February 2025 — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on the next month. Find out what is likely to take place in your spiritual life, relationships, career, and more.
To receive your message from the universe, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Chakra Wisdom Oracle and the Hanson-Roberts Tarot decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Are you ready to see your tarot reading? Let’s go!
Pile 1: Boards

Oracle Cards
Your month is overall going to be a rather good one, but it’ll mark a change in how you direct yourself in the future when it comes to spiritual and personal relationships.
The first card, Renewal, means that you’re either going to start over or heal. But I get the distinct impression from your cards that this renewal comes either as a surprise or after one, so expect some manner of initial frustration that you need renewal in the first place.
The Despondence card is about low spirits from a loss of hope or courage. You usually only see this word in novels because of its emotional tones, so expect to feel some intensity in your lows this month. It shouldn’t be long or lasting considering the general positive aura of the month, however.
Listen to some sad music, watch a movie – whatever you need to do to process those emotions. It’ll be cathartic and positive to do so.
That despondence serves to help you see the true Perception of a situation. Apparently, those who are in a depressive mood are better able to analyze a situation than others.
This is something to remind yourself of whenever you feel down in the future. Use that energy not to mourn your loss, but to understand why it happened so you can fix it going forward.
Because you can. And honestly? You will. Your month already seems set for solutions and positivity after the initial frustration. I don’t see you going off the deep end this month. You’re in control.
The World, Reversed card in a spiritual reading tends to be associated either with the expectations of the spiritual world being turned upside down or negative spirits.
In this case though, I think the negativity you’ll be dealing with is the toxic miasmic energy of someone you’re in contact with. You know when you meet someone and they radiate joy and positivity? Well, the opposite is true in others. Sometimes it’s hard to believe people like this exist until you meet them.
I’m not saying this person is possessed, but you might feel that way at times. This person is not to be trusted right now and they’re going to try to hurt you in some way. I suspect financially or in your career.
With the Ten of Swords showing up, this is a backstabber. You’ll be able to sense this person using your intuition – if something about them feels off, you’re probably right.
Not every bad person is an evil genius. Most of them have tells or they lack the ability to block their toxic energy from radiating at a spiritual level after the first meeting.
There’s a really good chance you’re going to recognize this person for who they are and stop them from hurting you completely. Evil is just not meant to win in your life this month.
But the despondence I mentioned earlier does suggest you didn’t expect this person to try and hurt you in the way they attempt to. But one in thirty people are a sociopath so you definitely know one and they’re going to make their presence felt this month.
These people initially are very charming, but eventually manipulate their relationship with you to where you’re doing more favors for them than you would for anyone else.
Like I mentioned earlier, however, you seem set to stop them. The Four of Pentacles is a card of conservation and protection. I think this person is likely a coworker or someone connected to your finances (like someone you need to pay, such as a landlord) and you’re going to keep yourself safe.
This is part of the reason why your renewal reigns so high this month – you’re actually in so good a position that this bad person will be embarrassed by their own failure to hurt you. And they’re going to realize they probably won’t be able to succeed in the future either. That means they’re going to lose interest. They want easy targets. You’re not an easy target.
Personal Development
I love seeing The Sun in your spread because it’s a happy promise that your month is one of joy. While the bad person trying to screw you over is likely to be what you remember most just because it stands out, almost every other part of your month will be good.
Expect ease, comfort, and fun. You’re probably going to feel secure, especially after you successfully contend with this backstabber, and proceed with your life quite happily.
I’d recommend starting a practice whenever you encounter difficulty or bad people in your life where you affirm what you are grateful for. This will put what you have in context and psychologically weaken the bad influence over you.
Gratitude is power, even if the gratitude you express is in an unrelated area to what you’re struggling with.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Mirror

Oracle Cards
This is a month of tangibility. What I mean by that is you need to focus on the material world because that’s going to be where you feel you have power. It’ll ground and anchor you.
I do see some trouble this month, but if you anchor yourself, you can end this month in a much better position than you could have even dreamed of. That’s because Recovery is a sign that you’re going to set things right for yourself. Either you’re struggling with something and that’s going to get fixed at least a little bit this month or you’re going to make a quick save from a frustrating event.
I’ve mentioned this before, but we exist as a mind, body, and soul. When one area of your existence struggles, you can use the other to anchor and strengthen your existence in other areas almost like a positive infection. The second card, Bittersweet, is your awareness that sometimes you need to approach difficult spiritual and thought problems from a physical perspective.
For example: someone who is depressed can use exercise to strengthen their mind. They could also use spirituality to boost their spirits. It’s bittersweet to you because you’re hoping to fix the problem from the same realm, but that’s either not possible or not as effective in your case this month.
The third card, Growth, is a sign that your life is going to measurably improve in some way. I don’t see a harvest of that growth yet, but you’re going to see evidence that the near future of your life is going to be especially abundant. Trust that evidence and keep going. Good things sometimes take a while to grow and harvest.
But that just makes the collection of that abundance all the better when it’s time. Don’t harvest too early. Be the gardener who is proud of their crop.
I see some sort of mental loss in your spiritual life this month due to the Five of Swords, Reversed card. Perhaps you don’t have enough time to pursue your spirituality or you learn something disappointing.
A lot of our expectations for spirituality are borne from expectations of what the material world can or could be. But the spiritual world is different. I’d suggest being more open-minded that it’s a very radical experience from what you know.
For example, a lot of people think magic or spirituality is like what they see in movies or read about in books. However, that’s never been the case and it’s usually a manifestation of material expectations of the spiritual world. Magic in the ancient world is nothing like Harry Potter. One’s reality and one’s fiction.
You may be suffering from that right now. Take spirituality for what it is: your collision with another plane of reality that doesn’t fully manifest in ours because it’s fundamentally non-physical.
You’re going to receive some sort of bad news or an insult from someone due to the Knight of Swords, Reversed. It’s possible you could be the person who does this to someone else, but I somewhat doubt that due to the other cards in your spread.
Either way though, this is going to cause some hurt feelings between you and at least one other person. Since this is a minor arcana card, there’s the potential that these hurt feelings are temporary.
You can’t prevent what someone else does, but what is in your power is to either watch your words or forgive. Just be aware that not everyone is worthy of forgiveness: at least not immediately until their behavior has been proven to change.
That means you shouldn’t be so quick to judge that bad news or insult so you don’t push away someone or invite them back too soon. This person, whoever it was, acted rashly. Don’t act rashly in return. There’s power in patience and you’re in a growth cycle where patience is especially useful to future abundance.
The highlight of your month is in The Emperor card. That means you’re either going to dominate your career, money, health, or some other material concern. That’s why I want you to lean on that area of your life because it’ll either create habits, routines, or a space for other good things to flourish from it.
You’ll also be comforted by this area of life because of its success. While your spiritual, relationship, and personal development might be frustrating, you can really push forward here in a meaningful way that’ll bring you happiness.
In my readings, I also generally include pets or children in the more material aspects because of the link to fertility. So even if a relationship is struggling somewhere in your life, one of those two I mentioned may be fruitful. So spend more time with younger family members if you have them or pets. If you don’t have a pet, go to a pet store or place of nature and enjoy their presence.
You could also work on your home or enjoy a good staycation.
Personal Development
With the Page of Pentacles, Reversed in this position I see this as someone needing to rely on you in some area of materialism. It could be a coworker, family member, or someone close to you that needs your assistance financially, at work, or in their health.
To some degree, the recovery mentioned in your spread could also be connected to them. They may have a temporary sickness and need some care.
However, I want to pose the possibility that the impulsive person who says something hurtful could be this same person for some who chose this pile. They may be saying and doing hurtful things because they lack the ability to be independent on their own.
They see your success, likely at work or in some other material aspect of life, and accuse you because of their own insecurity. If this happens to you, know that they don’t really mean it – they just either have no ability or confidence to succeed on their own.
If you can give them some advice or some assistance, do so, but only if you feel it’s appropriate for your relationship. Not everyone deserves your help. Especially if they’re too clingy or too verbally abusive in the process. You always have the right to say no.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Mushrooms

Oracle Cards
I think you’re going to focus on your personal life this month and find a lot of abundance in that area. The first oracle card, Expansion, shows a spiritual type of expansion. I think you’re going to manifest a lot in February, but mostly in areas not concerning materialism. So spiritual growth, relationships, and your personal life.
That said, the Release card does suggest you’ll be letting go of something. Notice that this card features a sun peeking through the rain clouds, so this release will ultimately be good for you, it won’t seem like that this month. Just know that in the moment it’s likely to be painful and related to your career or material life. There’s some manner of difficulty there.
Perhaps, due to the Wisdom card and the other cards in your spread, you’re letting go of attachments and this is freeing you to pursue other paths. Letting go of attachments doesn’t mean disconnecting from the world. Rather, it’s about disconnecting from a static place in life.
You may have been feeling lately like you should see your horizons and potential in life increase. However, you may not have known how to make this possible. That’s because you were in the process of discovering and letting go of attachments that anchor you into a place you no longer want to be.
Once you resolve this, you should expect your career, finances, or health to get better than it is now.
I love seeing The Hermit card in a spiritual position because it’s about a spiritual journey. This features a sage going to a mountain top. That means, this month, you’re going to take some major steps in your spiritual growth.
This could work out to be an actual outing or ritual, but this could be a mental revelation too. You’re free to trigger a more powerful opportunity by going into nature and spending time there.
That’s because natural environments are known to inspire feelings of awe which are connected according to research to spiritual experiences.
If you can’t go outside yourself, you can mimic this at home in your private yard or through nature videos online. Not a visual person? Pick awe-inspiring music or frequency music at a specific hertz. Use the term “meditation music” to search for appropriate tunes.
Meditation seems key here, but if you haven’t meditated before or you find it difficult, listening to a guided meditation from a streaming service like YouTube might help.
But pick a meditation experience that’s of interest to you. Contemplate a subject that matters or you’re curious about. Perhaps it’s healing, spirit guides, or a past life.
If you have access to someone that can perform a spiritual experience for you, such as a past life regression or to take part in some sort of ceremony – do it. You’ll get more from it this month than you will at other times in your life. The energy is just right.
The Six of Wands is a very positive sign for your relationships. This is a passionate card, so expect good romantic chemistry if that’s what you’re hoping for. However, this also manifests as a fun energy in your other relationships in life like friends, family, and co-workers.
More specific to you, however, this is a card of social recognition and glory. You’re going to be truly seen by the people in your life and valued. You may find that they encourage you to pursue your dreams or express pure understanding of some aspect of your life that you’ve always wanted acceptance for.
This will increase your self-confidence and I think this energy will extend to new social connections. If you’re single or you want to make new friends, now is the time to put yourself out there.
I think there will be some manner of disappointment at work or in your material life with the Three of Swords card. This is a heartbreak card and a card of painful clarity. Since it’s a three card, it could be a sign that an interloper messes with your career or finances.
Now, since your overall relationships are quite positive this month, it could be the sort of painful situation that is temporary and not personal. Think of a competitive coworker or a boss who delivers harsh news, but is otherwise a joy to be around.
But whatever happens, I do think that something will be revealed to you and put your career or materialistic situation into context.
This is where I think the Wisdom card is so powerfully activated. That clarity you’ll receive will be a new pathway forward. It won’t be easy to walk through that door, but things will be better on the other side when you do.
It’s also a side that your abundance opportunities connected to work may not be immediately materialistic. Think not a raise or promotion, but perhaps a lateral move to a more interesting position you’ll enjoy. Or if this card manifest in other materialistic areas, like money or health, a better opportunity and investment in your future without an immediate return.
Example: someone who wants to lose weight and doesn’t this month, but successfully beats a habit that has caused them to gain weight in the past.
Personal Development
The Six of Cups is a card of nostalgia, simple joys, and even professions of love. Because of the passion and glory in your relationship card and the general expansion of your month, I do see this as a potential return to happiness or even enjoying a fun time.
The way to describe this would be for you to imagine a fun day you had as a child. Whatever happens this month, you’re going to feel that more than usual. Probably with your relationships.
I do think you won’t feel this at work as much, but that just highlights the importance of having hobbies or things to do outside of work. If you don’t have those, prioritize starting them this month.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.