Blessings Coming Your Way — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading with good news about how you’re going to be blessed.
All you have to do is follow your intuition and pick the pile that sticks out to you the most.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Power Thought Oracle and the Angel Tarot decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see how you’re going to be blessed.
Pile 1: Dinosaur

Oracle Cards
Expect some calm in your life going forward. The first oracle card has the wisdom message of Divine peace and harmony surround me and dwell in me. I feel tolerance, compassion, and love for all people, myself included.
Isn’t that just wonderful? It really seems as if your inner self is going to find the love you’ve always been seeking and that is going to reflect out in the world. This attitude will help make life, and dealing with other people, so much easier. And I think you deserve a break from struggle.
One of the reasons this blessing may be necessary for you is seen in your second card: Freedom is my divine right. Something was oppressing you and making your life very difficult to live. This may have been a person or even how you felt about yourself.
Going forward, this blessing of freedom is going to give you so many options and opportunities that you didn’t have previously. That’s probably the major reason you’ll have such peace of mind.
The final oracle card in your spread has the message Every thought I think is creating my future. You’re going to have immense power to manifest what you imagine. I think it will come from your more optimistic attitude.
So make sure to use the Law of Attraction, scripting, and vision boards to superpower your manifestation and psychic abilities.
Seven of Air
Your first tarot card explains how your strategy will be changing. The Seven of Air has the wisdom message of “Plans that need revision. More going on than meets the eye. Poor timing.” Wow, that probably explains some things, doesn’t it?
You made plans for yourself without all the information needed to succeed. This probably wasn’t your fault and you likely were very frustrated and confused by your struggles. But whatever is blocking you, you will be freed from.
Eight of Fire
That said, expect things to happen quickly. The Eight of Fire has the wisdom message of “Events moving at a fast pace. Delays are over. Many things happening at once.” You’re going to have so many options that you’ll need to learn to turn things down.
That’s okay. The scarcity mindset you have, or some elements of that, will fade because you’ll have an abundance of options to choose from. Pick your favorite and let the rest go. You don’t need to be scared that the first option is the only option you’ll ever get.
King of Fire
You’re going to embrace the energy of the King of Fire which has an energy that’s “Motivational, idealistic, ambitious, and charismatic.” That means you’re either going to lead a team or inspire others.
But one person you’re likely to inspire the most is yourself. Document your progress and your successes: you’ll like looking back on them.
Page of Water
The last card in your spread is Page of Water with an “intuitive, sensitive, artistic, and friendly” energy. This is a card for meeting someone new. This makes a lot of sense considering how much easier social relationships are going to get for you.
For those who were separated from someone you cared about, this is a sign you’re going to be reunited. I hope you look forward to that moment! It’s been a long time coming for you.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Frog

Oracle Cards
The first blessing in your spread may seem small, but home is where the heart is. This card has the wisdom message that I have the perfect living space. That means your home is about to get more comfortable and how you always dreamed it could be.
Expect to make an important purchase or to receive a gift that will bring the space together. For those homeless or in a living situation you dislike, you’re going to find a place that’s everything you wanted it to be.
The next oracle card has the wisdom message of I trust my inner wisdom. Clarity is your blessing here and you’re going to be able to use that wisdom to reshape your life.
Note that this inner wisdom isn’t something you have to work for. I suspect you’ll receive a revelation that will guide your thinking going forward. Things are going to be a lot easier to perceive from now on.
I also think that you’re going to have peace of mind or better relationships. The next card, There is no blame, means you’re either going to forgive yourself or someone who hurt you. Now if they did something truly wrong, this card just means you’re going to be able to move on and not be consumed with negative thoughts.
That’s probably why you’ll be blessed with clarity. Your life before this forgiveness and your life afterward is a different sense of self and what you can do in the world.
Queen of Earth
The next card has a strong nesting energy. The Queen of Earth is all about being “thoughtful, creative, warm, sensible.” This is a motherly energy that will be directed towards yourself and perhaps other people you’re living with.
For some, this could indicate a very compassionate and practical figure stepping in to nurture you, but I primarily see most who chose this spread embracing the energy themselves. There’s also the potential to manage and create abundance. It could also be a tough love energy.
Eight of Air
This card, the Eight of Air, has the wisdom message of “An illusion of being trapped. A lack of self-confidence. Afraid to take action.” This means that something is blocking you right now, but that your revelation of inner wisdom will change that for you.
What you believe to be an impassable wall is much easier to overcome than you realize. But I think the coziness of your space, that nesting energy, and overall good feelings will contribute to an increase in self-confidence.
Seven of Cups
You’re going to be called to use your wisdom soon with the Seven of Cups card. This card has the wisdom message of “A complex decision. The need to do research. Stop procrastinating!” Talk about a good time to be blessed with greater decision-making.
Act quickly and efficiently, but not impulsively or recklessly. Take some time to stop and weigh your options. If needed, research those options so you won’t have any nasty surprises. You’re going to make a really good decision you’ll be happy with that will change your life for the better because of that.
The Lovers
I imagine quite a few of you are happy to be blessed in love. This card, The Lovers, also indicates that the archangel Raphael will be specifically guiding you on this issue. The wisdom message here is “Intimate relationships. Carefully weigh your decisions. Good Health.”
Expect romantic relationships to improve or for a new one to materialize if you’re single. You’ll also be able to pick and act with better discretion when it comes to marriage. And with good health, this indicates either your health will be improving or the health of someone you’re close to.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Turtle

Oracle Cards
Honestly, it seems as if the universe wanted to write a novel of blessings for you! The first card is I am not limited by any past thinking. I choose my thoughts with care. I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at my world. I am willing to change and grow.
This is a blessing where you are liberated from what has previously weighed you down emotionally and mentally. Now you’ll be able to pursue the life you always wanted but were afraid to work towards.
The next oracle card has the wisdom message of I am one with the power and wisdom of the universe. I claim this power, and it is easy for me to stand up for myself. Throughout your spread, there’s an indication of spiritual or psychic gifts. This supernatural backing will encourage you to assert yourself in the world.
When you feel tethered to your soul, you’ll act more courageously and with a certainty you haven’t previously experienced.
This is echoed in your next card The people in my life are really mirrors of me. This affords me the opportunity to grow and change. Your gifts and personal liberation aren’t happening in a vacuum: you’re being inspired by the people in your environment.
Specifically what you’re perceiving in them with a strong empathetic or psychic ability. You’ll know what they’re thinking and be able to learn from their mistakes without making your own.
Six of Earth
This card feels like a separate blessing from the others and it could be a sign that you’ll be blessed in many ways that aren’t covered in this reading. The Six of Earth has the wisdom message of “Gifts of money, time, or effort. New career opportunities. Receiving a loan or paying off debts.”
While your psychic gifts may help here, I’m really sensing just a blessing of abundance and opportunity. Things are looking up for you in the material world. And remember not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Sometimes a material blessing really does come without unfair strings or conditions.
Here you’re going to be watched over by Archangel Sandalphonin the Unity card which has the wisdom message of “Traditional viewpoints or methods. Spiritual organizations. Seek out mentors and like-minded friends.”
This is an excellent time to go on a spiritual retreat or seek out the expertise of a teacher or coach. You can fast-track your progress in developing your psychic gifts that way.
Page of Earth
Here’s another indication of a secondary material blessing with the Page of Earth card. This has a “Scholarly, dependable, patient, and successful” energy. I see this as representing you and what you’ll be capable of.
Yes, you can learn more about your psychic gifts, but this primarily is about general learning and success in projects you start. So if there’s a hobby or interest you want to pursue, this is your greenlight that it will go very well.
Six of Air
The final card, Six of Air, is about a transition. Here the wisdom message is “Things are looking up! The end of a difficult situation. Taking a trip.” Now all of this message applies to you, but I got a strong intuitive download that the particular transition or trip is an intense spiritual experience.
This is probably an altered state of consciousness through plant medicine or something like astral projection. I would never do plant medicine myself and it may not be legal in your area, so I would look for spiritual experiences which are big to take part in or change your consciousness like astral projection or a past-life regression. It will be a very defining experience for you.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.