August 2022: Tarot Pick a Card
Are you ready for the month of August? This psychic tarot pick a card will help you prepare for what’s coming your way.
All you have to do is select one of the piles of cards above that sticks out to you the most. Which sea creature inspires your intuition?
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Light Seer’s Tarot and the Starseed Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to peer into your future for August of 2022.
Pile 1: Dolphin
I pulled three theme cards for you this month. The first is The Great Severing with the wisdom message of “Mars energy. Anger. Conflict. Softening to love.” I sense a strong and passionate energy for August, so if there’s something or someone you care about, now is the time to focus on it.
Mars energy is so passionate that it can at times be aggressive or cause you to burn out. You need to be aware that you could potentially drive yourself over the edge. This isn’t a romantic passion, but more so a personal fiery one. It’s not leisurely. It’s consuming!
The second oracle card is The Seven Star Sisters with the wisdom message of “Birth creations. Tapestry of life. Expression.” Here I sense a social or communal element that may be necessary to balance out the unfocused energy of Mars. The traditional seventh house ruler in astrology is Libra, and I see this as a message from the universe that you need to leave room for your other half.
This may be a person, especially a lover, but it could be a friend or the “other half” of your personality. There’s some part of your life that you’re not letting in fully and that needs to change.
The final oracle card is Hiraeth with the wisdom message of “Longing for home. Homesick for the stars.” This card compliments the last two, so I think you need to lean on someone or something in your life for support. You may push yourself too far this month, so understand that you may need to stop and rest.
Week 1: August 1st to August 7th
Here we have the Six of Swords card. I see this as the Martian energy of your spread pushing you to act and progress far into your life. But this progression isn’t easy and you’re going to feel like you’re leaving a lot behind.
Ask yourself if you’re fully prepared for the things you’re doing. If not, try to go back or revisit your plans in some way.
Week 2: August 8th to August 14th
The next card is The Moon. I sense that you’re going to be submerged in your passions this week. That’s both good and bad, because you may be too distracted from your responsibilities, but you should be able to get a lot done.
Make sure that you have a skeleton routine structure in place. There should be at least 3-5 things you do every day which keep you on track, whether that’s writing a to-do list, eating at certain times, or going for a walk. Healthy habits build an intentional life.
Week 3: August 15th to August 21st
Your third card is the Six of Wands, Reversed. This is likely when you’re going to feel as if your Martian energy isn’t to your advantage. Either you pushed yourself so far that you burned up, or you need to reach out to others for support.
It’s okay to take a step back and rest when you need to. This gives time for you to kindle the fire of your passions and return with vigor.
Week 4: August 22nd to August 31st
Your last card of the month is King of Swords, Reversed. You’re going to feel like you made a mistake this month. That’s a given when Mars is involved, so take a deep breath and learn to accept that mistakes don’t have to be disasters.
Most of the time, you can redo or proceed with some modifications to your plan. But even if you can’t, you can use what you learned to empower yourself in the future. Focus instead on what you did right because you certainly did a lot of things right this month. That will help you create future plans with more nuance and care.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Octopus
I won’t lie: looking at your spread, you have one of the more difficult weeks I’ve seen in a long time. But your theme cards are so positive and have an air of randomness that I think you can avoid a lot of pain with some intentional actions.
Your first card, Portal, has the wisdom message of “Doors are opening. You decide. Rewards. Wild card.” I sense that something in your life is quite poisonous and harmful. Your spirit guides want you to make a drastic change that is somewhat different from your character and personality. That’s because you have a lot of bad habits which have entrenched you in a misfortune you don’t deserve.
When you have a hard time this month, ask yourself what you would do in response if you could do anything at all without limitations. This will help you think beyond the obvious in a problem-solving manner that should be enlightening.
The second oracle card is Surrender to Sweetness with the wisdom message of “Venus energy. Pleasure. Joy. Make love to life.” I think you need to take things less seriously and focus on comfort. Perhaps your responsibilities are driving you crazy or you’re being unnecessarily restrictive with yourself.
This reminds me of maximalism compared to minimalism. There’s a trend in home décor right now where you only have what’s necessary so you cut out the bloat from life. For some people, this makes them happy, but they tend to live very structured lives and reject happy accidents and fun knick-knacks. If it’s not functional, it’s not present.
Allow yourself to be a maximalist right now: care less for function, and more for beauty. Buy something ridiculous for your home or enjoy a nice weekend of binging your favorite shows.
The final oracle card in your spread is The Seas of Mintaka with the wisdom message of “Seeing potential. Bringing unconsciousness to light.” I’m focusing on the water here as water can be a symbol of chaos. People often see chaos as a bad thing, but chaos is where new things happen and abundance presents itself.
Submerging yourself into the potential of your life and being a maximalist with all the open doors you can imagine will help you dive into your inner self and bring out who you really are. I think you’ve been denying something special about yourself because it doesn’t “fit” the function of what people tell you your life should be.
Week 1: August 1st to August 7th
Your first card is The Star, Reversed. This is when I think something misfortunate will happen to you. This may be a very big thing, but it could also be a continuation of your current struggles, which could be something like depression or anxiety.
Either way, you’re going to feel particularly sensitive this week. Because of that, this is when you should lean into personal comforts. It will be very healing for you.
Week 2: August 8th to August 14th
Your next card is Nine of Swords. This is a card of anxiety, but I always see the white raven here as a symbol of hope. I think you tend to ruminate, so using that natural tendency to be lost in anxiety and transferring that energy to positive chaos, such as creativity or a personal hobby, will be very uplifting for you.
The mind is powerful. You can change it to work in your favor.
Week 3: August 15th to August 21st
Your third-week card is Four of Swords, Reversed. I read this as you waking up. Perhaps from your personal nightmares, but it could also be a mental perspective. You’re going to have a greater awareness of how your mind alters your perception of the world.
This is when you’ll see a “door” that you want to walk through. Perhaps multiple doors. Allow yourself to try something different. You don’t have to commit to it in the long term, but trying something new will be interesting and help you break from this difficult period.
Week 4: August 22nd to August 31st
Your final card is Page of Pentacles, Reversed. You’re going to struggle to manifest anything this month in a tangible way, but have patience with yourself. Sometimes, we find ourselves in holding patterns as we learn how to live better than we had before.
What ideas have you had this month that you want to try out? See this week as an opportunity to brainstorm and plan for the future. Review your past and what you learned. You’ll be surprised by how that introspection expands your potential.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Seahorse
There’s a softer energy in your spread, so don’t be surprised if you have difficulty making the most of it. Your opportunities whisper this month instead of shout, so be prepared to only focus on one thing that really matters to you and enjoy some leisure time.
Your first card, The Golden Children, has the wisdom message of “Inner child. Tenderness. Innocence. Rare gifts.” This is a good month to spend time in a flow state. Although you can be very organized with your work, don’t schedule your free time. Let yourself flow into what interests you. I think you’ll find it very revealing because you have a gift you haven’t nurtured as much as you could.
The second oracle card in your spread, The Cosmic Heart, has the wisdom message of “Devotion. Potency. Make your life a moving prayer.” I really like the softness of this card because it reminds me of falling Sakura petals. This is a month to align yourself to your natural spiritual rhythm.
What does this mean? Try doing spiritual practices from your heart. I think there’s something you want to do that’s rather unique or non-standard. Perhaps you practice mindfulness by hiking or daydreaming. Don’t try to put a label or fit into a particular spiritual category. Simply being you, honestly you, is the most spiritual thing you can do right now. That’s part of what an awakening is. Exploring how your higher self manifests in your life.
Your final oracle card is Big Picture Thinking with the wisdom message of “Pleiades energy. Visionary. Inspired thinking.” This continues the flow state I mentioned earlier. You need to let your mind wander in whatever way is most comfortable for you. Sometimes, planning or thinking ahead doesn’t involve detailed lists or analyses that you write down, but an introspective adventure. It’s time to go on yours.
Week 1: August 1st to August 7th
I don’t really get a strong negative feeling from your spread, so I’ve chosen to interpret the reversed card here as introspective energy. Your first card, the Page of Cups, Reversed, suggests you need to go within and be awed by the power of your mind.
You’re more creative than you realize, and the ideas you come up with can be used to solve problems, manifest abundance, or create something amazing. Keep a list of all the ideas you come up which surprise even you.
Week 2: August 8th to August 14th
The second card here is Nine of Cups. Although your manifestation isn’t going to be major this month, I do think you’re going to achieve something you’ve dreamed of this week. It might just be another step in a project, a small raise, or even meeting a new friend.
Allow yourself to embrace the happy fortunes, however small, that come your way this week. I think it may attract even more good things in the future. Gratitude can be your superpower.
Week 3: August 15th to August 21st
The next card is Seven of Wands, Reversed. This is going to be a relatively easy week because you won’t feel the need to defend yourself because of the soft energy. However, I also sense that you’re going to feel a bit stuck. Sometimes, a little bit of friction is a good thing because it motivates you forward.
This will be a good time to set a goal, even if it’s just a small goal like reading a book. Don’t be too ambitious here. This is all about preventing a personal rut from forming.
Week 4: August 22nd to August 31st
Your last card is the Ace of Wands, Reversed. I sense that you’re going to have a lot of ideas, but have no idea how to manage or use them. This happens with creative people, but I think you’re going to feel more emotionally and creatively overwhelmed this week than normal.
You may find it helpful to write down your ideas and then pull them randomly from a hat. Giving a bit of randomness in choice to your creative or personal endeavors may make it easier to commit when you can’t choose just one.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.