If you’ve ever worked in a traditional office, you’d understand how unproductive and inefficient people can be. You have the skills to command them to do otherwise.
What Will Bring You Wealth
However, you probably want to know how you can manifest wealth directly as yourself. In that, your oracle card, North Node, provides the most insight. Its wisdom message is to “Step out of your comfort zone.”
Although you’ll often hear amateur astrologers describe the North Node as the place in your natal chart where you can find insight into a potential career, the more nuanced understanding of this placement is your karmic growth.
Ask yourself where it seems you’re being drawn to in life. Where do you get the most fulfillment? Chances are, you’re somewhat entrepreneurial and have a dream you want to make a reality.
It’s not easy following that dream because it’s not handed to you and you must fight for it. But the fights that you find personally rewarding are an indication of places where you can manifest wealth through some sort of career pursuit.
You like being powerful and having control over your domain. So what is it you want to control? That’s your answer to how you’ll build wealth.
Pile 3

Your Current Obstacles to Wealth
I see some conflicting messages in your reading, so my sense from your first card, The Moon, Reversed, is that you don’t really know what your money motivations are. This is actually a common problem, so feel relieved in the fact you aren’t alone.
This card is interesting as it has a lot going on and many allusions. But the one that has always interested me was the scorpion approaching the wolf and the dog from behind. They don’t realize the threat that’s coming their way, and I think that’s true for you.
Because your motivations are in such chaos, you aren’t able to adequately prepare for financial hits that come your way. Do you find that, again and again, you’re surprised with unexpected bills and expenses? Perhaps you spend too much and always go over your budget when shopping.
The Moon is often seen to represent habits, so in its reversed position, we can see how your habits may not be beneficial to building wealth. Small, seemingly insignificant financial decisions can add over time to put you into the negative.
Your central problem is being unable to predict and prioritize your expenses. You’ve turned away from using proper budgeting tools or you’re using them ineffectively. And the reason you made this choice is that you don’t know what truly motivates you.
How to Overcome Those Obstacles
Overcoming your obstacle means understanding the message behind the Nine of Cups, Reversed card. This is commonly seen as the wish-fulfillment card, but in its reversed position, that’s not happening anymore.
However, the answer to your problem isn’t to give up your dreams. Rather, to fully understand what your dreams truly are and abandon those that don’t serve you.
You’ll often hear that materialism doesn’t make you happy, and that’s true. You should seek to be comfortable, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of your life purpose, relationships, health, and leisure time. Life is a balancing act, but too often, people put too much emphasis on gathering the most things and treating them like trophies.
Make sure you aren’t comparing your life to others and reaching for goals that don’t personally matter to you. For instance, a person who dreams of having a nice house might come to associate a “nice house” with a beachfront property. But in reality, what they really want is a home with enough room for their family and space to pursue a variety of interests. A more modest home would suit them better and be just as pleasant.
When you create goals, you’re also creating ideals, and sometimes those ideals represent a future you which will never exist because it’s not what you really want. This is true for smaller purchases too. A bookworm will buy more books than they’ll ever read because they don’t understand the difference between the act of reading and the ideal identity they’ve created.
Make sure your identity matches your day-to-day experience and you’ll find that you make less materialistic purchases.
What Will Bring You Wealth
Your final card is the Blue Moon with the wisdom message of “Believe in the impossible.” This card is the reason why I sense some inner confusion within you. You have a clear lesson that needs to be learned about prioritization and lofty ideals, but your way of generating wealth is also through dreaming.
How do you reconcile this?
Work from the front. Most people recommend setting a goal in the future and working towards it, but I think you would be better served by looking at your day and creating ambitious (but reasonable!) tasks that will create more opportunities for you later on.
It’s okay to have big goals, but make them more ambiguous. An example of this would be someone who wants to be a novelist. Instead of creating a detailed five-year plan on how to become the next bestseller with a particular series, they need to focus on their immediate lifestyle as a writer.
What can you do today that will bring you closer to your goals? A wannabe novelist will set aside time to write, read, and investigate the market. It’s not a complex process, but it is one that assumes success. Don’t build up towards your future: live it now.
Your most concrete goals should reflect your current lifestyle and should avoid living for the future you. It also allows you to pivot because of new opportunities. Instead of working on the same career plan for five years, that novelist may realize a year in that what they enjoy writing are screenplays so they pivot to that industry instead. They didn’t let themselves get caught up in a future ideal.
Future you tends to live in a materialistic fantasy world. Be present, minimalist you instead.