How to Love Yourself: Tarot Pick a Card
Everybody deserves love, but sometimes we forget to show ourselves love. This can hurt our confidence and self-worth. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can and should love yourself. This tarot pick a card will help you find out how.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot and the Believe in Your Own Magic Oracle decks while the animals are from an Acekar sticker pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to learn how to love yourself – because you deserve it.
Pile 1: Otter

Measuring the World
The first card in your spread is Page of Pentacles. That means the main theme of self-love for you centers around the material world. I believe that you need some sort of tangible proof to feel assured.
This may lead you to pursue manifesting or ambition. Some others in this pile may be concerned with their health or their home. All of those things are important, but it can lead to you focusing too much on the external world instead of your internal world.
What that means is that you measure the love you have for yourself based on goals met. This is easy to imagine with money, but even in areas of health, it can lead to someone obsessing about their weight with calorie counters and scales.
However, this desire to see “results” can lead to intense disappointment if you somehow fail to meet these standards – even if it is by no fault of your own!
Loving Yourself All the Time
The second card is Storm with the wisdom message of “Every hurricane comes to an end.” When I saw the last card and paired it with this one, I thought “boom and bust.” There’s nothing wrong with having a material focus, but you need to recognize that it can be difficult to maintain consistency.
A good example of this in the world is the economy. Although capitalism is the best system in the world so far discovered, it has the nasty side effect of boom and then bust cycles because of unhealthy supply and demand.
I see something similar happening in your life and it’s causing you to struggle with loving yourself. When times are materially good, you see it as confirmation to love yourself. But when times are materially bad, you see it as a must to hate yourself.
Loving yourself can’t be dependent on how successful you are. In fact, when times are tough is when you need self-love the most, not the least.
Have Soulful Fun
The final card in your spread is Homeward with the wisdom message of “Take yourself out on a date.” What you need to do is spend some time with your inner self. It’s not time to lose yourself to mindless leisure, but to spend quality time with your soul.
Imagine that you’re taking yourself out on a date. You want to know who this person really is. It’s not an interrogation, and you want to be attracted, but you also want to get to the heart of the matter. That’s why doing something interesting that you love is a great way to break the ice.
Whatever you do for your self-love date should be something that lets you learn more about yourself in a fun way. Perhaps it’s doing something unusual, like geocaching in the mountains, or something closer to home, like a question-and-answer journal.
Write down a list of all the things you wanted to try. Then go do one of those things as a special treat to yourself.
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Pile 2: Yeti

Surround Yourself With Love
I see that the first card in your spread is the Three of Cups, Reversed. Your ability to love yourself is strongly affected by other people. This can take many different forms. You may feel uneasy being alone or uneasy around others. It’s also possible that you’re generally unaffected by the presence of other people – except around toxic people.
Simply put, you’re more emotionally sensitive. And because of that, it’s difficult for you to love yourself when this social unease is present.
You probably feel that this is outside of your control. After all, you can’t control other people.
But there’s a saying that may be helpful here: you are the average of the five people you’re around the most. Perhaps you can’t control the people you’re around, but you can adjust who you choose to spend the most time with.
Think about finding ways to be around people who truly love you, rather than just people you feel uneasy with. That doesn’t necessarily mean abandoning relationships that already exist, just prioritizing ones that are better for you instead.
Restart When You Want
The next card is Phoenix with the wisdom message of “How’s that for a happily ever after?” Know that you can drastically change your life circumstances now and in the future. Don’t worry so much about difficult circumstances: you have the power to change your circumstances.
That doesn’t mean it won’t be easy. When a phoenix dies, it’s reborn by rising from its ashes. Never see your life as stalling in the present, but as a continuous narrative that you can restart when necessary.
Think of the shy introvert who imagines they can never make friends. However, joining a hobby workshop or moving to a new town can provide them the chance to wipe their slate clean and become “a new person.”
I believe that you tend to write your identity in stone. This isn’t helpful. Who you are can change, and you can initiate that change at any time whenever you see fit.
The Aesthetics of Love
Your third card is Lavender with the wisdom message of “Surround yourself with love.” This echoes what has previously been said, so I’m going to dwell on the name of the card instead.
Lavender is a flower that is associated with purity and healing. Even non-spiritual people will decorate their homes with it and use it in self-care practices because of its associations with calming anxiety.
For you, loving yourself means surrounding yourself with goodness. Decorate your home in the way that you would like. Dress in a way that shows you value yourself. Carry affirmations in your wallet or bag.
You need reminders in your everyday life that love and goodness are all around you. This does mean spending time with people who treat you well, but I think you’ll find it helpful to do the same with your physical environment as well.
Changing your environment is probably easier than changing your relationships at first, so see this as a potential first step to cleaning up your life and setting it right.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Duck

Think of Yourself
Your first card is The World. You’re affected by the events in your environment and the greater world. You may find that following the news can be depressing, especially since there is so little you can do to change things.
This loss of power can make it difficult to love yourself because you may not feel you deserve love. When people are suffering from war and famine how can you possibly have the right to do anything pleasant at all? Why do you deserve happiness but other people don’t?
However, this is a toxic line of thinking. You would never expect some random person anywhere in the world to stop whatever wonderful thing they are doing to punish themselves for not sacrificing every moment of their day for a higher cause.
It is good to help others, and you should have a higher aim in life to work towards, but everyone deserves a break and deserves to focus on themselves too, sometimes. Right now, you need to pay more attention to your needs. After all, nobody knows what you need more than you.
If you take care of yourself it won’t become someone else’s responsibility either.
Be a Child
The next card is Nostalgia with the wisdom message of “Focus on the here and now.” Something I’ve noticed in people that ruminate over events they can’t control in the world is that they tend to have a doomer perspective. Whatever headline they read is confirmation that the world is ending.
Stop living in a perpetual apocalypse. Otherwise, you will live with a survivalist mindset and assume scarcity everywhere.
You should care about the world, but when you obsess over things you can’t control, you can’t look at your life right in front of you.
It will benefit you to think more like a child. What did you do when you were younger that put your “head in the clouds” so to speak? When you were playing, you were lost in the moment. You weren’t obsessing about past decisions or future problems.
If you show love to yourself by living with a childfree innocence some of the time, you’ll feel a lot of your anxiety just fade away. The reason children are happy is that they’re focused on what’s in front of them even when they’re playing pretend. You need that kind of self-oriented, immediate focus in your life.
Involve Yourself Without Passivity
Your final card is Sword with the wisdom message of “Make the change.” Showing love to yourself doesn’t mean cutting all news of the world around you. Instead, it’s about limiting this access and prioritizing what you will spend the most time on.
For example, you’re going to feel pretty powerless if you obsessively follow international news. When you don’t vote in a country, spending too much time on that country’s current events won’t be helpful.
Instead, look at the headlines for your country and local area. Pay attention to news stories that seem important. About ten minutes a day is good. More than thirty is excessive unless it’s related to your career.
However, you may take a special interest in certain topics. If that’s the case, this is a sign from the universe to direct your charity efforts in that direction through some sort of cause or organization.
Don’t make the world a passive experience. Be involved where it’s appropriate.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.