April 2024 — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on April 2024. There’s a significant astronomical event with the Total Solar Eclipse on the 8th, so expect some interesting energy coming your way.
To see what is likely to happen to you this month so you can use it to your advantage, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Psychic Tarot Oracle and the Gilded Tarot decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to glimpse into the next month!
Pile 1: Owl

Oracle Cards
You have a challenging month that’s going to bring the best out of you. This will improve your life going forward.
The first card, Patience & Planning, suggests you may not act this month, but you will certainly create a detailed plan or a good reactive strategy.
Take some time to think about this because the effort you put into preparation will magnify in efficacy later on.
The second card, Trapped in Fear, indicates you’re either struggling with someone in general or will encounter a problem this month. This makes you feel small and that you don’t have enough choices.
However, this entrapment is temporary. Your plan will help you to defeat it.
The final card, Partnerships & Alliances, means you will be relying on someone else to help you. They won’t do everything for you, but they’ll be an important backup and resource.
This person will likely be a romantic partner, close friend or family, or someone from work. In other words, you probably already know them.
It seems like your spiritual life may take a backseat this month due to the Death, Reversed card. This means you won’t any significant progress on your spiritual goals or that you won’t be interested in the spiritual realm.
That also suggests that whatever you feel trapped by is something in the material world – and it’s probably going to require a material solution. Focus there this month.
You’re going to willingly bind yourself to someone. The Eight of Swords is a card of willful restriction. In this case, the card is actually quite positive in context to the rest of your spread.
You may find yourself burdened with fewer options since you’re working with someone else, but remember that there isn’t an infinite list of solutions for every problem. Right now, your ally is helping you with an acute issue.
And this binding? It’s temporary. Don’t stress over the restriction. It’s to help you focus together.
With the Two of Swords card here, you’re going to have to make a decision. It won’t be an easy decision, and it will require your intuition, but don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Maybe what you can’t see, someone else can see clearly. Sometimes a different perspective is all that’s needed to find the solution. Ask as early as possible for your ally’s input because it will reduce the amount of time it will take for you to create a feasible plan.
Personal Development
I see that the last card in your spread is The Lovers. For some of you, the ally you work with could become a romantic partner. If this person is already your romantic partner, expect passion to increase.
However, not all relationships are romantic, but they can all be emotionally intimate. When you work together with someone on a problem, it bonds you together in a way nothing else can. Expect your relationship with this person to improve.
So, if possible, you could actually ask for help from someone you want to bond with knowing your relationship will grow due to the partnership.
I once heard that one of the best ways to grow a relationship with a stranger is to ask them for a favor. This is because it starts a mutual granting of favors between two strangers and brings them together socially more often.
Asking for small favors and then increasing to bigger favors over the month could grow your relationship exponentially.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Castle

Oracle Cards
It seems like you’re going to have minor material problems this month. That could mean an issue with money, health, career, possessions, or legacy, like family or reputation. However, I think you’re going to overcome this little problem with some very strong energy.
Take this month to be an inspiration for what you can achieve in the face of difficulty. The first card, Stand Your Ground, means you’re going to defend yourself successfully. It’ll seem like a real challenge at the time, but once you gain that ground, you won’t easily lose it in the future.
Your second card, Wisdom, seems to indicate that you’re more than prepared for this issue. This card reminds me of three tarot cards in their best expressions: the Fool, the Hierophant, and the Ten of Pentacles.
You’re building something good and learned from your experiences. Now you’re establishing and using your foundation of knowledge to not repeat the same silly mistakes.
Third Chakra is your last oracle card and it’s about willpower and self-confidence. You should expect to feel really good this month, or you will later on once you see that you are competent.
It’s possible the Queen of Wands here can refer to a person in your life or a spiritual being. It can also mean you.
Either way, this persona is empowered and able to use their connection to the spiritual realm to help you manifest your desires. Use this power to your advantage. It’s meant for you.
Like the last card, the Queen of Swords can be a person in your life or you, but I lean more towards you. This is a persona with intelligence and rationality.
When it comes to relationships you may not encounter as much warmth as you would like, but sometimes, tough love is what keeps relationships going. Understand that true compassion isn’t about letting bad things happen to you or the people you love.
Sometimes, you have to say or do the thing that hurts to prevent something worse happening later.
Although you’re probably going to have an initial flustering moment in your material life, the Justice card shows you’ll receive a reward for all your efforts.
If you’ve struggled at work or in your hobbies recently, you will be vindicated and things set right. Specifically, it appears like an external source or even the universe itself will intervene in your favor.
Personal Development
The last card is the Four of Pentacles, Reversed. This is the obstacle you’ll need to stand your ground from. You’ll be a bit greedy and afraid of losing material goods because of something threatening.
However, this is so minor of a card in the context of the rest of your spread that whatever this is will be addressed either quickly this month or in totality so you’ll never have to see it be an issue again.
But, overall, I’m really sensing that this month is one where you’re superpowered against obstacles and seeing what you’re truly capable of. By the end of the month, you’ll feel confident that you can achieve and do more – because you can.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Dragon

Oracle Cards
I feel like this is a spiritually significant month for you. It’s not so much that the rest of your life is going bad, but that those areas aren’t as important in light of your spiritual growth.
The first card, Solitude, indicates you’ll retreat and introspect. This card features a tower in the background and The Tower in tarot can mean a lot of things, but spiritually, it’s a sudden spiritual awakening or calling that can be uncomfortable if ignored.
You’re meant to address something spiritually significant to you this month. Don’t pass it by. Do the work.
The next card, Universe, shows that cosmic forces are trying to intervene or commune with you. You may feel these in smaller spiritual entities like ancestors or spirit guides, but be open to something grander like angels, deities, or the universe itself working with you.
Communicating with spirits is applicable, but I also think research into spiritual truths will resonate more than usual. That’s because you’ll be on the right wavelength to understand what’s mystical.
The last oracle card is Transformation. This is likely to be spiritual or emotional rather than tangible, so you may find it helpful to journal or mark your experience for posterity. This doesn’t have to be something you share, but it will help you to go back to this entry in the future to see what amazing progress you made.
Your life will probably pivot due to that transformation.
With The Chariot card here, this is a sign from the universe to move bravely forward with as much gusto as you can muster. Expect to feel a little winded and tired by the end of the month. Perhaps you’ll need to decompress and not do as many intense spiritual activities in May.
But for April? Do as much as you can. Don’t moderate yourself. Go to the extremes if you feel it’s necessary. A lot can be gained from temporary exertion.
Now we’re getting into the other areas of life and why they’ll be taking the backseat. Here we have the Five of Pentacles, Reversed. You’re either going to feel as if the universe doesn’t want you to address relationship concerns right now or that your relationships don’t care about your spirituality.
It’s not that relationships aren’t important, but know this: no matter how close you are to someone, they can never have the same spiritual experience. Keep that in mind when you try to bridge the gap between your spiritual life this month and your social life.
It’s a bit like dreams. Nobody wants to hear about someone else’s, but that doesn’t mean the dream wasn’t significant to the dreamer.
You may make a mistake on the job with the Two of Pentacles, Reversed. You’ll be so focused on your spiritual development that you may be overwhelmed. Understand that spiritual deep work is deep work – you might want to leave the most exhausting tasks for days you aren’t on the job and give yourself plenty of leisure time to unwind.
If you do make a mistake on the job, know that it won’t ruin you. It’s just going to be a temporary slip-up that you can fix.
Personal Development
The Nine of Cups, Reversed is the last card in your spread. Not all spirituality is about manifesting your deepest desires – and that’s a lesson you need to learn. This month, your spiritual growth isn’t about making you the most powerful person in your material world, but about connecting you to the divine.
Try not to get too wrapped up in manifestation or the Law of Attraction for April. Focus on higher things.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.