Attract Positive Relationships — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on how to attract positive relationships into your life. This is a general reading on romantic and platonic relationships. You can use it to improve existing or future connections.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Energy Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to bring those amazing positive relationships you deserve into your life.
Pile 1: Zebra
Plan Behind the Scenes
It certainly seems like divine intervention is at play in your relationships right now. The first card, Strategy, doesn’t highlight what you’re doing so much as the greater plans the universe has for you.
The good news is that this is a positive thing. And because of your spread in general, it seems like the universe is trying to connect you with your soulmates, romantic or platonic. It’s possible a twin flame could be involved for some in this pile as well.
There could also be some healing too. We’ve all met people we feel divinely connected to, but the choices we or they made caused the connection to feel harmful rather than helpful – so you either wish them out of your life or successfully push them out.
But it does appear as if the universe will either bring positive soulmates into your life or heal broken relationships so they become soulmates. Remember: somebody isn’t a soulmate if you can’t grow with them. That means you or they are rejecting the divine connection you share.
Heavenly Help
There’s an archangel at work in your life. This is why the card Second Chakra, Archangel Ariel showed up.
There’s a strong possibility that a romantic relationship is being attracted into your life or your current relationship will improve. The second charka represents creativity, sexuality, and pleasure.
But Ariel as an angel presides over environmental concerns and animals. You’re an animal, but what I perceive to be happening in this case is that this archangel will be creating a good environment where productive relationships can happen.
Also, for some bizarre reason, I’m hearing the word rabbit in my head a lot as I edit this, so maybe that’s important.
Expect signs and synchronicities to occur, as well as fated obstacles and paths that bring you closer to the right people. I also expect Ariel to cause you to want and be wanted by others.
You should expect more fun and interest in your social situations going forward.
You Have Power Here
The final card in your spread, Door to Spirit, represents the next chapter of your life and it being a good one. But you need to opt in.
Now, hear me out: just because the universe has a plan for you doesn’t mean you have to accept it. Your preferences need to be taken into consideration and you were given free will. You also understand the other people involved also have free will.
So use your judgment to determine if you should accept the relationships sent your way or not. It seems like it’s meant for good and the universe is quite optimistic about their success. However, you know you best and you can pivot from any potentially toxic situation if the other person decides to be… well, a jerk.
Even so, Ariel is creating a good environment so it’s likely you’ll have more than one option if you don’t like who first comes your way.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Fox
Be on the Lookout
There appears to be some problems ahead. The Storm Warning card suggests that someone you know right now or will meet in the future could cause some issues.
There are two ways it could work out and I don’t see either one with a heavier emphasis than the other. The first is that someone isn’t who they appear to be. Because of this, they’re able to insert themselves into your life and get you to trust them.
This can lead to them taking advantage of you – which you certainly don’t deserve. Be wary of anyone who tries to be too friendly too quickly. They might have ulterior motives. Trust, but verify.
The second possibility is that there’s someone in your life who is about to go through a hard time. Because of this, you may find yourself in the eye of the storm too.
You’ll want to blame them, and perhaps this person has some responsibility in the matter, but know that there’s a difference between malevolence and making a mistake.
Someone who is malevolent wants to hurt you for their advantage. The person who makes a mistake is devastated they brought a storm into your life.
Note this is a storm warning. It doesn’t mean it will happen. You have the ability to avoid it with vigilance.
Help Is Out There
Because of the Community card, you have more resources than you think. Generally, people actually help others in the midst of a crisis rather than take advantage of them. There are jerks out there, but they’re the minority.
The point is that you aren’t as alone as you think when it comes to dealing with a malevolent person or someone who accidentally brings a storm into your life.
Perhaps you’re suspicious of someone and another person in your life can confirm these suspicions. They might even be able to look out for you and protect you.
And if you find yourself and someone you care about in the middle of a storm, you don’t have to go at it alone: help is out there – either in family, friends, or literally members of the community.
Ask and you shall receive.
You Have Virtue Aplenty
The final card in your spread is Patience. Everything is going to work out in the end and you’re going to find that your relationships have improved. Either you feel more connected to someone in the community or you bond through a struggle with someone you care about.
It’s easier to say be patient than it is to experience, however. You’re going to be frustrated and your patience will be tried. But what the universe wants you to know is that you’re loved or capable of finding love in the world.
Difficulty is hard, but difficulty is much easier to handle when you’re not alone. So reach out, even if it’s just to someone online, and a huge weight will be lifted off your shoulders.
This is also a good time to tackle something hard because you’ll be able to attract support.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Husky
Know What Matters
I sense you’ll gain a greater Appreciation for existing relationships or your goals for future relationships.
This kind of appreciation has spiritual connotations. I recently heard that you can’t be happy with your goals until you’re happy with the path to get to your goals. That’s because if you’re unhappy in the process, you’ll not be appreciative or able to recognize the good in your “reward” either. You’ll just want more.
There are probably many things in your life you don’t like. Those things are real, but they’re not what I want you to focus on. Instead, practice gratitude by identifying three things you’re thankful for when it comes to relationships.
It might even be what you want in a relationship. Someone who is single and broke up with an abuser might have a gratitude statement like, “I know that I deserve someone who will protect me.”
Spiritual Inclination
You’re going to be more perceptive. The second card, Sixth Chakra, Archangel Metatron, indicates that the archangel is at work in your life. He is helping you to see beyond the material world for what is truly valuable.
This kind of insight isn’t merely psychological or emotional: it’s spiritual. You’ll likely experience spiritual growth or awakening. You’ll feel a holistic change in your being.
That’s because people are connected on many levels, including spiritually, so when you learn to appreciate positive relationships or aspects of positive relationships, you’re going to be more inviting of the people in the universe you were always meant to attract.
We have a natural intuition that draws us to the right people. Sometimes that becomes warped and we’re led astray, but when we encounter someone we’re meant to know, we feel spiritually drawn to them.
That’s going to happen to you. Someone you were meant to meet you’re going to meet or get even closer to.
Truly Connected
The final card in your spread is Happy Family. The literal meaning on this card will apply to many who chose this pile. You’re either going to start a family, improve your relationship with your existing family, or even encounter your soul family.
Not every family member is related by blood. People often consider pets, their homes, or their spirit guides as part of their family. Not to mention ancestors.
But some members of our soul family we have encountered in previous lives. You’re either reincarnated with them into an existing family unit in this life or you will reunite with them through some circumstance.
What this means is that you will soon experience a reconnection or introduction to a member of your soul family. This will cause you to feel an emotional fulfillment and togetherness you can only feel when you’re safe and cherished by those who love you no matter how different your interests are.
Remember: friends and family are separated not by blood, but by devotion. Someone is a family member if they love you even despite your differences in personality or distance. You’re going to have that.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
I feel like I’m tripping…I chose the zebra pile. When I first saw the Archangel Ariel card, my heart chakra started buzzing at me. When I got to the reading for that card, it didn’t particularly resonate at first, but then you mentioned rabbits? I am writing a book that features rabbits
I have no idea why rabbits popped up in that reading. Maybe it’s literally only a sign for you! Still, it must echo something important to you and have meaning. Double-check common symbolic meanings in your culture for rabbits (or that may be related to your book). Sometimes, the universe sends messages through symbolism to reinforce something you know deep within. 🙂