Awaken Your Inner Mystic – Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on how to tap into your spiritual gifts.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Starseed Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see how you can awaken your mystical powers.
Pile 1: Grandfather Clock
Wake Up
It seems you have some sort of blockage when it comes to accessing your spiritual gifts. While some who chose this pile may have some access, it’s not as strong as it could be.
The first card, Loosen Your Grip, has the wisdom message of “Coping mechanisms. Density. Addiction. Let God in.” I’m not the type of person to say you need to be 100% open to the universe at all times. There’s negative energy and spirits out there, so it’s worthwhile to be cautious.
That seems to be what happened to you. There was some sort of vulnerability in your life and you cut off access to your spiritual gifts so you wouldn’t be inviting bad spirits in. Good call.
The good news is that this doesn’t have to be permanent. All you need to do is let go and trust that your awareness is good enough to protect you right now. You’ve apparently done a lot of healing of learning and are prepared to loosen your grip.
Messages Are Waiting For You
One thing that can help you open the door is sound. The second card, Whale and Orca Elders, has the wisdom message of “Share your song. Frequency of sound. Diving deep.”
Almost every person allows themselves to be emotionally open when listening to music. You can use that to your advantage. However, popular music is often not sufficient for this because you can’t get in the right mindset to do so.
Focus music, especially natural sounds or meditative music, would be ideal. I coincidentally like to listen to whale sounds. This is because it’s a language that’s impossible for us to know so it helps me get into the mindset that there’s more to the universe than I can see.
Explore your possibilities with streaming music platforms and then just relax as you listen to these sounds (YouTube is great for this specifically if you don’t want to spend money). Imagine yourself opening a door and letting positive energy come through.
Trust Your Allies
This may be hard for some of you to hear, but not every spirit wants to be your friend. You may wish to communicate with famous people from the past, but that’s not likely to happen. Some of those spirits have moved on and others have focused on other mystics.
The final card in your spread, You’re Not For Everyone, has the wisdom message of “Embrace your weirdness. Face your true north.” This is a reminder from the universe that your relationship with spirits and spirit guides are personal. You will be matched with the spirits that are best for you and your unique circumstances. Sometimes that’s someone familiar with history, but not usually.
Learn to love who comes your way. Some people’s spirit animals are eagles, and others, cows. While that is a humorous example to some, it’s an important one. Don’t cast judgment on those who help you when they’re not casting judgment on you. Loosening your grip means accepting the spirits that see you for the good you are.
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Pile 2: Red Dragon
You’re Connected
You need to heal to awaken your inner mystic, and then you’ll be able to heal others. The first card in your spread, We the Hathors, has the wisdom message of “Deep love. Mother’s milk. Birth as a portal.”
The Hathors are interdimensional spiritual beings who heal through vibrations, especially sound. You may or may not be able to connect with them directly as spirit guides or through channeling, but the idea behind them is related to your spiritual gifts.
You have the innate power to heal others by raising vibrations. Because of that, you also have the responsibility to manage your own vibrations. Once you do that, you’ll find that you can infuse healing manifestation power in what you do whether it’s direct spiritual healing or through something like your normal work or hobbies.
To get in touch with this energy, you need to practice keeping a high vibration. There are many ways to do this, but self-care is a good first step and so too is the Law of Attraction.
Your Hidden Power
It’s tempting to ignore your trials, but nothing meaningful is forged without struggle. Of course, choosing your struggle is better than it being chosen for you, but regardless, you need to be on a path of transformation.
The second card, Cracked Open, has the wisdom message of “Rock bottom. Surrender to the alchemy of life.”
You have a divine purpose and your karma will direct you to this purpose using the path of least resistance. This is why you may sometimes find yourself facing bad luck: the universe was trying to teach you a lesson so you’ll grow.
But what I want you to do is pick your struggle so you can grow. Find a responsibility or challenge you can take on and then tackle it with the highest vibrational energy you can manage. Miracles will happen to you and through you.
Power of the Skies
There are a lot of ways to meditate and it appears the universe has a specific one it would like you to try. The third card in your spread, Star Bathing, has the wisdom message of “Light body. Crystal grid. Transmission. Activation.”
The frugal method is to meditate beneath the stars. This is similar to charging crystals beneath the moon. But a more evolved or upgraded version would be to create a crystal grid on or near your body.
This is where you place an arrangement of crystals to activate their energy. But I specifically am feeling that doing a crystal grid similar to your zodiac sign will be especially helpful. For those who know how to look up their natal chart, you could also do the zodiac sign for which your Chiron is located (this is the healing asteroid).
This can just be something special you do once or every now and again rather than a meditation practice you do all the time. But it should help heal you and perhaps empower you to heal others.
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Pile 3: Looking Glass
You’re Made of Nuance
Part of accessing your spiritual gifts is recognizing that the spirit world is all around us. Ordinary things are infused with power. The first card in your spread, Earthed, has the wisdom message of “Learning how to be human. In the world, but not of it.”
Every culture has different ways of talking about this, but in the West, humans are not just their bodies but their mind, body, and spirit. Your soul is eternal and your body rebuilds itself multiple times throughout your life. That means “you” in this life is your mind.
Appreciating your humanity means recognizing all those elements of being and that part of you exists outside of material frames. To fully appreciate your spiritual gifts, you need to understand that complexity.
Again, every culture sees this differently and it’s possible the forms of being are different for each living and non-living creature, but once you start to appreciate that within you, you’ll be able to sense it in the world around you too.
You Can See
To be “mystical” and embrace your spiritual gifts, you need to live out the second card: Lifting the Veil with the wisdom message of “Questioning everything. Anything unaligned must go.”
Start looking at the world with the understanding that being is complex. Then start to question how you attribute meaning to things. Some of the meanings you give aren’t accurate or aren’t useful in the moment. Changing how you perceive meaning will help you interact with the world at different dimensions.
A good example of this at work is mercy. Sometimes, you can activate a more compassionate and good essence within an enemy through kindness instead of revenge. This happens because you see the innate humanity within someone and recognize it more than their material past of hurting you.
Not every enemy deserves mercy, but this example is a good way to perceive the power you questioning everything can do. What doesn’t work might be able to be changed by looking at it differently so you’ll interact with it differently too.
Find Your Symbolism
The spiritual world around us is often untapped by most of humanity, except in dreams or in our relationship with symbols. But the final card in your spread, Seas of Mintaka, has the wisdom message of “Seeing potential. Bringing unconsciousness to light.”
Part of working with your spiritual gift is acting on the symbols that resonate with you. They might be your spirit guides or directly related to your mystical abilities.
It can help to make a list of symbols that resonate with you and look into their associated meanings. It’s possible they may have unique meanings to you. As a West Virginian, deer represent my home and rebirth (deer actually almost went extinct here until they were re-introduced – we also gained back our forest after severe deforestation).
Your symbols will show up again and again in your life and it’s important to pay attention to them. It may also represent your calling or something you’re to act on.
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