What the Universe Wants You to Do — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on something the universe would like you to do right now. Whatever this is, it’s designed to improve your circumstances in some way.
To receive your message from the universe, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what the universe has to say!
Pile 1: Toucan

Focus on This
You need to put a little less focus on your dreams for the future and the attainment of personal glory. Instead, the universe would like you to embrace The Devil, Reversed card energy and work on fixing something that’s causing you a lot of grief.
Honestly, that’s not a surprise. If you’re reading this pick a card when it’s published, then you’re at the beginning of the year so it makes sense to prioritize a personal resolution. If you’re reading this at another time of the year, then it’s a sign there’s positive energy to improve your life right now.
The best time to start improving your life was yesterday. The second best time is today.
But the particular resolution you should set must be short-term, think no more than three months, and should do this knowing about the energy of the Nine of Cups, Reversed and the Six of Wands, Reversed cards. These are about the lack of a personal wish or personal glory.
How to Set a Goal
It’s not that your personal dreams aren’t important, but that sometimes what you need to work on is yourself.
You seem to have some sort of bad habit or routine that can be set right over the next few months. If you need to, take some time after this reading to brainstorm possibilities.
I used to bite my nails and I did so until I was twenty-two (I’m thirty-four now). But starting January 1st, 2013, I made a resolution to stop doing that. And I succeeded! It was a simple resolution in retrospect and it was something I could achieve if I focused on it in just a few weeks. Think of that – a lifetime of feeling self-conscious about my nail-biting habit conquered before February 1st… forever!
That’s the kind of resolution you should set. If you have a bigger goal, such as losing a lot of weight, focus instead on a small goal that could contribute to that aspiration.
Your Chances of Success
Are good. If you actually put effort into this, it’s clear you’ll succeed. But it’s important that you identify a resolution that could be 100% achieved in less than three months. I can’t emphasize this enough – if you pick a goal that is too big, you will fail.
An exercise I would like you to do is to take out a piece of paper, turn it sideways, and draw a long line from edge to edge.
On the left, you’re going to put “start” and on the right you’re going to put “end.” On the top of your page, I want you to list the resolution you hope to set.
Now break that resolution into stages. We’ll use an example of someone who wants to lose fifteen pounds. Seems like a good, achievable goal, right?
But already I can identify a problem – resolutions need to be actions you take, not outcomes you want. In fact, while people often use the term “goal” and “resolution” as if they’re identical synonyms of meaning, goals are about a measurable outcome while resolutions a commitment to a course of action.
When I conquered biting my nails, I pursued one commitment to action: whenever I felt the urge to bite my nails I would clip them instead.
Filling Out Your Chart
Back to the example, let’s imagine the person rewrites their resolution to be a more action-oriented “live a healthy lifestyle.”
But as they fill out their chart, they realize it’s going to require a lot of steps to achieve what they would consider a healthy lifestyle to lose fifteen pounds. They might list more than ten things they need to change. See how that’s intimidating and probably hard to internalize in your mind in just a few short months?
The purpose of creating a chart and breaking it down from a goal to a resolution and then into separate stages is to make sure your resolution is achievable.
The person in the example might circle just one to three things they’ll focus on instead, like “fast for breakfast” or “go for a twenty-minute walk after lunch.”
You can do it – just make sure you’re setting yourself up for success in the beginning.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Seal

Don’t Let Yourself Be Hurt
There’s someone in your life according to the Five of Pentacles card who is a bad influence to you. That doesn’t mean for everyone in this pile that you should cut them out and go no contact. In fact, if you pay attention to the two figures commiserating together beneath the church window, it appears as if they could matter a lot to each other.
But what I think is happening here is that their influence is causing you to have a victim mindset or materially worse circumstances. The effect of this is to make you doubt your future, perhaps even your spirituality for some of you, and generally feel just ugh.
Take some time to journal or meditate on the people in your life and how they make you feel. Does anyone sometimes say hurtful things or make you believe or act in ways that hurt you?
The universe wants you to find a way to avoid the conversations that cause this feeling. Relationships are meant to be constructive and loving. However, the modern world can be cynical and critical instead of supportive.
Some people lose sight of what loving support is unless that behavior is checked. You’re falling victim to that right now.
Your Mind Is Powerful
Your next card, King of Swords, is about you commanding your mind again. The person who’s a bad influence on you is warping your mind. While your individual circumstances may be difficult to change overnight, having the wrong mental framework can do unnecessary damage.
When I was studying to be a teacher, we were taught the importance of an internal and external locus of control. This may be something you’ve heard before too. But, essentially, students who believe that the world is out to get them – that their teacher doesn’t like them, that their school isn’t good enough, or that their parents don’t support them – will do worse in school.
It doesn’t even matter if all those things are true: if that same student also believed that they were capable, had the right to pursue their dreams, and were a lovable person they would succeed more in school.
That’s because someone who believes, internally, that they have some control over their life will lean on that support to push them to success despite what circumstances they have.
The universe is telling you, right now, that despite all the difficulties you may be facing in life, there’s something you do have that’s sufficient to help you succeed. Lean on that.
Loving Yourself Is Key
Even if you’re extroverted, it’s important to enjoy your own company. The final card in your spread, Nine of Pentacles, shows the importance of enjoying your life without regard to your external circumstances.
I see some people bemoaning the fact they can’t afford to have hobbies or they’re too socially awkward to make friends. Unless you’re mentally deranged, I can guarantee you that there’s someone out there for you even if you are weird. And hobbies? There are plenty of free things to do too.
This is an example of someone falling to an external locus of control and choosing to negate their own personal qualities or undervaluing free resources in favor of something shiny far away from them. They hate themselves so much that they rely on the outside world to affirm their sense of self and ability to experience joy.
Ask yourself what is one thing you like to do when you’re by yourself. Do that more. If you don’t have this, it’s time to start researching hobbies until you find something that makes you feel joyous when you’re doing it independently.
Independent Activities Can Have External Influences
By the way: for the introverts reading this thinking they already spend enough time by themselves… what this pile is actually saying is that you’re doing too many independent activities that don’t uplift you. You’re choosing to do what you feel you must.
Just because something is independently done doesn’t mean it wasn’t influenced by the external world. You need to find personal joy, not an achievement to master for greater recognition.
The number of books someone reads per year is a good example of this. I see a lot of introverts trying to reach a book reading milestone each year so they can share it on social media to show how smart they are. They might also read books they feel they need to in order to look smart instead of what they would enjoy reading.
That’s an externally-influenced independent activity. Avoid doing that.
Because the universe wants you to know you’re a lovely person. You should spend more time with yourself to really understand that at a deep level.
Once you do, I bet how you interact with others or the world will be more positive too. And I bet that person who’s negatively influencing you will have less power over your thinking as well.
And that’s because you’ll have self-contained happiness that can be altered by someone else.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Snake

Jump Right In
Goals are amazing and you should have them. But they also tend to be idealistic. There’s a saying that no plan survives contact with reality and that’s an important lesson for you to learn if you don’t already know it.
Plans are guidelines and soft commitments. They need to be flexible and reactive. They’re living documents, not dead ones.
The first card in your spread today is the Ten of Pentacles, Reversed. This is about not thinking long-term. There’s something you’re planning or would like to create a plan for but you lack enough experience to formulate the right framework.
Now that doesn’t mean you can’t plan, but you need to dive into some aspect that’s related to your goal first so you know what you’re getting into.
For example, someone who wants to leave their corporate job and start a restaurant should probably work part-time in a restaurant first. This would let them know what the work experience is like and they could perhaps shadow a restaurant owner to see what they have to deal with on a daily basis.
Often we make plans without full knowledge of the world we’re stepping into. That can lead to nasty surprises because of the assumptions we make that don’t pan out to reality.
So go ahead and brainstorm possible ways to dive into something you’re planning on. You’ll learn a lot in the doing that you wouldn’t be able to contextualize correctly if you planned it ahead of it.
This diving in doesn’t have to be full immersion either. Just enough to get your toes wet.
Don’t Live In the Clouds
The Knight of Cups, Reversed is a sign that you’re romanticizing whatever it is you’re planning. A lot of your opinions on it are based on the idealistic versions people talk about.
A really good example of this would be that of a celebrity. It can be a lot of fun to have fans, be involved in the entertainment industry, and go to high-profile events.
But almost every celebrity has come out and said there are parts of their jobs which are very stressful and even scary like never being a private person, being stalked, or feeling coerced by powerful people in the industry to do things they don’t want to do. Even if they want to quit, some celebrities have so high a profile they’ll never get their normal lives back.
That’s part of the reason why diving into whatever you’re planning is so important. It’ll shatter that ideal and make it more real to you.
Some may find that reality isn’t sweet and decide to do something else. Others will encounter reality and decide that the sacrifices are still worth it.
So knowing the dirt about this possible world doesn’t always mean you’ll turn your back on it. You might even be more motivated after the encounter. And if you don’t like it – your regret leaving it behind won’t be as bittersweet.
It’s a win-win situation for you.
Going forward, you’ll be able to handle the friction and frustrations of what you’re aiming for a lot better.
The Importance of Getting Started
The Page of Swords is about doing things you aren’t 100% ready for. The soldier here doesn’t have their armor, but they’re going into battle – and the man is determined to win. And he probably will!
It seems like the universe is telling you that you aren’t ready to be an expert in what you’re planning for right now, but that you shouldn’t wait to act.
I can’t tell you how often I’ve seen people say they can’t do something they want to do until they study more about it. However, there’s always something more to learn and you eventually have to start applying what you learn to ever make any progress.
The universe wants you to know that it’s okay to learn along the way and that doing is part of the learning process. You don’t need permission to begin.
Even medical students start doing minor procedures and diagnostics under supervision with the doctor. Many of them volunteer to help patients with basic care tasks in clinical facilities while still teenagers. They don’t wait twenty years until they know everything. As soon as possible, we send those students into the field to get real-world experience.
You don’t need to be an expert to be worthwhile in what you do.
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